
Chasing Cinderella

While growing up, Odette Charming was bullied because of her last name. It doesn’t help when her parents believe they are direct descendants of Cinderella and Prince Charming. They even have the glass slippers to prove it. Laying low and focusing her attention on her studies has been her way of coping with everything. Until the love of her life breaks up with his eternal girlfriend, and Odette believes that with a change of attitude and a makeover, Carl will finally look her way. Even with the help of her best friend, things don’t go as planned, and Odette seeks refuge in her childhood dreams and family relics. Trying on the glass slippers of her ancestor can’t hurt, right? Not only do the slippers fit, but they give her a physical transformation and teleport her to another realm where a sad elf prince throws parties every night, hoping that his beloved will find her way to his kingdom. Prince Edrahil has been waiting far too long for his future queen to drop on his doorstep and claim his heart. Instead, the beautiful fairy that arrives is in love with someone in her world and wants his help to conquer that person’s heart. In exchange for borrowing the magical slippers, Edrahil is willing to come to the earth realm to play matchmaker and godfather to Odette. As their destinies drift further apart, the dark elf can only hope that Odette is happy, even if that might mean his own demise. Chasing Cinderella is a twist on the classic fairy tale that makes every girl wish for a Prince Charming. But when it comes to love, sometimes it’s hard to see past the smoke and mirrors and choose the prince that’s right for your heart.

Anna Santos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

No calling, no texting.

Odette was baffled by what happened in the cafeteria. Carl sat at her table and talked to her. Not just that. He asked her for her phone number. Should she send him a text? Or call? She didn’t have anything to say. She had no idea what the protocol was for this type of thing.

Focusing on her classes that day had been hard. She kept texting Beth and asking for her opinion and advice. The consensus was not to be the first to engage. Meaning no texting and no calling.

Once the classes were over, Odette met Beth at their favorite coffee shop bookstore.

“At first, I thought he was going to tell me that he liked you,” Odette said, nursing a cup of coffee between her hands. “I was so nervous. You have no idea. He must think I’m bland and silly. He kept talking about music and how he wanted me to watch him on the football field.”

“Hum,” Beth said, sipping on her milkshake.

“What happened to you? Why didn’t you come?”

“I was helping Abby with a project. We are in the same group. Our teacher decided that we should present our paper sooner than expected. It wasn’t having fun like you.”

“I wasn’t having fun,” Odette protested.

Beth yawned. “I’m rather tired today.”

Odette fought off the need to imitate her friend. “You should have asked for coffee like me.”

“I like milkshakes better.” She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. “It seems that your wet encounter with the mascot made you visible to Carl.” She opened her eyes and smiled. “Who’s your bestie?”

“Shut up! I’m still not over the embarrassment.”

“Are we canceling book club tomorrow or not? I have to message Abby if you’re planning to go see Carl knocking down his teammates and hurling like Tarzan.”

Odette arched an eyebrow. “Are you joining me? I have no wish to go alone. The cheerleaders will be there. Chastity will be there.”

“Yes, she will.” Beth lowered her voice. “Rumor has it that she’s dating someone else. You should be safe.”

“I’m not taking any chances. She’s ruthless and mean.”

Beth sighed and rested her back on the chair with her arms crossed above her chest. “Do you want my advice?”

Odette nodded.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t go. I would go to the book club where we can talk about the awesome book we are reading.”

“That doesn’t sound like something a girl would do if she wants the guy she likes to be happy,” Odette said. Frowning, she asked, “Why shouldn’t I go?”

“If he’s really into you, he’ll call you. That’s also a good excuse for him to call you. It’s not like he asked you out on a date or something. He just poached the target and planted a seed. If he’s truly interested, he needs to do more.”

Odette frowned. “I’m not getting your logic.”

Beth rolled her eyes. “Silly, do you want to look like you’re running after him?”

“Am I not?”

Beth let her head fall back with an exasperated sigh. “First rule of making a guy fall for you: ignore him when he seems interested.”

“I don’t like that rule,” Odette protested. “I don’t even know how I’m going to survive this night without texting him.” She beamed. “I know! I could text him that I’m not going tomorrow. It seems like a perfect excuse, don’t you think?”

“No. That’s ridiculous. The whole point is to let him get excited about the fact that you’re coming tomorrow, only to be disappointed when you don’t. Like that, if he’s into you, he’ll text you and ask why you didn’t come.”


Beth rested her elbows on the table and took another sip of her milkshake. “Also, you need to wear something extra pretty tomorrow. Maybe walk by where he normally hangs out before going to classes. Like that, he can see how pretty you look. He’ll be more excited for you to show up.”

“But I’m not going to show up.”

Beth showed her the index with a proud smile. “Exactly!”

Odette breathed out, defeated. “This is harder than economics.”

“Seducing is an art. You should have learned something by the number of books you read.”

“Real life and fantasy aren’t the same. I can come up with hundreds of brilliant plans to bump into Carl and say the cutest things for him to notice me, but that doesn’t mean any of them will work or happen.”

“Well, I don’t care what you do tonight, but I need you to stay away from your phone. No calling, no texting, no thinking about Carl.”

Odette nodded.