

Over the weekend Lumi thought of many ways on how to tell Ren that she had confessed that they were indeed dating to Chloe. Well, I could just not say anything. It will be a surprise when he finds out. But what if he tells everyone it's not true? Shit. She debated in her head.

"Ugh." She sighed and fell back onto her bed. Next to her were a pile of sketches she had been working on. It was hard to complete any drawing with this huge dilemma lingering in her head. Jade wasn't making things any easier either. Her friend was so eager to hear the outcome of Lumi's request of Ren.

Lumi turned over to her phone. She sat up and picked up her phone to flip to her text log with Ren. She typed up multiple messages but just ended up deleting each one.

"No, I shouldn't tell him over text. UGH! Why am I stressing over this? He did say he was the one who wanted to help me right?"

She jumped when her phone vibrated in her hand. It was a text from Jade.

"Don't forget, next week is the last soccer game for the year and they throw that awesome party at Oliver's lake house after. I want to go!"

"Yeah yeah." Lumi replied.

Lumi had forgotten with all the excitement in her life recently. Freddy and Oliver had invited them to their after party before all the drama went down and Lumi and Jade had agreed to go. Now Lumi wanted anything but to go but she loved Jade and she would not let her friend down.

"This is exhausting."

There was a knock at her door. It was her father.

"Sweetie, do you want to bake some dessert buns? I bought some fresh flour."

Lumi looked at her closed door and smiled. Yes she would just do anything but think of the situation for the time being.


Lumi had spent her whole weekend fussing over small things to avoid thinking of ways to tell Ren what she had done.

Before she knew it the next school day arrived. It was starting to get colder now so she slipped into a black jacket on top of her usual plain tshirt. Followed by some jeans and her tennis shoes.

She waited in the living room for her dad who was stumbling to get ready that morning.

"Dad, is everything ok?" She shouted wondering what he was up to.

"Yeah, just a sec." He replied.

Then there was a knock on the front door. Lumi looked over at it curiously. Who could be here this early? She thought as she got up to open the door.

Ren was about to leave for school when he noticed the Mitchell's car still in the driveway. He had wanted to talk to Lumi sometime that weekend but just couldn't find the time. So he decided he would come over and offer her a ride to school.

"Hey." He said when the door opened to see a shocked Lumi.

"Uh, hi." Lumi said back nervously. Shit, was he here because he found out? She asked herself.

"Do you want a ride to school?" He asked casually.

Lumi looked behind her, still no dad. "Uh actually that would be nice. I'm not sure what's keeping my dad. Let me just go tell him real quick."

Ren nodded as Lumi disappeared. When she returned she closed the door behind her and they hopped into his car.

She had never been in his car before. It smelled just like him. In the backseat she noticed his soccer bag. It still had the charm hanging on the side. She smiled slightly when she saw it.

They buckled up and drove off to school.

"How was your weekend?" He asked. He was nervous confronting her about the other day. He thought she was still upset with him.

"Mmm boring." Lumi said back laughing a little.

They sat in silence through a red light before Ren continued. "So about the other day. I'm sorry I jumped in."

Lumi slowly turned her head to look out the window to hide her face. The guilt began to settle in.

Ren looked over slightly and figured she was more upset than he had expected. She didn't even want to look in his direction.

Fuck what do I say? Lumi frantically went through different scenarios in her head. They arrived at the school parking lot and Lumi still wasn't sure how to tell Ren what she had done. She decided to give herself one more day and hop out of his car silently.

Ren was about to close the door just when he saw Lumi jet off towards the school. He sighed and then also made his way towards the building.

When Lumi walked through the entrance she saw Chloe and some of her friends standing there against their lockers chatting. She knew she had to avoid them as well for the time being. Behind her was Ren getting closer. Him and his long strides. She thought quickly.

Ugh, do I just zoom past Chloe? She debated.

It was too late, someone from Chloe's group pointed her out and they all turned their gaze to Lumi. They seemed to be whispering something to each other but Lumi couldn't make out the words.

Then she heard Chloe say, "I bet she lied. They're not really dating."

Coming down the hall now was Freddy and Oliver. Freddy's face lit up when she saw Lumi and was headed towards her. She also wanted to avoid him a little longer. There was only one way out.

Lumi bit her bottom lip nervously for what she was about to do.

Ren was about to walk past her when she reached out her hand to grab his. Her face went aflame from the action. Ren stopped and his eyes widened as he felt the soft hand in his. He turned to look down at the blushing female.

Lumi looked up at him with pleading eyes. He was entirely confused and gave her a look back. His cheeks now slowly turned a light shade of pink.

Before he could say anything Lumi started to walk almost pulling him along but he just walked hand in hand with her through the nosey hallway.

"Uh Hi Lumi." Freddy said as the couple walked past him. He scratched the back of his head as he turned to look at them leave.

Chloe's jaw stayed dropped as she also turned to watch the two walk away together holding hands. The group next to her was chattering even more so now.

When they made it to her first class she let go of his hand and quickly walked into the room with a sigh of relief leaving Ren in the hall.

Oh my God! She screamed in her head as she wiped at the non existing sweat from her forehead.

Her face was so hot she felt like she had run a marathon. She didn't dare turn to look if Ren was still standing in the hall and just went to an open desk and put her head down on the small table.

For the rest of the day Lumi tried her best to hide from Ren, Freddy and Chloe. Jade found her after their 3rd period.

"Lume! I've heard a lot of things today girl! You need to spill the tea!" Jade shouted.

Lumi gave Jade a shushing gesture. Her eyebrows scrunched nervously.

"Well, what have you heard?" Lumi asked as they walked to their next class.

"You walked into school today with Ren. You guys were holding hands?!" Jade smiled brightly.

"Yes, that's true." Lumi confirmed.

"And Freddy was extremely jealous!" Jade also shouted.

Once again Lumi shushed her friend. Lumi's head perked up when she realized what Jade had said.

"Uh, no…" Lumi said, confused. He wasn't, was he?

"Oh, probably just a rumor then." Jade said, crossing her arm with Lumi's.

Lumi sighed and closed her eyes in disbelief of what she had down. Everyone was talking about her. She wondered what other rumors were being spread around.

"I wish I was there to see Chloe's face! I heard she saw everything." Jade said with an evil grin.

Lumi smiled briefly and remembered the look. "It was great."

Jade squeezed Lumi's arm and smiled back.

Next chapter