
Bug Master of the Apocalypse

College Student (Andy) is fed up with life. This 21-year-old virgin has bathed in the waters of rejection and has resolved his spirit to live his life without the touch of a women. He was a mega Chad, that only lived for himself and the boys. However, as time has passed the boys are becoming simps. They are getting girlfriends and betraying their brothers. After his second year of college, he was alone. He did not blame his past brothers. he blamed the hands of the opposite sex. They had stolen his brothers. After the realization that girls had ripped everything out his life that he loved. He further resolved his spirit and did what anyone in his position would do. He became a loser and bad mothed girls on the internet. He lived his life like how all men dreamed of. This continued in till the spring break of his third year when something uninspected happened. The magical Apocalypse turned the world on its head. How will Andy fair in this new world. only time will tell. Come along with him as he goes against the new world.

Billy_Bob_573 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Gathering Supplies

* Warning there is a scene in this chapter that may be bad for some readers*

Andy was pretty beaten up. There where pretty deep cuts across his body.

The cuts were bleeding pretty bad and he was in a lot of pain.

Andy knew that he had to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. He tried to put pressure on the two biggest cuts on his hand and leg.

Steven quickly went and got a first aid kit behind the lobby desk that he had saw all the time.

Steven and Andy tried stop the bleeding to the best their abilities and put gauze and bandages on the wounds.

After a couple minutes of rest to gather themselves and to make sure everything was ok did they get up and go to the office.

Andy was limping slightly but could walk to the office pretty easily.

Once they made it to the office they slowly opened the door and checked to see if anything was in there.

Once they were sure that they were alone they went to the desk of the old supervisor where the key would most likely be.

They tried to open the drawer on the desk but it was locked.

Andy tried to break it open but it wouldn't budge no matter how hard he pulled.

Then Steven gave it a try and instead of opening the drawer he ripped the front of it completely off.

( They desk was pretty old and flimsy but it would still take a pretty good amount of force to rip it apart.)

Andy and Steven were pretty shock at the display of strength. Steven was the same size of Andy was deathly skinning as well and looked like he would never to be able to do what he had just done.

After a slight pause Andy said "I loosened it for you."

Steven was still shocked because he knew for a fact that he could have never have done that before.

After the shock died down and they thought that the desk was just old and fragile.

Andy went though the now broken desk and found what they have been looking for this whole time. The master key!!!

They were ecstatic because this meant that they could find supplies that they needed desperately.

They moved to the first room as quickly as possible.

They open the first door with high hopes. Thinking that they could find enough food and other supplies that could hold them out for a couple more weeks while they waited for any sign of help.

But there hope were quickly deflated cause the first couple rooms didn't give them much hope.

They found some daily necessary's but most of the food that was there was rancid from the the refrigerators not working for a week. Or the food was just gone because the students that left took their stuff with them.

They did find some dry foods and bottled waters though.

This same process kept happening until Andy opened a door and a smell of rotten meat hit him in the face.

Andy shuddered and would have thrown up if it weren't for that there wasn't any thing in his stomach to throw up.

Steven quickly saw Andy on the ground dry heaving and came over, when he also smelled the horrible stench.

He also doubled over but didn't feel like throwing up.

They quickly covered there nose and mouth with their shirts.

Steven made his way in the room to see what was going on and Andy slowly followed with a limp.

Once they made it in the room they found the body of a bigger man laying in a puddle of dried up blood.

The body looked like it had been laying there for a while and started to rot causing the smell.

Once finding the culprit they quickly left that room not wanting to be around the body.

This event was eye opening to the pair because that could have been them if things played out differently.

They quickly moved on not wanting to focus on what they saw.

(This was the first time seeing a body in real life and was freaked out. But little did they know that it would become a daily sight in the near future.)

They continued to move forward searching for supplies.

They had finally made it back to the third floor and searched every room.

They found a couple more provisions and water but not nearly enough.

The supplies they found could last them another 6 days if they could ration it but would have to find another way for food soon if nothing were to happen in the next couple days.

They didn't run into any other survivors surprisingly and were still on their own.

This was a blessing and a curse because there were safety with numbers but also they could last longer with the supplies they had found.

After getting every thing settled. They decided to find a room that they could share so they could be together just in case something were to happen.

It was getting pretty late and the two decided to call it a night.

(Andy quickly changed his bandages and noticed that the cuts had already stopped bleeding and was starting to scab over.

This was weird cause it would usually take longer to get to this stage but Andy didn't really notice cause he wasn't very knowledgeable about that stuff and quickly put new bandages on.)

They were both really tired from the day and quickly fell asleep


Little did they now was that in the middle of the night a small group of creatures started to make there way towards a three story building.

The group had sent a scout to go check out a building to see if it was a good place to set up a nest.

After not hearing back from him they started move to go see what was going on and deal with the trouble if there was any.

After all there strong leader could do anything