
Two new teachers (4)

{Life sure is unpredictable...} He thought.

Following Yaren and Yuna, Reyn and Xaros entered the class.

Not much is different from a high-school on Earth but instead of having 20 or 30 students, Reyn could already count 50 of them, the ground was elevated the further the room was so anyone could see properly.

"Ah, greetings new teachers Reyn and Xaros Kirae."

A woman with red-fiery hair and eyes and the teacher's uniform of the academy, a white and gold uniform with a black handkerchief at the neck greeted them as she was waiting for everyone to sit.

"I am Mylis, the teacher responsible of offensive magic in this class, it is my pleasure to meet you."

Mylis bowed to them and the royals who were already sitting on their chairs next to each other at the center of the classroom.

"Please, don't be so formal instructor. You have more experience than us and you should shout 'At your seats !' instead.

You can call us by our names, we're working in the same establishment after all.

Also, we'll just sit by the corner and watch so, feel free to do class normally." Reyn said.

"I can't possibly do that as you are holding a greater position than every teacher while you are also close to their Majesties, I can't show any disrespect to you." Mylis shook her head in disagreement.

Those types of persons were lots in this world. The same happened with the maids at the castle or the teachers that Reyn and Xaros passed by while going in this class. Royalties in both Rayshald and Yarusen Kingdoms are appreciated a lot and no one would want to anger them or show disrespect towards a friend of theirs.

Xaros was grinning during the entire scene as respect was finally shown towards him. His God's pride must have suffer from being unknown everywhere.

The two new teachers took their seats near the corner of the room with the windows behind them.

Since Reyn never knew magic before and his 'magic' is not like anyone's else, listening the lessons could only help him a little, thus, he listened to every bit of lesson.

During the first day, Reyn also learned in history class that the Demon race has gone extinct 10 000 years ago, Xaros's informations of their death 3000 years ago were wrong. He 'justified' himself with the flow of time passing slower in the God's Realm, but Reyn suspected that he was just too lazy to keep up with time, well, both are not totally wrong.

By the time classes passed, many questions were asked towards the two new faces, many students probably had more interest in them than their lessons but they both happily answered joyfully, sometimes making up half or total lies.

In Yaren's and Yuna's class, most of their classmates were intrigued by both of them, except some of them who didn't ask anything, particularly a girl at the window who tried too hard to not look at them even once.

This girl is Veldris Tiare, an 18 years old woman from a high-rank noble family classed 3rd in the academy, the two first ones being the royals.

She could hardly believe that two youths of her age were way better than her at the point that they were already instructors. In fact, she even verified with a spell their magic, and yet, she found not even a little bit emanating from them. Veldris was loyal to the Prince and Princess but she was convinced that the prince just took a liking in them. For her, it was the only reason.

Actually, even though she didn't cast her spell out loud, Xaros already sensed that she was suspicious towards them, her spell just confirmed it while Reyn didn't sense a bit of it as he was listening too deeply to the lessons.

After that, Xaros kept an eye on her and told Reyn about it, everytime they would look towards her, she shifted her gaze back the quickly possible. It was like that the entire day.