

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

The Thousand eyed one

I awoke to the sound of crying and my thousands of eyes began to scan all directions in a 360-degree angle. I could see all the stones broken and destroyed my ancient home had been defiled by dust and decay even the stones were nearly destroyed all that was left behind was dirt the wood had rotten filled with termites but somehow it all still stood due to my magic. The child in front of me was wearing clothes and crying I could read her lips that were begging me to help her save her family.


I turned my eyes inward to see the stat of myself. The eyes could all see one another my insides still as empty as before no hear no brain only eyes are contained within my body. I was only made of eyes but I could think and was not like beholders who are obsessed with knowledge. I only want peace and quiet so I can sleep until I die so I can dream of being able to hear words and not be constantly seeing everything I can even see past the laws of this world.


I had no laws of this world affecting me as if I was an outsider something that should not exist a being without magic yet could completely ignore the laws of this world to do magic. The only reason I stay alive is because of the one who saved me.


-3,000,000,000,000,000 years ago-

I was picked up off the ground seeing a kind face unlike all the others who saw me who looked upon me with disdain and fear as if I was a monster. I could not understand what his mouth movements meant but he brushed the dust and dirt of my closed eyes, so I closed all my eyes trusting him. I opened my eyes again only to feel and see water rushing over them clearing out the dust slowly so I kept them open as the dust being moved felt satisfying as if I was being cleaned.


I realized that the water had flowed out his palm rushing over me and he pointed to the ones who had covered me in dust and dirt as if asking me to cure them from what I had afflicted upon them. I looked upon their flesh with satisfaction they were covered in eyes and all facial features and hair had been removed their face now contained only eyes so I recalled the eyes I had implanted in their soul face.


The eyes rejoined with me but their flesh was scared, and I looked upon them hoping they would die but he raised his hand curing them. He carefully moved his hand guided me up with his hand holding me gently he smiled at me saying something he took me to a small church with a statue that radiated divine energy which just flowed past and around me as if I didn't exist.


I than heard the first thing I would ever hear from the statue "Yes my follower I cannot feel anything within the space of your hand it is as if nothing exists it should be an anomaly or something that doesn't belong within this world. I would grant it mercy and a place in my kingdom but I cannot see it or touch it."


I trembled in joy feeling and hearing something new, so I began to ignore the laws of gravity here and floated I than ignored the law of sound and spoke my own language I ignored the law of understanding forcing them to be able to hear my meaning "I pain only pain little pleasure I feel. Hear I don't only see I can please give me hearing I only wish to feel new things help please."


I could not hear their response because I fell asleep once again gathering the energy or force I needed simply to survive my body turned harder than any material within the world the mana or magic power was forced away from me. The laws around me began to twist and turn as if in pain. I would only awake 100 years later when he had died a good friend who gave me my first feeling of satisfaction.