
Chubby Love

Lumi Mitchell and Ren Kim met at a very young age and became best of friends until a tragedy comes to the Kim household causing them to drift apart. They later relight their flame in high school but once again fate has chosen them to be apart. Will they meet again in college and be able to seal the deal once and for all?

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15 Chs

Hold My Hand.

The rest of the day Lumi tried her best to dodge Ren. She wasn't ready to talk to him yet but knew she would need to soon.

When she thought about what she had done earlier by grabbing Ren's hand and walking through school with him her cheeks blushed. Ugh, what was I thinking? She groaned to herself.

Thankfully the school day was about to end and Lumi rushed to find Jade so they could leave together. To her surprise she saw Jade and Freddy talking at the school exit. Lumi slowly made her way to the two.

"Hey guys." She said, trying not to sound so nervous.

"Lumi!" Freddy said with his chipper smile.

"Jade here was just telling me how you and Ren are dating now." Freddy said while gesturing towards Jade who was smiling brightly.

Lumi smiled and blushed at her friend looking like she was going to choke her.

"Oh, yeah w-we are. Sorry I didn't mention it. It kind of just…happened." She laughed nervously.

"No worries, I mean I figured you guys would get together soon. He seems to like you a lot." Freddy continued.

Lumi looked up at Freddy confused. She didn't understand what he meant.

Slowly approaching them was Ren. Lumi took a step towards Jade to further herself from him.

"Ren! Hey!" Freddy smiled at the male beside him. "Congrats!"

Ren also gave Freddy a confused look. "For?"

"Um Freddy! Can I talk to you outside in private real quick?" Jade shouted while pulling him outside.

Lumi watched as the two left and slowly turned back to the dark haired male waiting behind her. She could tell he wasn't going to budge without her addressing that morning.

The flight instinct kicked in again and as she took a step towards the exit he grabbed onto the back of her backpack to pull her back towards him.

She grabbed onto the straps and stumbled before turning to face him. She looked around to make sure the coast was clear and most of the students had emptied out or were engrossed in other matters.

However there was a female in the hallway pretending to go through her locker. She was an outcast who desperately wanted to be in with Chloe's group. She knew how much Chloe liked Ren and despised Lumi so she listened in while rummaging.

"Well?" Ren asked, trying to hurry her along. He knew he didn't have to mention what he wanted to discuss for her to understand him.

He had wondered all day why she held his hand and dragged him along to her first period. His curiosity grew when he couldn't find her all day and people were coming up to him asking about Lumi and their relationship.

Lumi made a face of pain and then looked up at him again. "Um so you remember when you said you thought I needed help the other day?"

He nodded.

"Well, I kind of told Chloe and her friends we are dating. And well you know how high school works. I guess some other people know now." It all came out faster than Lumi intended.

He stood there for a moment to intake everything she had said and realized what she had done. He figured it was to get back at Chloe.

Ren was aware of the situation since middle school. He never paid Chloe any mind though so he wasn't really sure how to address a situation he never caused.

Although he also never told her to stop clinging to him.

Lumi looked away and then back up at him anxiously waiting for a response.

"Ok." He said.

"Ok? Soooo…you'll fake date me?" She asked.

The girl in the locker's ears perked at the comment and shut her locker to rush out the building. Lumi ignored the girl but Ren noticed her and sighed.

He recognized her. Violet. He thought. Yeah that was her name.

That might be a problem. Look at her, she doesn't even realize Violet probably overheard them and would probably report to Chloe. So much for being grown. He thought as he looked back down at Lumi.

He wished she was more aware of her surroundings so that she wouldn't get herself into problems anymore like the Freddy ordeal. He knew that made no sense from the beginning and was thankful that it didn't blow up any larger than it had.

"Ok." Was all that he responded with.

Ren walked past her and headed for his car. He was getting annoyed at the fact that she was so oblivious to everything, even him.

How could she be ok with just casually asking him to fake date her? When he had asked her he had meant for it to be genuine although he might have had other reasons to be her boyfriend.

He was genuine. It stung a little for their new found relationship to be categorized as fake.

Jade and Freddy saw Ren pass them and disregarded their farewells.

Jade turned towards Lumi and asked, "Everything ok?" She hinted in code.

Lumi approached the two and shrugged towards Jade. She wasn't sure but she felt like he was being a little colder than usual.

The two females said their goodbyes to Freddy and drove off to drop Lumi off at her house.

That night after dinner Lumi paced her room. She was a little confused after her last encounter with Ren but was thankful he complied.

She reached for her phone at her vanity and pulled it open to Ren's text log and shot him a quick text.

Lumi: "Hey"

Ren: "Yeah"

Lumi: "Are you sure you're ok with fake dating?"

Ren: "Yes"

Lumi "We should set some boundaries"

Ren: "..."

Lumi: "Like, this is strictly fake"

Ren "Ok"

Lumi: "So let's not get our feelings involved."

Ren "got it"

Lumi: "And you have to hold my hand to my first period class everyday"

Ren "Ok"

Lumi: "That's all I got for now."

Ren "gn"

Lumi "goodnight"

Lumi's heart was beating so fast. She was nervous with every text. She couldn't believe he was agreeing and that they were really going to go through with this. She set her phone aside and prepared for bed.

It was now Friday and the big final game was tonight. Ren and Lumi had come to school almost everyday together and if they didn't, she waited for him at the front of the building so they could do their morning routine of holding hands.

It was getting easier for Lumi since they established this was just a fake relationship. Ren was still annoyed with the whole situation but the closeness to Lumi was helping a tad bit.

Earlier that day he overheard Violet tell some of Chloe's close friends about what she stumbled upon the day Lumi told Ren she wanted to fake date him. He sighed. He figured he would take matters into his own hands to protect their secret.

He headed to the locker room to prepare for his last soccer game of high school.

Lumi and Jade were driving to the final soccer game of the year. Although Lumi hated sporting events she wanted to go cheer on Ren. She knew how important soccer was to him.

Besides, she was his girlfriend now. To make their relationship more factual she knew she would need to attend.

Jade parked her car and the two made their way into the crowded stands to find an open seating.

As they sat down Jade pulled out a black lipstick from her bag and turned to Lumi.

"Come here real quick." She said.

Lumi gave her a weird look.

"I want to write Ren's number on your cheek." Jade laughed at Lumi's reaction. "What? You'll look like a super supportive girlfriend." She teased.

Lumi sighed and turned her right cheek to Jade. Jade proceeded with drawing a '02' on Lumi's cheek.

"Perfect." Jade said. She smiled at her work.

Lumi gave her a smile back and then turned to the field. The game had begun.

It was an excruciating game to watch. The match was tied and there were only a few minutes left. Ren tried a daring move when near the opponent goal but was foaled by another player who went diving into Ren's shins.

Lumi winced as she saw Ren take the fall and grabbed Jade's hand. They two females prayed he would get back up. When he slowly got up to his feet from the help of a teammate he walked with a slight limp to the front of the goal.

He was able to have one chance at a penalty kick to end the game. Everyone in the stands stood up. Lumi and Jade joined them with their hands still intact.

"Come on." Lumi said.

Ren wiped his palms onto his shorts and wiggled his legs before setting the ball down. He looked at the goalie and then at the ball. He took a breath before sprinting towards the ball to shoot it to the top right of the goal.

The goalie rushed towards the ball and jumped. Everyone held their breath.


Lumi's eyes glimmered when the ball hit the net. The crowd went wild. Lumi and Jade jumped in the stands excitedly.

Ren's eyes widened as he saw his ball successfully hit the net and smiled. His team came rushing to him slamming into his back and patting him up. It was a moment he would never forget.

Some of the students in the stands ran down to the field as well to celebrate their victory. Jade pulled Lumi's hand and rushed her to the field.

They somehow managed to push past the crowd as Ren was trying to get out of the middle. When they ran into each other Jade left to find Freddy and Oliver and congratulated them both.

Lumi looked up at the sweaty male and smiled. Ren smiled back down at her. It was as if they were the only ones on that field as they shared that moment.

Without thinking, Ren took a step towards Lumi and hugged her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

Lumi stood still kind of shocked and then wrapped her arms around his waist. Her only thought was that she was happy that he was happy.

It wasn't long before some of his teammates came up behind him to dump a bucket of ice cold water over his shoulders drenching the couple. They both gasped from the shock of the cold water.

Lumi took a step back and Ren released his hold turning to his teammates and playfully pushed them before wrapping his arms around their shoulders to walk back to the celebration.

Jade reappeared by Lumi's side and laughed at the wet female.

"Come on, let's go home and get changed for the party!" Jade shouted over the crowd

Lumi smiled and nodded while wiping at her wet face. The night was young and with this win everyone went home in bliss.

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Thanks for the reads.

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