
cybernetic: alien reincarnation

law was originally called Lary, he died in a fire that killed only him. he never lived long enough to get a girlfriend for himself. now he was a robotic alien that can transform into vehicles and have almost never-ending supply of weapons and gadgets. he finds his new life hard, fun, and stressful as both monsters and people see him as an threat, but not an enemy. He starts off on his planet originally hit a war quickly brings his home world to it's end. Sending them to another world.

Oaks_lad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The fall of Axel



An iron door vibrated before reaching open, the sound made law physically try to cover his audio intakers.

"Oi try and fix yourself before we meet the monarch you bucket of bolts" riot smacked law in the back of the head sending him stumbling forward towards a door that quickly slid open revealing a giant figure in the doorway. The figure looked sturdy and was rather slim but far taller than other cybertronians law has seen before.

"Ah, Sir! We didn't expect you to be here!" starquake blurted out as he stood straight and fixed his posture. Riot had already gotten into position once he saw the figure in the doorway.

"Throw out the formalities for now. In this dier need the last thing I need is for you to try and have manners." the hulking bot said as he moved his hand up and down slightly signaling them to calm down a bit.

The monarch looked down at law and picked him up off the ground and placed him back on his feet.

"Are you the drifter I've heard so much about? " the bot said as he looked down at the short but sleek cybertronian in front of him.

"Ah why uh yeah yeah most likely, since I'm the only one!" law vision went blurry a bit as he looked

Up at the figure. He slapped his head to fix his vision.

What law saw was a giant green and black robot that was standing over the three of them. He had a face plate on his mouth and four wheels on his back. He had two guns on his wrist and a scope on his right eye.

"Holy shit!-" law was grabbed by riot and quickly pulled back into the next hallway and down towards the armory.

"Oi you fucking jackass. Don't say anything you want around him!" riot kept slapping the top of laws head and with each hit a loud scratching and clanging could be heard from the impacts.

"OK OK FINE! STOP THAT SHIT HURTS!" law grabbed the hand that was hitting him and propelled himself away from riot and turned towards him. Riot was tapping his arm anxiously as he glared over at law.

"What it is not my fault! Well kinda. But I didn't know at the same time! You should have informed me and this would have turned out better!" law shook his finger at riot before riot made a loud clicking sound with his vocal processors as he squinted his eyes as law.

"Did you just click at me you little shit!" law bawled his fist up as he looked at riot that was staring back at him angrily.

"And what if I did? Are you gonna do something about it... Short stuff." riot said as he let a devilish smile creep across his face as he looked down slightly at law.

"THATS ILL RIP YOU APART!" law started marching towards riot making his steps very noticeable each step made a loud thud followed by clicking.



"Ok, we got a mission from the Monnarch-" starquake was stopped dead in his tracks by the sight of the two bots looking very angrily at each other before their expressions changed as they heard the words 'mission' and 'monarch' both of them turned towards starquake waiting to hear the rest.

"So basically there's no going back to Axel. This is truly the end of our planet as the monarch has told me. But we do have one great mission to save our race and for the great or good." starquake was rather serious about everything that came out from his voicebox.

"Our mission is to activate that space bridge. Our scanners said that the enemies had gotten a large ship to work and they're heading for us now." after hearing this it kinda spooked law but it didn't faze riot at all. He looked as if he trained his whole life for this moment. He had the expression of someone willing to give up everything they have for this exact moment.

"If everything goes according to plan we will have zero trouble though since our enemies currently can't catch up to us. But the bad news is, we only got one shot at this." at this point the only person who didn't look like they had straightened themselves out was law he had the look of a confused toddler in his eyes.

"Alright Finally! A real mission!" law slammed his fist into his palm and gave off a little chuckle as he did. It was something he always wanted to do since it made him feel a little bit cooler.

Riot made another clicking noise as he turned and the group started to march down to a door on the left.

"Do y'all even know where we are going?" law tapped on the shoulder of riot as they were walking. Instinctively riot turned towards law as they were walking.

"Well of course you dumbass did you not download the ship map as we were in the shuttle coming here?" riot raised his eyebrow at him before turning around.

"There was a map on that thing? Hmp I did not know that." starquake sighed before hearing a loud clank as riot facepalmed.

They moved to the giant open hanger that had a field around it so nothing would float away into outer space.

"You boys ready this mission is gonna be one hell of a ride so let us not mess it up!" law said as you could almost see the happiness on his face even though he didn't have one.

"Yeah tell that to yourself, mate. If anyone is messing up this mission it's you." riot said as he transformed into a jet onto the ground and positioned himself for fly off.

"He does have a point law. Let's try and play this one out smart why don't we." starquake said as he started to shift into his jet form as well. He turned himself towards the hanger opening and positioned himself for flying.

Law slowly and sluggishly transformed as the other two ruined his mood for the mission. He turned his body towards the opening before the shields to the hangar went out letting them all float there.

"Fine ill do my best I guess."