
cybernetic: alien reincarnation

law was originally called Lary, he died in a fire that killed only him. he never lived long enough to get a girlfriend for himself. now he was a robotic alien that can transform into vehicles and have almost never-ending supply of weapons and gadgets. he finds his new life hard, fun, and stressful as both monsters and people see him as an threat, but not an enemy. He starts off on his planet originally hit a war quickly brings his home world to it's end. Sending them to another world.

Oaks_lad · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Iode the world lifter




"Alright let's just get this checked out quickly and head back and boom we are done" starquake seemed pretty serious about finishing this up as quickly and as efficiently as physically possible.

Meanwhile, riot was enjoying himself as this was a mission that came directly from a monarch. Then there was law who was not taking this seriously rather he was taking it as another search and repair mission same thing he has done during training so it was kinda irritating to him.

"Get ready to land boys!" Riot transformed and grabbed onto a pole before doing a spin around the side of the space bride and slinging himself to the top.

The others simply flew towards the top and transformed. They both stared at riot as he stayed in a pose for a second. Before standing up slowly

"You didn't have to do all that. That shit was dumb as fuck I ain't gonna lie to you, man." law said while starquake started to nod his head very quickly.

"Oi fuck you both I look awesome as hell. I can already see the stories! Riot the one who saved the cybertronian race! Haha now that's a damn good title!" riot started blabbing on about how famous he would be. Law tuned it out but unfortunately, that was something starquake could not do and it ended in riot getting a piece of iron thrown at the back of his head.

"Ima goes down and checks the bottom." law looked at the both of them and put a thumbs up before doing a backward dive towards the bottom of the space bridge he landed and turned into a car before slowly driving around at the bottom inspecting the space bridge.




At the top of the space bridge, an explosion happened and he could see both riot and star quake fly off in opposite directions. Un transformed the blast itself sent them spiraling out into space before the two transformed and started flying in serpentine.

See what scared law now was not the explosion but the fact that they were doing evasive maneuvers. Law messed with the side of his head before a ringing was heard and a click sounded right after before he started hearing static in his ear.

"Starquake!? What's going on?!" law tried to sound as calm as possible but it wasn't helping that starquake himself sounded rather shaken as well.

"There's a big guy! big! He's A GAINT AIRPLANE JET THING. He's FIRING AGAIN_~~" the call went back to static again before it hung up. When law looked back up he saw multiple rockets being fired at them before a large plane came into view. It looked like an upgraded Boeing 747.

"Holy shit" law transformed into a jet and took off towards the plane to try and get his attention since he was the quickest out of the three he thought he could get it away easily without any damage done to him.

Law spiraled past the front of the plane before blasting some missiles at its engines that started blasting out blue flames

Small lasers poked out around the engine, the metal started to build back up from the damage, after it was fully healed the guns started to shape-shift before turning into guns that were able to grab and latch onto what it was shooting at with these ropes made of glowing purple light.

Law started to spiral and swerve through the open void of space. One of the ropes speared in front of law and formed a spider web shape. A small cannon poked out in front of law before firing at the center of the web and making an opening before he made a sharp right turn and fired the cannon once again directly on the back of the giant ship.

"Law hurry and come back you can't take on that monster alone!" a voice buzzed into his presence from nowhere. It was riot and they had made it safely back to the ship without much damage.


A sharp turn was made before law pushed his thrusters to max as white flames shot out the back of him as ropes kept being shot upwards at him from the ship. He struggled to dodge them as it felt never-ending they felt like snakes coiling around him slowly smothering him.

The ropes started to block his vision but he broke through and jetted away from the giant plane before making a break for the ship.

As he got closer he saw two figures at the top of the ship waving at him, instead of heading for the hanger he made his way towards them instead. Once he got close enough he transformed back into his robot form.

The metal on his body started to shift and change before his hand transformed into a hook as he did a flip and slid onto the top of the ship next to starquake and riot.

"I thought you were a goner mate" riot patted law on the back as starquake watched in horror as the giant plane flew through the shield that stops manual ships.

"That's impossible...unless." all three of them were shocked as they looked at the hulking plane fly towards their direction. Especially the area where they were standing.

"Oi, you don't think that big plane is an actual cybertronian? They don't make them that big right..." riot took a couple of steps back before the other two followed.

To their horror, the giant plane started to contort and shapeshift slowly as it flew towards their location. The sound of the gears grinding together as parts locked in place before a giant head popped out at the top of the torso and the eyes flickered on before it looked at them with a disgusting smirk.

"Ah shit." as the words were uttered it crashed into the top of the ship and a loud explosion was heard as one of the thrusters on the ship went out.

"It fucking crashed into the ship?! Did it fucking die? Kill itself?!" law was hoping for nothing more to happen he just wanted to get to the space bridge and get everyone safely out of there.

"Mhmmhm haha haha!" a loud cackle came from within the smoke that was slowly clearing up before the giant bot climbed slowly out of the explosion. It had caved in the part of the ship it crashed into the hanger was completely gone so the thought of help was quickly put towards the back of law's mind.

He stood tall and towered over all three of them looking down at them with his red eyes and his devilish smile that went from horn to horn.

On the sides of the bot's head, there were black horns but its body was silver in color he had a big build with a cannon on its back. The cybertronian had these large sharp claws for hands and his feet were no different on the back of where his calves were there were thrusters.

"Boys I think we are shit out of luck." through the ten years law learned a lot but still has a lot more to learn about the world he has come to know. But one person he did learn about in every way shape and form was the bot standing in front of him now.

This cybertronian was known as "Iode the one who can lift worlds" in every story or depiction of him jes a dangerous fow that is heavily described as invincible and they stress in every document of him to try to not make his presence known, as he is well versed in weaponry and tracking down his enemies adding on his love and his extensive knowledge of how to rip apart his enemies this is one cybertronian law wasn't looking forward to bumping into.

"Hey, you. The one in black." Iode head slowly turned towards law as the smile spread farther up his face. Law shuttered at the sight.

"Your skills won't save you here so give up... Roll... Over... And... Die-" right after he got the last word out law slammed on the ground and transformed into his small square tank and blasted a beam into his head.

"FUCK YEAH HOW YOU LIKE THAT!" riot yelled out while swinging his arm around in a flexing the arm in front of him while shaking it signaling Tryumph

The smoke cleared and the bot smile was gone. There was a slight wound on its face but it quickly healed up in front of its very eyes. It looked down at them in disappointment.

"How rude"