
Chasing Cinderella

While growing up, Odette Charming was bullied because of her last name. It doesn’t help when her parents believe they are direct descendants of Cinderella and Prince Charming. They even have the glass slippers to prove it. Laying low and focusing her attention on her studies has been her way of coping with everything. Until the love of her life breaks up with his eternal girlfriend, and Odette believes that with a change of attitude and a makeover, Carl will finally look her way. Even with the help of her best friend, things don’t go as planned, and Odette seeks refuge in her childhood dreams and family relics. Trying on the glass slippers of her ancestor can’t hurt, right? Not only do the slippers fit, but they give her a physical transformation and teleport her to another realm where a sad elf prince throws parties every night, hoping that his beloved will find her way to his kingdom. Prince Edrahil has been waiting far too long for his future queen to drop on his doorstep and claim his heart. Instead, the beautiful fairy that arrives is in love with someone in her world and wants his help to conquer that person’s heart. In exchange for borrowing the magical slippers, Edrahil is willing to come to the earth realm to play matchmaker and godfather to Odette. As their destinies drift further apart, the dark elf can only hope that Odette is happy, even if that might mean his own demise. Chasing Cinderella is a twist on the classic fairy tale that makes every girl wish for a Prince Charming. But when it comes to love, sometimes it’s hard to see past the smoke and mirrors and choose the prince that’s right for your heart.

Anna Santos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

I want your number

Beth was late to eat with Odette in the cafeteria. She texted Odette a few times, and Beth asked to start without her. Odette didn’t enjoy eating alone.

Sitting at an empty table, she decided to wait a little longer for Beth. Reading books was considered an anti-social activity, while looking at one’s phone was deemed to be social. Odette had decided to read her eBooks on her phone. There were always exciting new authors that transported her into their worlds of magic and sweet romance. Reading the classics was fun, but there were plenty of contemporary books for all tastes and cravings. That was one of the things she loved best in that era—the number of different stories and how easy it was to learn about new cultures and languages made the internet and technological gadgets a part of her life.

She was engulfed in her reading when her phone vibrated. Beth was apologizing for not being able to join her at the cafeteria.

Bookmarking her page, Odette looked around and noticed that a few guys were seated across from her table. Keith waved, and she waved back with a smile. He was always polite, even if they were just acquaintances.

The guy next to him elbowed him and leaned closer to whisper something. He laughed and shook his head.

Odette began packing her belongings. She had no wish to let their childish behavior ruin her mood.

“Charming,” a husky voice called her.

Even though he had barely said a few words to her, she would recognize that voice anywhere. Her body froze, her heartbeat increased, her throat dried, and her vision blurred.

The sound of a chair being moved alerted her that someone was sitting across from her.

“It’s you, isn’t it?”

That voice again.

Odette sucked in a breath and raised her head. Her next movement was to bob her head with widened eyes.

Carl smiled. “I barely recognized you the other day. You look … different.”

He relaxed in the chair and crossed his arms while spreading his legs. His easiness made Odette even more nervous.

“Yes. That was awkward,” she managed to say.

“Accidents happen,” he said without losing his boyish grin.

His green eyes were mesmerizing. His face was captivating. He was no elf, but he could be a prince or a valiant warrior. In another era, he would probably be someone important. A knight, the captain of the guard, a prince.

Odette swallowed and blinked to focus her mind instead of letting it run wild. “Are you going to use this table to eat with your friends? I was just leaving. Don’t mind me.” Grabbing her things, she made the gesture to get up and disappear.

Carl shook his head, unfolded his arms, and waved for her to sit back. “I came here to talk to you. I’ve already eaten. I was across from your table. Didn’t you see me?”

Odette shook her head with an agape mouth.

“You were so concentrated on your phone that you might have missed it.”


“Do you want to exchange numbers? Do you use Facetime or Instagram?”

Odette nodded. Her mouth now puckered as if she was a fish.

“We have some classes together, don’t we?”

“Economics and Marketing.”

“Right.” He leaned forward, folding his hands on the table. “Keith tells me that you’re super smart. More than his sister, which must be hard since he’s always bragging about how his sister is so smart and sings well.”

Odette forced a smile. “Yes. Beth is brilliant, too. She also sings very well.”

“I love girl bands. They’re so hot when they’re dancing. Do you like music? I like listening to Rhianna, Ariana Grande, you know, the really well-known artists.”

“I’m more into Alicia Keys and Beyoncé,” Odette said.

“Oh, yeah! Beyoncé. She’s hot.” He leaned back and waved his hand. “The other chick that I like, the petite and blonde one that moves her hips … You look a bit like her but taller. Do you know who I’m talking about?”

Odette shook her head.

“I’ll send you some videos sometime.” He took his phone out of his pocket. “Here.” He slipped the phone on the table and into Odette’s hand.

She held it and looked at him.

“Put your number in my contact list and call yourself to save my number,” he requested.

She studied the screen. “What’s the pattern to unlock it?”

“Just draw a C for Carl.”

Odette unlocked his phone and carefully typed her number and name.

“You should come more often to the football field. I like it when the fans come to watch us practice. I can give you an autograph next time.”

“Okay.” Odette finished writing her name and called her phone, which vibrated on the table. Pursing her lips, she tried to conceal her excitement when she looked at Carl.

He smiled when their eyes met. “Maybe you can come tomorrow.”


“Yeah. Are you busy?”

“I have book club tomorrow.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Book club? That sounds intellectual. Though my mom reads a lot, I’m sure her books don’t fall in the literature department. She’s more into those books with dark covers with handcuffs and stilettos. Are you into those kinds of books?”

Odette choked on her own breathing. “No.”

He smirked and showed her his hand. “My phone.”

“Here.” Odette leaned forward to give it to him.

“They say the quiet ones are the worst,” he said without taking the phone from her hands.

“I wouldn’t know,” Odette said with a straight face, unsure of what he was talking about. “I need to get to class.”

He slipped his phone into his pocket. “Don’t forget to come to watch me practice tomorrow.”

Odette was going to remind him that she couldn’t, but she decided just to nod, grab her belongings, and leave before her vital organs shut down.