
Dark If Hell

Kickplay and a player of an online RPG Kickplay online game that being the best player in the game he will get as much power points as he could to be the most powerful player in the game or rather a legend.

Huguel · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Chapter 1

While we watched the movie, Kenma sat next to me and Kuroo on the couch, while my parents sat on the two chairs on the opposite side of the television. As soon as the credits rolled, Kenma stood up, saying "guys, I'm going to take a quick bath, see you all later!" Kenma then quickly rushed out of the living room, leaving his siblings behind. Once Kenma was gone, Kuroo looked at me with a mischievous grin before kissing me on the cheek, causing me to blush and turn away from him.

My mother then spoke up, "I think we should get some sleep soon, we're all tired from our busy day today" said my mother, looking at all of us in turn. I agreed wholeheartedly with her, and my father nodded as well. My mother then got up and kissed me on the forehead, before walking towards the stairs, "let's go to bed everyone" she called out.

Once we were all back in our rooms, I changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, my mother then crawled into hers as well.