

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
134 Chs

Twisted Tales (3)

"My name matters not for anyone for I am long forgotten in every world once I leave but if you want to truly have a name for me call me The Twisted Traveler." It's simple and describes what I do perfectly I twist myself into a realm I really should not belong. I also try to change these realms for the better as if my actions truly matter here unlike my home where I have lost everything I have known. My brother and sister were torn apart by monsters during the apocalyptic event that happened. 


 [Warning This World Will Ascend if mana density increases Causing The Apocalypse]


"Twisted One I thank you for teaching me but why is information from this world valuable wouldn't it not be able to be used elsewhere since it is intrinsic to the laws of this world? Wait you have no mana how can that be you just injected mana into me?"


I begin to laugh as I say "Whoever said you needed mana to manipulate mana it just takes a lot of training to be able to do so and it is much weaker to cast spells also who said my abilities are based on mana it is actually quite a new subject for me. I wish to learn everything of every world so that I may become knowledgeable it is also the reason I travel the many realms."


He slowly showed me how to use the alchemy of life it brought out the soul bringing it to life and for his avid teaching and granting me an audience I said "Do be aware the more mana you make the more likely an Apocalypse happens please be safe friend I don't want you to die especially not being the genius you are at teaching."


I vanished teleporting home finally with no hope in my heart as I looked around and remembered the true reason I almost never come home. My home was long destroyed my fallacy was the only thing keeping it alive I was the last living being who had survived the apocalypse us humans decided to destroy all hope of this world being colonized again. I touched the mask that had automatically appeared on my face.


The mask was attached to an atmospheric tank on my back which contained 5 atmospheres which would allow me to breathe for eons. This worlds air was so deadly any exposure results in instant death to said creature. the tight isolated suit I had on was connected to my mask allowing me to survive this place. I began to wander the perfectly preserved streets remembering the day of The giant Fuck You made by all scientists from every nation gathering in one place to fuck over our world to annihilate the species that came from the portals funnily enough our measure destroyed their world too.


I always wondered why they invaded our world when theirs was perfectly fine until they came across ours, I slowly walked towards the last shelter with no hope in my eyes because it was full of corpses before I removed them. They had all died from starvation 5 years ago I was no longer young, and the weight of the world had finally caught up to me I still wonder why I was chosen to be able to leave this world. Was it because I was the one who pulled the trigger to kill everything?


I still wonder if we truly had no choice was there another option maybe the ambassadors, we sent could have done something with more time maybe we could have made it sedate everyone maybe we could have prepared longer so better ships were sent to new worlds. I was one of the people who decided to stick around and die I still radio in, but it takes years for them to get back to me.


I boot up the computer thanks to having learned how to do everything while in other worlds because it's a 1-to-100-time difference and I'm only here 1 minute a day. Strangely when im in any world other than earth it's the same for worlds I am not in time goes more slowly but for earth time rushes by. (Basically wherever he is 100 days will equal one anywhere else)

- Current time is 2092


[Dr. Malshikav] Hey Are you still there?


[Dr. Malshikav] Is Earth safe yet you did your experiments work on exposing plant life slowly over time to adapt it work?


[Me] The experiment has succeeded somewhat but I can't get life to survive past 50% exposure.




[Dr. Nikola] Yes I'm named after Nikola Tesla and yes Dr. Malshikav is no longer with us I am sorry for your loss.


[Dr. Nikola] Has the Test worked?


[Me] Its frustrating its like the adaptation cannot go beyond 50% but I have made progress on making a natural purifier that thrives off devouring 1% of its enclosures toxicity.


[Me] It kills itself if it gets below 20% toxicity sadly but I can begin slowly purifying the Environment.




[Me] FUCK FUCK FUCK The Device is still creating toxicity the environment is slowly getting worse even with the 200 bases I set up to slowly purify it I guess I have to go on an expedition Nikola


[Nikola]Be safe you are our last hope for a world that we can eventually return to.




[Nikola] We have found a new planet that can sustain us it has a slightly higher oxygen content than we are used to but we can live here.


[Nikola] Dr. Trastrino Are you still alive down there?




[Nikola] Im guessing your dead I'm sorry that you struggled through such a horrible thing yet kept going trying to save a world doomed for so long and you almost succeeded I hope god grants you a home. What the Hell no one believes in god anymore I just wish your death was peaceful we shall always remember you.


Another year has passed since last time now it's been sixty years since we set off the device. We didn't even name the device. Its funny how much the government revealed the tech they had hidden from us was so advanced when they invaded. There are so many conversation like this one on the computer screen from the twenty different ships sent out only 5 respond anymore I am glad Nikolas group survived though Humanity still lives.


I guess I should check on the Toxicity removers after all I got rid of the bomb 3 years ago.