
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


"Okay so let me get this straight, I just got effing SAO'd?!"

The small dragon would be pacing back and forth, when a light breeze would blow through and wrap around Lunaria

[Breeze has used the skill Soothing Winds!]

Breeze, the maine coon, would rub against him in a comforting way

Your familiar Breeze expresses concern about you

Your familiar Ash expresses concern and worry

Your familiar Rumble expresses rage

Ash would be walking in circles, head down while Rumble would be stomping the ground angrily and cutely

"Okay okay, everyone calm down. At the very least, we wont die or dehydrate. The gaming pods fill with this Istra-somethin somethin liquid. It'll provide us with nutrients from food as well as water for drinking. Luckily I ordered the 'Express Ultra Grinding' pods, otherwise...but lets not worry about that! Actually....I just had a thought...."

Your familiars express interest

"I know we just spent days maybe a few weeks slaughtering slimes, so it's proof other than this situation, nothing has gone wrong with our bodies. Remember, they were easy to kill, but hard to find! Not to mention, this game is real time! Meaning, this is our reality now. Now, can anyone tell me why this is better?"

Your familiars express confusion and intrigue

"Because the real world was boring. Like, dust bunnies and tumbleweeds boring. Everything is so advanced everything's already been found, already been invented, nothings even original or even interesting"

"Ever since our governing forces stopped competing on whom had a bigger dong and stopped trying to control their population, everything was remedied immediately. There was nothing to do except watch television and play the same games together"

They express agreement, but confusion

"This is a new world. I was trying something while you guys were off murdering slimes for me. System! Open Status!"


Your familiars express fear

"Look, we can't go back. But I have a feeling this isn't a game anymore. It would be better to say that we're IN the game now! Its why I can't pull up our status screens anymore! This IS our world now! "

Your familiars start panicking!


Each of the 3 cats turn a deep shade of red and start running around. Ash would be streaking across the forest nearby, leaving a trail of fire where she ran and starting a forest fire, Rumble would be running with all her strength, breaking the ground under each of her steps, bounding across and jumping in-between trees and snapping them in half, and Breeze would be hiding her head under her paws as winds would start to swirl around her

That is when Lunaria would inhale, then shout:


The cats would stop what they were doing and line up, sitting side by side as Luna would walk up to each one and give them pets and scritchies

[You have successfully calmed and controlled your Berserk familiars!]

[You have been awarded the Command skill! As wells as Insight!]

[Command allows one to control their subordinates. Higher affection and affinity increases the effectiveness of the skill]

[Insight allows you to gaze upon the strength and status of anything you wish]

"Oof, welp, lets get out of here. I don't wish to be discovered yet; its said dragons are a rare creature, and young dragons are hunted down to be made into a multitude of things, and I don't wish to become someone's coat and superior mana potion. Lets bounce"

All four would leave the forest, allowing it to burn. In the middle of the forest, a very loud bell would start ringing

"All hands! There's a forest fire! Mana based! Find the quadrant and snuff the flames! This is not a drill!"

A group of young men in green and brown clothes would start running around. And if one looked closely, one could see that each one was exceedingly handsome and had pointy ears. These, were elves. Elves live in all forests, and use the trees as their homes as they protect the sanctity of the forests they reside. However, despite their seemingly hermit lifestyle, they can still easily contact each other from different forests, so all the Human-Elf Wars ended in a tie as humans could not invade their forests to the heart, in which elven cities reside

The young elf rangers would be traveling along the forest, searching for the fire as they dash across the treetops and overlooking the forest. After an hour of searching, they finally found the fire, and the clearing of destroyed trees and terrain

"Jesus, what kind of monster would do this much damage?"

The young elven warriors would be studying the damage and putting out the fire when a giant body builder level muscular elf stepped out into the clearing

"Not A monster, monsters. there were multiple here, and it seems that its either a new species, or an old terror has returned"

"What kind of terror captain?"

"A monster born of pure mana, known to be the best mages in history, as well as the most profitable if you can barely manage to fell one"

The elves whisper and have surprised and excited looks on their faces

"You mean?"

"Yes. Dragons. Although, for this kind of damage to be possible, they must have just been born recently, otherwise there would be no traces of them at all. Find them! Dragons are an ancient species, and if these ones weren't born, they'd be extinct. As the preserver of all species we must find these dragons before the humans do, and their iron contraptions. With any luck, these dragons aren't Fae based, lest they fall to the iron nets like the rest of their species"

The young rangers speed off, this mission of upmost importance

"We must find these younglings at all costs"

I present to you elves! I'm sorry if it seems my story or the characters are moving too fast at times. Im trying to slow myself down so theres and actual story XD

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts