
cybernetic: alien reincarnation

law was originally called Lary, he died in a fire that killed only him. he never lived long enough to get a girlfriend for himself. now he was a robotic alien that can transform into vehicles and have almost never-ending supply of weapons and gadgets. he finds his new life hard, fun, and stressful as both monsters and people see him as an threat, but not an enemy. He starts off on his planet originally hit a war quickly brings his home world to it's end. Sending them to another world.

Oaks_lad · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Battle above the ship.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR JUST LET HIM HAVE IT!" law blurted out before turning his hand into a gun once more and pointing it at iode. He blasted solid plasma bullets at the giant figure on contact that pierced and burned the metal around it. Iode lifted his arm to start blocking the shots before three cannons appeared on his arm and pointed at law.

They all blasted at the same time and an explosion ruptured at their feet sending them flying in different directions. Riot landed back on the ship before sliding a little bit and grabbing onto a rod that was stuck onto the ship. Riot pulled out his plasma blaster and fired it at iods elbow. When it hit a chunk of metal flew off and iode quickly turned around and kicked at the ground sending multiple pieces of debris jetting toward riot.

A panel hit riot in the face before a rod went through his arm and sent him spiraling out into space before he hit a giant rock that stopped him from moving out any further.

Iode pointed his arm towards riot before his arm started to turn into a giant cannon before a small object barreled down his arm cannon.



"GOT HIM!" iode whole forearm exploded and he couldn't use it but it was rapidly repairing itself. It was slow still but the fact that it was regenerating from being exploded is something that would shock even the dead itself.

Iode hulking figure turned towards law, his eyes scrunched up as he was getting irritated with the confusing attacks. He wanted to shred them quickly but it wasn't going as planned.





With a loud metal screeching sound a large rod was pierced and pushed through the shoulder of iode. Starquake was using his thrusters to push himself against the rod and eventually, the rod was lodged into the shoulder of iode and it also made it where his left arm locked up. The healing slowed as his arm went completely stiff.

The giant not did a spin and swatted starquake into the roof of the ship, the roof caved in as everything shook around them. Law jumped toward iode while pointing his blaster at him before he saw iode beginning to swat at him as well but an explosion happened on the side of his hand sending iode tumbling to the ground from the force he was swinging at.

Riot was able to gather his thoughts back together before sending a grenade at the working arm of iode that he was using. Iode's arm was badly damaged but it was still working and his other arm was almost completely repaired, Only missing a few fingers and some of the palm of his hand he was almost back at peak condition.



Law heard The horrible sound of the metal screaming as iode pulled the rod out of his shoulder that was left by skyquake before a big rock hit the back of iode's head. His fist clenched as he looked behind him to see that riot was jumping from asteroid to asteroid sending him down towards iode as he blasted him with his gun with every chance he gets.

'if we keep this up we might be able to actually at least get him to go away!' law thought within his head before jumping at iode's leg and grabbing onto it before heating it with his gun guy rapidly blasting it at point-blank range. He kicked him off of his leg.




Law was sent into an opening at the top of the ship with a loud booming sound before it caves in on top of law. Starquake was slowly claiming out of the hole with a twisted arm and an eye that was hanging out of his head.

Starquake was kicked upwards before getting punched in the side and was sent spiraling into an asteroid. Riot caught starquake before something hard slammed into both of them. Iode sent himself rocketing towards the two before shoulder-checking them through an asteroid and into the top roof of the ship that let off sparks as it dented in slightly.

"Ah fuck me mate! IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE TO KILL THIS BASTARD!" riot pushed himself up onto his knee as he looked at the hulking figure of this bot.




A beam of green and black light came from the ruble where law was sent into. The rubble was melting in that area, and all the metal that was melting went from an orange color before the beam got brighter and more intense when the beam bulked up more the metal started to melt with a green color.

The roof under them cracked and within the cracks was a green color. Iode looked at the center of the beam as if something was coming out of the rubble.

A big devilish smirk went across iode's face as he has heard stories himself of such great powers. He had only dreamed of fighting them for so long but never got the chance until this very moment.

From the rubble came forth a green and black bot that was relatively tall but not as tall as iode but that didn't mean he was nothing to look down on. And in the arms of this robot was laws body.

Law's arm swung lifelessly beside him as he dangled in the arms of this bot. It looked at iode with anger as the scope in its eye shrunk and locked onto iode angrily.

"A monarch a real monarch. In... The.... Metal. Well it is a real honor to meet you may I say but I think this is the end don't you think!" the smile on iode's face got gradually larger till it looked like it was almost wrapped all around his head, it was horrifying.

"What have you done. You are truly a force of pure evil iode." the cybertronian calmly shook his head as he put the body of law down to the side. Iode got into a fighting position as one of his hands turned into a giant flaming blade and the other turned into a cannon.

"Iode I grant thee... DEPART FROM THIS WORLD!" the hot flicked its finger io and then directly back to the ground before the hulking figure of iode was sent shivering down to his knees.

He tried to move before falling over and getting stuck to the ground it felt as if someone had dropped a whole universe on top of his body.

"What is this?!!" iodes body started to crinkle and crush.