
Bug Master of the Apocalypse

College Student (Andy) is fed up with life. This 21-year-old virgin has bathed in the waters of rejection and has resolved his spirit to live his life without the touch of a women. He was a mega Chad, that only lived for himself and the boys. However, as time has passed the boys are becoming simps. They are getting girlfriends and betraying their brothers. After his second year of college, he was alone. He did not blame his past brothers. he blamed the hands of the opposite sex. They had stolen his brothers. After the realization that girls had ripped everything out his life that he loved. He further resolved his spirit and did what anyone in his position would do. He became a loser and bad mothed girls on the internet. He lived his life like how all men dreamed of. This continued in till the spring break of his third year when something uninspected happened. The magical Apocalypse turned the world on its head. How will Andy fair in this new world. only time will tell. Come along with him as he goes against the new world.

Billy_Bob_573 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

It was just a Scout

*It was 6 in the morning when there was a big bang that resonated throughout the entire dorm. *


Andy and Steven that were fast asleep suddenly woke up with a jolt and confused expressions on their faces.

Andy said with a groggy voice,

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know" Steven replied.

As the pair were trying to figure out what was going on, they heard another noise ring out.

"Ka Thump"

The two quickly figured out that something was wrong.

"I-I think something is in the dorm." Andy said stuttering over his words.

Steven nodded in agreement staying silent.

"What should we do?" Andy spoke.

Steven shrugged his shoulders still not speaking.

They both new that they had to check out what was going on but didn't have courage to act on their thoughts.

After almost getting beaten by a single goblin they were both scared that whatever the creature or whatever it was in the dorm would finish the job.

However, they knew that the dorm was the only somewhat safe place for them right now and didn't have the capabilities of just moving locations.

They thought that they could just hid and whatever it was would just leave. But after thinking it through they figured that whatever it was could eventually find them.

After a while of thinking they decide that it was the best idea to go check and see what it was before making a decision.

So that's what they did.

Andy quickly checked his wounds and found that didn't hurt any more. He took the bandage off and found that the wounds have somehow healed and only a small scar remained.

He told Steven about it, and they decide to talk about it later. They had more pressing matters to attend to.

They grabbed the makeshift weapons that they had and slowly made their way to the hallway.

Once checking the hallway and seeing that it was clear they went to the stairs carefully making their way down.

They stopped to check the second floor to see that nothing was there and pushed to the first floor.

Halfway way the last set of the stairs did they heard a big bang.


Andy quickly jumped back along with Steven.

"What the hell was that???" Andy said in a scared silent voice

"Don't know but let's check since we are already here." Steven said

Andy agreed and they both slowly walked forward.

Once getting to the first-floor door, they looked through the door window to see what was going on.

What they saw put shivers down their spines.

They saw three goblins standing outside of the room that had the dead body in it from yesterday.

It looked like the door of the room had been kicked in.

The goblins were standing outside the doorway looking inside with what looked like drooling faces.

One of them took a step into the room and got a loud deep grumble in return and the other goblins seemed to laugh at the first goblin.



After looking at the goblins for a minute did Andy and Steven retreat to talk about what to do.

They went back up the stairs a way and started to talk about what to do.

Steven spoke first, "It looks like more goblins found their way in here."

After a small pause Andy said, "That is too much of a coincidence. I think that the first goblin we fought was a scout."

"After not hearing back from the first goblin the rest of its pack came to the dorm." Andy stated

"That makes since." Steven said, "We left the body of the goblin in the lobby!!!"

"Yep, and I think that when they found it, they went to find out who caused it." Andy stated

"But after going on the search, they find the dead body with help from the smell!!" Steven added


After having a hypothesis about what happened. They started talking about what to do.

What should we do?" Steven said, "We almost lost with just one of them. What are we going to do with three of them? Not including whatever is in the room, which is obviously their leader"

"We can't leave because we don't know what is going on outside!!! We are stuck!!!" Steven added

"That's not all true. I lost by myself but the two of us could probably take care of one together." Andy said

"But there are most likely four of them!!!"

"True but they don't know that we are here, and they are too busy doing whatever they are doing in the room. So, we play dirty and take them out one by one."

Steven paused for a minute thinking if there were any better ideas. After not thinking of any and sub-heartily agreed.

They quickly came up with a plan and moved out before the goblins started to move again.

The pair quickly but silently opened the door to the first floor and made their way to the lobby.

The goblins didn't notice the pair because they were still fixed on the dorm room.

Once in the lobby, they moved to a glass case. Once there they nervously gathered themselves and smashed the case.


The goblins were currently watching their boss consume a delicious smelling body that they had found while searching for the reason their fellow comrade laid in the lobby dead.

They had found the body with excellent smelling from the boss and was about to dig in when the boss forced them to wait outside while he ate first.

The goblins were so hungry but waited for their boss to be done before their share cause if they tried now, they might actually become part of the meal too.

While they were waiting, they heard something shatter in the room that they had just come from.

They turned to the boss to see what he wanted to do but only got a grunt in return.

They decided to go check it out to be safe.


Andy and steven quickly ran behind the desk to hide and wait after breaking the case.

After couple minutes they heard little noises and the sound of something stepping on glass.

"Ke Khe Ke"

After taking a quick peak over the counter did, they see three goblins standing in front of the broken case.

It was time to act!!!

The two quickly crept behind the goblins swung there two weapons at two of the goblins before the monsters realized what was going on.



Andy's bat and Stevens pan hit directly on the sides of the goblin's heads.

Steven instantly killed the goblin he attacked with his superior strength, breaking the neck of the goblin.

Andy on the other hand only knocked out his goblin and it was laying on the ground with a huge lump on its head.

With the first two goblins taking care of they moved on with their plan.

Andy jumped on top on the third shocked goblin, knocking the rusty knife out of its hand. Andy pinned the goblin down on the ground.

But the goblin was slightly stronger and realizing what was going on tried to push Andy off.

But before the goblin got out of the pin, Steven came down with his frying pan of doom.

Steven had a sudden rush of energy come in him from somewhere and quickly took care of the pinned goblin.

Steven didn't stoop though and quickly ran over to the two goblins on the ground and made sure they were died. Followed up with the same weird energy.

"That went well." Andy said

But the two knew that the fight was not done because they still had to deal with what they thought was just a little bit stronger goblin.

Oh, but they would soon find out that they were wrong.

The two quickly ran to the dorm hallway to deal with the goblin boss.

Right when they got in the hallway. (Right in front of the stairs.)

They heard a moist deep roar.


They stopped and looked at the doorway of the dorm with the body in it.

They saw a huge green hand grab on the side of the doorway and pull the rest of the being out.

Once in view Andy and Steven saw.

A huge morbidly obese green skinned creature.

The creature looked like a five-foot-tall biker with muscular arms and legs. The legs where hard to see because of the huge amount of fat in front of them.

It had a mouth full of sharp yellow teeth and was covered with what seemed like a red substance.

It had what looked like a human hand in its grasp and eating it like a chicken leg.

The creature came out to see what happened to its underlings but saw the two petrified humans at the end of the hall and got a creepy grin on its face.

Andy and Steven were terrified.

They saw the creature and instantly knew they stood no chance against it.

They started to panic not knowing what to do.

But creature didn't wait for them to figure out what to do and started to make its way towards the pair.

The two quickly made up their minds to run and ran for the stairs.

The creature was fast for its size and ran after the two. It seemed faster than the two which seemed physically impossible.

Andy and Steven closed the door behind them and started their fast incline up the stairs.

But not even a couple seconds later the creature ran through the steel door, knocking it off its hinges, and didn't stop running after the two.

The pair were pretty quick and was making good time, but the creature was faster and caught up to them. Grabbing the leg of Steven bringing him to a sudden stop.

Steven was shocked but instantly brought out a knife and repeatedly stabbed the creature.

The creature winced in pain but instantly grabbed the head of Steven and smashed it against the side of the stairway.

Steven's head was instantly squished like a watermelon instantly killing him.

The creature then went to pull the knife out of its body, when it looked up and saw Andy jumping towards it.

Andy was running back to help Steven break free but was too late.

He then saw that the creature was on the top stairs. He continued to run towards it and jumped towards the creature and dropped kicked it.

The creature was struck in the chest with the kick and because of the heavy weight in its midsection lost its balance and feel backwards.

The creature fell down the whole flight of stairs with a couple of crunches and cracks heard.

It had broken it's back and couldn't move but before it could do anything Andy came rushing down the stairs.

Once next to the creature, he didn't hesitate and started to hit the creature in the head repeatedly with his bat.

He kept swinging until all his frustrations and emotions were empty. Once he finished the head of the creature was a bloody mess.

He then collapsed to the ground and started to bawl his eyes out.

Until he heard a message notification and saw a message saying,

{Congratulations for unlocking the System.}