
discovery, future plans and the tyrant

I was 4 years old when i got my first phone, it was a gift from my father when i won a spelling bee against kids that where 6 years older than me. It was also at that time that he labeled me a so called 'genius'. Naturally i knew that wasn't true but it was just too good an opportunity to let go of, with this i didn't have to pretend to be a 4 year old kid as i had been doing. Instead of going to a close by school, my new father had me home schooled at a higher level of learning.

when I got my phone, the first thing i did was to see if any anime from my old world had come across with me to this world and to my surprise they had. After a dreadful 4 years of boredom and being starved of any good entertainment, i spent all of my free time away from any mandatory schooling, enforced sport or athletic activity that my father set up for me on anime, manga and light novels. It took a whole year before I tried searching for classroom of the elite, however I couldn't find it.

I tried everything from searching the protagonists name (which just came up with some Japanese political figure) to the name of the school, and that is when i found it. Not the anime, no. What I found was something much better. I found out that the school really exists.

After this discovery i begged my father to let me study in japan, I had to if I wanted any chance of getting recommended for the school. I know there was this one character from England called Albert who got into the school but i have no clue how he got in as it was never shown to my knowledge.

The only problem was trying to convince my father, Andrew Hall, into letting me go to Japan.

"Father, please, please, please can we go to Japan this march?" I begged him with puppy dog eyes, of course i didn't just outright ask him to study there. He would just deny it and any idea of it. "if it's my idea, it's a useless idea" is what he likes to say, sociopath.

My father already had it planed that we would go to Finland in march and as much as the idea of snow boarding thrilled me, this was much more important.

He looked at me in confusion, his eyebrows sort of scrunched up and a downward tilt to his lips, "why on earth would you want to go to Japan, I thought you where excited to go to Finland?"

What I said next confused him even more as it was nothing like me to say, "but i really want to see the cherry blossoms bloom! they look so pretty!"

// Andrew Hall's POV //

Where did this sudden interest come from? My daughter is, to put it bluntly, a thrill seeker. She has never been interested in anything 'girly', she is also only 5 years old but she is very mature compared to other children her age. Anyone would find it easy to hold an intelligent, adult conversation with her. Which is why i'm a bit confused why she would want to go to japan just to see cherry blossoms bloom.

"Hmm, I will think about it if you improve your learning speed. It is obvious that you have been lacking for the last few months." of course if I can use this as an opportunity to improve my daughter's learning than i will use going to Japan as motivation.

I refuse to have a stupid daughter to ruin my public image.

// Lucy Hall's POV //

I, Lucy Hall have been studying like there is no tomorrow for the last 2 months. Not only have i been studying all my current subjects but I have also been improving my half decent Japanese as well. Having a photographic memory makes it all the more easier to learn difficult languages such as Japanese, it took 2 months but it was worth it. More than worth it in fact, this is the beginning of my time in classroom of the elite after all.

I have already decided that I will interfere with the story so I will do anything to make it happen.

// time skip: 2 years //

I have been in japan for 2 years now. I have a group of 4 maids that take care of me and are paid extra to comply with my every command, trust me when i say these maids have become richer than the average Japanese man.

I showed my father the Japanese government funded 'Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School' and he already begun making calls 11 years early... he's very enthusiastic when it comes to my education it seems. I can use this to get things out of my father.

When he found out the requirements of joining the school he almost demanded i begin schooling in japan, to be honest it's amazing the things that rich people can find out, for example gaining the knowledge that the interviews are just a sham when joining this school and the fact that a recommendation is needed.

It seems that he already knows more than me about this school... just kidding, with my impeccable memory from a 3rd point of view into this fictitious story i know everything.

I have been in middle/primary school for 1 year and 6 months now and this time i did things right. I stand at 4 ft with mousy brown, shoulder length hair with blonde highlights (that my Father would kill me for if he ever found out) and chocolate brown eyes that fade into a golden color. the pigment genes for eyes in this world really are bizarre.

I have been given the equivalent of 200 GBP every week (which is conditional based on my grades at school... ugh) as allowance form my father, and have used it to gain popularity in school. No I have not been paying people to be my friends, that won't work on children this young. Children prefer items or sugary snacks compared to money... idiots, the lot of them.

What I have done is created a sort of hierarchy in the school, on the first day I bought a bunch of expensive cookies and gifted them equally to every kid in my year group, naturally that earned me points from every one straight off the bat. I do this every day for every one, however if someone does something i disapprove of, I give someone that does something I do approve of an extra cookie.

When someone feels left out of something that every one else has or are doing, they begin to feel inferior to those others. They will also be ostracized for being different from everyone else, Because of this they will try to change their behavior to avoid that fate. That was my foundation, manipulating the children around me with a positive and negative stimulus has given me popularity and others an unconscious need to impress me. I now have superiority over these children that see me as an authoritative figure.

As time went on the requirements to impress me have risen and the requirements to 'annoy' me have lowered, of course so have the rewards and punishments. As every one grew up around me, their wants have changed meaning that cookies aren't desired anymore. I do try to keep up with what people want but ultimately let them choose themselves. Of course with my position there are those who are dissatisfied with their lower standing and try to start an uprising of sorts and that's what my 'friend group' are for.

My 'friend group' is comprised of the 'popular kids' so to say. The most influential girls who are friends with anyone and everyone, the bigger boys who stronger than all the others and Miyu Abe. Miyu is one of my maids daughter's who coincidentally goes to the same school as me and has lived in my house since I officially moved here. In total my friend group contains 9 people; 5 girls and 4 boys.

Bullying is naturally banned in this school however I find it a necessity in my life, so I am the one to enforce that it happens and if that means using fake 'accusations' against a teacher with planted proof then so be it, it became an issue when a teacher threatened me with expulsion for having a boy jumped because he didn't lend me a pen when mine ran out of ink. I find it fun to be at the top, so at the top i will remain.

I am a tyrant.

is Lucy power hungry? well find out next time on dragon ball Z!

thank you for reading, any constructive critisism is appreciated


fumei_unknowncreators' thoughts