
BNHA: True Replication

Getting thrown inexplicably into the world of My Hero Academia as none other than the envious, yet brilliant Neito Monoma, certainly wasn’t the last thing Neito had expected to happen to him. But what was one supposed to do in such a situation? One where they’re aware of what’s to come? Adapt. Adapt and overcome. “*Sigh* Let’s get this over with.” Watch as he takes the world by storm. _______________________________________ Disclaimer: I don’t own anything from MHA. All rights belong to their original owners.

The_Essence_ · Komik
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3 Chs

-[BIO]- (Spoiler)

This page carries potential spoilers and will be updated as the story progresses. Read at your own discretion.


[Name]: Neito Monoma

[Age]: 14 [Chapter 1 - Chapter ???]

[Birthday]: May 13

[Gender]: Male

[Quirk]: Facsimile

[Quirk Type]: Emitter

[Quirk Description]: Neito's Quirk allows him to duplicate and use another person's Quirk after coming into physical contact with a part of the user or the user themselves.

He can currently hold four Quirks simultaneously and permanently in 'slots' and maintain them for an indefinite amount of time.

Neito gains full access to the Quirk he has copied and can use it however he wishes.

—[Ultimate Moves]—

+[Lightning Manipulation]+


•[Lightning Dragon]

•[Lightning God's Fist]

•[Lightning God's Arrow]

•[Lightning Avatar]
