
Chapter 172

It would be a great struggle to calm down the council members around the table. It was no longer them against Darius, but them against each other as many parties argued and pointed fingers at one another. 

Elijah's eyebrows twitched as this had been something he had deliberately avoided mentioning because he had predicted this kind of response. The various reps here had been cordial enough to follow suit, pretending not to see the issue. 

Darius wore a frown, but he was smiling deep down. As For Gunner, he gazed at the ongoings, understanding some things, yet also confused about others. 

The chaos did not subside over time, rather getting more and more heated. At one point it seemed as if several parties were about to trade blows. It wasn't until a soft cough sounded out that many parties felt their bodies weaken and their rage subside.