
Chasing Cinderella

While growing up, Odette Charming was bullied because of her last name. It doesn’t help when her parents believe they are direct descendants of Cinderella and Prince Charming. They even have the glass slippers to prove it. Laying low and focusing her attention on her studies has been her way of coping with everything. Until the love of her life breaks up with his eternal girlfriend, and Odette believes that with a change of attitude and a makeover, Carl will finally look her way. Even with the help of her best friend, things don’t go as planned, and Odette seeks refuge in her childhood dreams and family relics. Trying on the glass slippers of her ancestor can’t hurt, right? Not only do the slippers fit, but they give her a physical transformation and teleport her to another realm where a sad elf prince throws parties every night, hoping that his beloved will find her way to his kingdom. Prince Edrahil has been waiting far too long for his future queen to drop on his doorstep and claim his heart. Instead, the beautiful fairy that arrives is in love with someone in her world and wants his help to conquer that person’s heart. In exchange for borrowing the magical slippers, Edrahil is willing to come to the earth realm to play matchmaker and godfather to Odette. As their destinies drift further apart, the dark elf can only hope that Odette is happy, even if that might mean his own demise. Chasing Cinderella is a twist on the classic fairy tale that makes every girl wish for a Prince Charming. But when it comes to love, sometimes it’s hard to see past the smoke and mirrors and choose the prince that’s right for your heart.

Anna Santos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

11 Testing the shoes again

With her parents away, and Beth doing a group project with her classmates, Odette didn’t have a lot to do. Her mind kept obsessing about texting Carl. She knew it was the wrong move. She had to distract herself, go somewhere where she couldn’t… She stopped in her tracks, coming up with the perfect plan.

She had tried to resist the temptation of using the slippers again. That night, she had the perfect excuse to test them once more. It seemed their magic would end at midnight and bring her back home. With two hours to spend, she could quickly check if she'd end up in the same world or some other world. Her only concern was showing up in a hostile land with beasts ready to eat her.

On the bright side, she could return to Edrahil’s kingdom and spend time with him again. He had been kind to her, and he seemed like he needed someone to distract him. She couldn’t stop thinking about his brooding stare and charming demeanor. They had become friends, hadn’t they? Or was she too gullible?

He was a dark elf, after all. Perhaps, there was a spell tempting her to return. If so, why didn’t he just trap her there the last time? No matter the lineage, he and his guests seemed merely curious when she showed up. Labeling them as dangerous because of the books she had read was prejudice.

Odette descended to the vaulted room and removed the glass slippers from their case. She felt a warm glow in her hands and, without another thought, slipped them on. They fitted like a glove. Soon her clothes transformed into another beautiful gown, this time, red with ruffles. It was old-fashioned—according to her planet’s standards—but exquisite for an elven party. Her hair was done into a fishtail braid, and she had light makeup on her face with pink lipstick. Her pointy ears were back.

Twirling in front of the mirror, she didn’t have a lot of time to have a closer look at her dress because she was pulled inside the portal and appeared in the hallways of Edrahil’s castle. She remembered the décor very well.

Breathing deeply, she fixed her clothes and decided to search for the prince.

To her surprise, they were celebrating again. Or maybe, the party never stopped. She wasn’t sure. The only clear thing was that the ballroom had elven guests dressed in the most elegant clothes. Not just that, as she walked across the room, the elves bowed to her as if she was royalty. They also smiled and raised their glasses as if they were all old acquaintances.

The whispers floated around the room. Odette caught loose sentences and whispered conversations. It seemed that they were expecting her and hoping she could bring joy to their solemn prince.

“He’s waiting for you,” one of the elven females said, brushing past her.

“He’s been miserable since you left,” a male said, grinning and bowing.

The chandeliers illuminated everything, but the open doors to the balconies showed that it was night outside.

Odette continued on her way.

“You took too long to come back again, princess,” one of the females said, approaching and offering Odette a glass with a green liquid inside.

“Thank you.” She accepted the glass but decided that she wouldn’t drink it.

Rumors said that you’d be stuck in an elven realm if you ate their food. Or was it only in the Underworld? The excitement of being there again was leaving her confused. Either way, she pretended to take a sip and placed the glass on one of the tables.

The group talking in front of the throne parted ways when they saw Odette arriving. It allowed her to see the prince.

Once again, he was lost in thought. She wondered why he threw parties if he wasn’t having fun or intended to mingle with his nobles.

Odette curtsied. “Your Highness.”

The handsome prince rose from his throne when their eyes met. “You’ve returned! I thought you feared being trapped here.”

The look of elation on his face made her heart race in her chest.

Odette smiled and straightened her back. “I wasn’t sure that you would remember me.”

He narrowed the distance between them and offered her his hand. “How could I forget you?”

“I’m sure you’re used to seeing plenty of different things since you live in a magical world.”

“Nothing that matters more than…” He pursed his lips and stretched them into a smile. “I’m honored you decided to return to see me.” He placed her hand on his arm and escorted her out of the room and onto the balcony. “I’d rather talk to you in private. Let my subjects relax without my gloomy presence to lower their spirits.”

“I must confess I was afraid of not coming back here. The portal might have taken me somewhere else.”

“Was that why you didn’t test them sooner?”

Odette shook her head. “I was just busy.”

“I hope that means you aren’t busy tonight and can spend time with me.”

“I came here to distract myself and take my mind off my problems.”

“Oh.” The prince stopped. “Is something upsetting you in your world?”

Odette released his arm and strolled to the rails. “Well, it was. I think now it’s fixed. I’m not sure. Something embarrassing happened. Now, something exciting happened.”

The prince stopped at her side with his eyes focused on the garden. “Here, nothing exciting ever happens.” He grinned when he looked at her. “Except for your arrival.”

“Wouldn’t you be happier if you were left alone in your castle? It seems that you’re not enjoying yourself. Is it mandatory to throw parties every night, or is it that I happen to arrive every time there’s one?”

The prince shrugged. “Don’t you enjoy parties?”

“Not all the time.”

“My people enjoy keeping me company until I go to bed.”

“Really? They come here every night? There’s no music, and they didn’t seem happy, either. It reminds me of the Rosenberg’s social gatherings. Beth’s parents… Beth is my best friend,” she explained. “Well, her parents invite important families for tea and brunch. They dress well and walk around with smug faces while talking about the millions they have and the houses they own.”

Edrahil smirked. “It sounds just like here.”

Odette covered her mouth and giggled. “Do you live in this castle by yourself?”

“I have my servants and my pets.”

Odette looked around.

He leaned closer to her. “Would you care for a dance?”

“There’s no music.”

“There will be once I ask them to play.”