
Dark If Hell

Kickplay and a player of an online RPG Kickplay online game that being the best player in the game he will get as much power points as he could to be the most powerful player in the game or rather a legend.

Huguel · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Tetsurou didn't mind that much, but he didn't want people to be worried either, they seemed quite worried about his grades, he didn't need them to be upset about it. "What do you think about?" asked Kuroo beside him, snapping him out of his thoughts and making him jump a little. "Huh? Oh nothing" replied Tetsurou shrugging his shoulders.

He looked at Kenma who had finished talking with Bokuto and Akaashi and was now walking towards him. He smiled at his boyfriend before hugging and kissing him passionately. Kuroo blushed deeply before whispering, "you're so cute", which made Kenma laugh in response, but soon stopped when he felt Kuroo's lips on his.

Kuroo pulled back to look at Kenma who was staring at him, "I missed you baby" he whispered. "Me too" replied Kenma before leaning down to kiss him once more. Kuroo wrapped his arms around Kenma's waist pulling his boyfriend closer. After a moment or so, Tetsurou pulled away, "okay, we gotta go, see you tomorrow, bye!" Tetsurou shouted goodbye to his friends. Once Kuroo and Kenma were outside, he wrapped his arms around Kenma's waist and started walking to his car with Kenma leaning his body against the taller man's warm chest, Kuroo opened the door on the side passenger to Kenma and got in himself. "Where first? Shouldn't we start by going over to your place to pick up a few things?" asked Kenma, breaking the silence.

"Yes, of course, we don't have classes until tomorrow morning anyway, so I guess we can take our time at my house" replied Tetsurou before starting the car. They rode in comfortable silence again before reaching Kenma's house. They entered and Kuroo followed Kenma to his room where his boyfriend handed him some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change. After a quick shower and drying off, Kuroo walked into his boyfriend's room wearing black skinny jeans and a light purple sweatshirt. Kenma lay on his bed reading something quietly and didn't even bother to look at Kuroo, "so where did you get the sweatshirt, it's new" asked Kuroo curiously. "Hmm?" asked Kenma distractedly. "The sweatshirt, I thought you bought it at some store for yourself, since it's new" replied Kuroo, looking at the smaller one. "Ah yes, I bought it a few weeks ago" said Kenma absently flipping through a book that was on the bedside table.

"You don't like the color?" asked Kuroo. "Yes, of course it is, it's a very vivid color, but I prefer your blue and silver," replied Kenma, turning his gaze to the ceiling and closing the book. "I told you before, I think it's my favorite color, I like blue because it gives you a calm feeling, and silver because you like shiny things and I like shiny things, plus I don't mind red, I can stand it easily the color red, although it enhances your eyes," added Kuroo. Kenma sat on the bed looking at his boyfriend with an expression of mild disbelief. He knew that Kuroo liked to joke about certain things, but never in a serious way before, especially not after the incident with his mother, so hearing that coming from Kuroo's mouth actually surprised him a bit, but the fact that Kuroo thought of him in those ways, it made Kenma blush slightly and smile slightly. After a few seconds of looking at his boyfriend, Kenma spoke hesitantly, "um... well, my mother gave it to me..." he mumbled shyly, "oh... she gave it huh... well, anyway , I'm glad you like it, it looks good on you" smiled Kuroo as he placed a light kiss on Kenma's forehead.

"Thank you" replied Kenma blushing slightly. "Now let's get ready for dinner, we need to tell them about our plans" announced Tetsurou smiling widely. "Alright then, let me change first" replied Kenma. As he got out of bed, he grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom to put them in the dresser drawer and change into more comfortable clothes.

When Kenma left the room, Kuroo was waiting for him at his desk, holding the outfit Kenma chose for him. "Here you are kitten, I hope you like it" Kuroo smirked, looking proud of himself for being able to find such an outfit in such a short time. "Thank you Kuro" laughed Kenma.

They then went downstairs to help set the table, the atmosphere was very quiet and tense at the moment, and nobody quite knew what to say or do. Kenma decided to break the silence. "Um...Kuro...we...erm...want to give you your gift now" Kenma stated awkwardly as he sat down in front of a plate of spaghetti. Kuroo looked at all of his teammates before taking a seat next to Kenma.

The rest of the food was eaten quickly, except for dessert (which Kuroo insisted that no one eat until the end, but he still ended up eating it all) and all the dishes were taken to the sink before clean everything and leave it there to dry. After the dishes were clean and everyone went upstairs to watch some movies, Kenma took Kuroo to their shared heir room. Kuroo walked up to Kenma and stood behind him as he wrapped his arms around his waist. "Happy Birthday Tetsu" said Kenma softly as they started kissing.

Chapter 6

Kenma's Pov.

After Kuroo and I cleaned up, he helped me take out the trash, so the two of us had time to ourselves for about two hours until he needed to leave for practice. But before he left, I told him that I was tired from working so hard all week and that I was going to bed early because we hadn't had enough free time lately. He agreed with me and gave me an affectionate kiss saying: "it's okay kitten, if you need anything, call us, ok?" "Ok, good night Kuro" I said smiling at him and returning his sweet gesture.

I lay in bed for about five minutes before getting up, grabbing my phone and headphones before placing them on top of the pillow my head was resting on earlier.