
greed and scorpion

I have been unsatisfied recently, i'm bored and have too much free time, due to my photographic memory there is no point in watching anime or reading manga. Nothing new is coming out for the next month and i have recently gained my black belt in krav maga so there is no point in training in my martial arts right now. As rich as my family is, I find myself with a lack of money and it is at this point that I realize that my father's money is not my money. And so i have to take things into my own hands by... asking my father for more money! not.

Starting a business will take too long to generate the kind of money that i need so there is only one solution to my problem, starting a gang. Am i serious? Of course I am! i'm all ways serious! sometimes...

Any way there is only one problem with my plan, no adult is going to listen to a 10 year old girl. Recently my influence has been spreading to other schools though, i can use this. Alright, it's decided! I will have to find the biggest, strongest but responsible person to be my figure head.

Right now I have roughly 120,000 Yen, that should be enough to kick start the operation.

// Miyu Abe's POV //

I was just watching the latest episode of bleach when i heard it, "MIIIIIYU!!!!!" there it is again, that dreadful word, the word that summons me to my masters side to follow through with anything she asks.

A sudden set of flash backs hit me;

// Miyu: 5 years old //

"MIIIIYU! get me a glass of milk"

"yes, miss Lucy"

"miss? i'm not 50, i'm 5. Just call me Lucy"

"yes, Lucy"

// Miyu: 6 years old //

"MIIIIYUU! get the boys"

"yes Lucy"

they where sat at their desks, as class just ended and she could have just called them her self, ugghh. I did so anyway.

"Fuji, Haruki, Kane, Nishimura. I want Hada Seigi in the boys toilets in 5 minutes!"

"what? why?"

"yhea, isn't that weird?"

"weird? How is that weird? He's about to get beaten the shit out of him!"

what the hell could he have done to get this reaction out of Lucy? It must have been serious.

"if you don't mind my asking, why are you doing this?" I just had to ask because it's such a bizzare request.

"well if you must know, it's because he didn't give me his spare pen. And guess what his excuse was... 'I don't have one, i'm so sorry'"

silence erupted and as stupid everyone knew the situation was, it was clear that Hada Seigi would give Lucy his pen next time.

// Miyu: 8 years old //


"yes Lucy?"

"here is 8,000 Yen, go and find the poorest man you can find who will let me kick them about for a while! I'm pissed off."

I thought that this action would break down Lucy's reputation so i attempted to voice out my concerns, "Lucy, I don't thi-"

"For goodness sake Miyu, don't underestimate what money can drive a person to do"

But... I wasn't concerned about what the man would do for money. Trust me when I say I know what people would do for money.

It's safe to say that Lucy had released all

of her frustrations out on some poor man who needs to provide for his family.

// Miyu: 11 years old //


"yes Lucy?"

"How is the Tokyo prefecture doing?"

"Just as you predicted, the expansion of distribution has gone perfectly. The product was stolen from them by members of the organization went well. They are currently in debt of roughly 1.5 million Yen."

"Well tell them if I don't have it by next week that it will be game over for them."

"yes, Lucy" this girl that sits in front of me playing on her PC that costs more than an average man can make in 6 months, is threatening over 50 people's lives. I know it's not an empty threat either, despite the fact that she was the one who had her own products stolen she wants that money back.

With that she has also obtained another 50 peoples loyalty, not that they had a choice.

Project scorpion is bigger than anyone thinks, in fact it reminds me of the first month of middle school when she first... no way. It's impossible right, surely she hasn't been thinking of these plans for over 5 years now. right?

// Lucy's POV //

I can't believe that it only took a year to make my organization reach half way across Japan. Good thing I thought of this when I did last year-

"ah, Lucy. There is one other matter."

well, instead of telling me that there is a matter, why don't you just tell me what that matter is? some people just love to waste their own time- "oh FOR FUCKS SAKE, HOW DID YOU DIE? THERE WAS ONLY 3 OF THEM ON YOU!"

// Miyu's POV //

It seems Lucy is dissatisfied with her current team mates, that's besides the point though. "Lucy, there is a boy harassing members of scorpion in a nearby school. He says that he runs the school"

"huh? just have 'em put him in his place then, seriously Miyu think for yourself sometimes."

but that's exactly what I told them... "Lucy, I think it would be beneficial to bring him in as a personal body guard for times I am not around yo-"



It is to my understanding that lady Lucy doesn't have a mother figure, and I have taken advantage of that opportunity myself. All others (including my own mother) just heed her every command of hers but when I use this stern 'motherly' tone, lady Lucy seems to sort of revert and become slightly obedient herself.

"~humph~ fine" she crossed her arms and pouted but I knew it had worked. If I'm being honest, Lucy is lucky I have this twisted relationship with her and not someone else who would take advantage of her given the chance.

"good, this boys name is ryuen kakeru. It has been stated by the boys that he will get up no matter how many punches he takes and has won every fight up to date." Looking up from the message that I was sent by a 'pawn' as Lucy likes to call them, that I saw her eyes sparkle with an interest I haven't seen for quite some months.

"Miyu! Have this Ryuen at the dojo in 2 hours, failure will not be tolerated! He will be mine to control, he is one of the four main pieces after all" Although I have no clue what she is talking about, I will do anything to keep that look in her eyes. It has been decided that he will serve scorpion it seems.

// 2 hours later, Lucy's POV //

As I entered the dojo 20 select pawns dropped to their knees as they should to a dojo's master "hello, little dragon boy" I spoke with a smile on my face. My battle wear, fitted perfectly as I was ready for a fight.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asked with a sneer on his face, because I called him 'little dragon boy' or because I had him dragged here against his will, I don't know. "I was promised a fight, don't tell me it's this little girl?" he raised his voice speaking to the people around him.

As he turned his back, I ran with light steps toward him and kicked him in the back of the leg causing him to drop to his knee. I grabbed his magenta hair and pull on it, forcing him to look directly up and slightly behind him. "when I enter my dojo, all must kneel. Lesson one, never disrespect your opponent by turning your back."

He scowled and sent an elbow toward my ribs, I evaded the attack and hopped back a few times to get out of range. It was obvious as he sent a flurry of attacks at me that he grew up fighting, there was no single method of attack that a martial art would use. He fights by pure instinct and what he learned through proper fights. "I have dodged every single one of your attacks. Lesson two, strength means nothing if you can't even hit your target"

This obviously angered him, as he let his emotions take over. I used this to my advantage by grabbing his wrist and using his own momentum to pull him close to me, once he got close enough I sent a jab to his throat. There is simply no getting back up to fight if you can't do something as simple as breathing. "Lesson three, don't let all guard down because your angry. All in all i'd give you a 2/10 however I see potential. You will join the ranks of Scorpion as well as change school to the one that I currently go to."

"Miyu, set up an apartment close by for my little dragon to live in for the meantime-"


I swiftly took two steps back and tripped him over by sticking out my ankle to humiliate him "don't interrupt me, you worm. Lesson four, don't scream when you try to surprise attack someone, idiot."

I stepped on his head, "you will refer to me as miss Lucy, am I understood?"

"never, you little- AAAAHHH SHIT"

I lifted my foot and slammed it back down on his head... twice... okay multiple times, BUT HE DESERVED IT! "I. AM. NOT. LITTLE!"

// Random pawn no.74's POV //

I will never make the mistake of calling lady Lucy small to my friend ever again.


// Ryuen's POV //

I can't believe I was bested by this littl-... this girl.

"okay, okay i'll call you miss Lucy" to think I would do something this degrading.

"you know what, for saying it with gritted teeth, I want you to call me Master!"

what, she can't be seriou- "OW SHIT!" she stomped on my head again, THAT BITCH!



"you know what, that sounds weird, CALL ME MISTRESS!"






"DON'T CALL ME A BITCH, also don't you think mistress Lucy sounds a bit weird too? hmm"





// 3rd POV //

20 people slowly shuffled out of the dojo awkwardly whilst in the back ground all anyone could hear was the sound of a head impacting the floor, shouting and cursing.

// Miyu's POV //

~fufu~ it sounds like she's having so much fun

OMAKE (this has nothing to do with the plot at all)

// Miyu's POV //

"I can't believe that Lucy has made over 20 million Yen by just selling cookies. Simply unbelievable"

okay that's it, I wanted Lucy to have some sort of connection to a character from the series.

I need to give Lucy some weaknesses or weakness otherwise i'm afraid she will just become a boring OC/MC

at first i thought that it would be okay as men are naturaly stronger than girls due to biology but i don't think that's enough

any ideas would be very much appreciated

ty for reading, any constructive critisism is appreciated.

fumei_unknowncreators' thoughts