
Chapter 1: Starting Line

Ever wondered where your place was in the great expanse of space called the universe? If you were ever just a pawn on a larger chessboard, unaware of a higher power moving you across the board, irrespective of your opinion on the matter?

No? Me neither.

Until a few years ago that is.

Waking up as a prepubescent child on the crutch of experiencing the dreadful embrace of puberty in the middle of a stormy night wasn't exactly the best idea the person who brought me here could have come up with.

All that pubic hair sprouting out from under your arms, little pimples and acne appearing one by one on your face, just waiting to ruin it a few years later and not to mention the most disastrous of them all: The horny thoughts.

It's from that last piece that your most embarrassing moments in life start to take place.

But thankfully, I never experienced all of that.

My face hasn't seen the light of a single acne and any embarrassing moment a child would usually have around this phase wasn't anywhere to be seen either, much to my mother's dismay.

Although, I still experienced the usual growth spurt and voice deepening most boys around that age undergo.

'Thinking about a bunch of prepubescent kids is a bit creepy now, isn't it?' I mused inwardly, smirking a bit at my thoughts that would have no doubt creeped out some over dramatic people back on Earth.

I was suddenly broken out of my thoughts when I felt a pen gently poke me on the side, causing me to glance to my right, directly at the perpetrator.

A beautiful fair-skinned girl instantly appeared in my sight, sporting shoulder-length, bob-shaped hair along with cerulean eyes placed on top of a neutral expression.


Yui Kodai, not only my childhood friend in name but also my best friend in this life.

"Pay more attention to what sensei's saying, Neito." She whispered softly, giving me a light pinch as she made sure to keep her voice low considering we were still in the middle of class, her face still set in its usual neutral expression.

Not for long though.

I slowly reached out to her side as well, making sure to keep it under the table and away from prying eyes as my hand finally reached it's destination.

And as if knowing what was coming, she swiftly reached under the table, heading straight for my hand but I wasn't about to abort from my mission when I was so close to victory.

I decisively struck the killing blow, unleashing her ultimate weakness in the form of tickles and as expected, her hand that was originally heading for mine immediately stopped dead in its tracks, followed by an audibly restrained laugh.


…Here's to hoping they didn't hear that.

But as if to mock my thoughts, the entire class instantly turned towards Yui and I, their heads moving so in sync that it almost looked straight out of a horror movie.

Yup, they definitely heard that one.

"Everything alright there, Kodai-san?" Our sensei, an average middle-age Japanese man, spoke up from the front of the class, turning around to face our direction.

The entire class had its attention on us, as if desperate to get some measure of escapism from the non-stop information dump the teacher was so hellbent on carving into their skulls.

Yui blushed slightly noticing this but it was so little that I doubt anyone else except for me noticed it.

Her poker face certainly wasn't helping in that aspect either.

"Yes, sensei. Everything's fine." She said simply.

"Is that so…What do you think Monoma-kun? Anything to add to that?" The teacher called out to me next, probably knowing I have something to do with this.

I glanced at the unassuming man before going back to the piece of art I had been working on since the beginning of the class.

"She seems just fine to me, sensei." I nonchalantly replied, tracing the lines of my art and adding in the little details.

"Hmm…Alright, let's resume class then. Getsuga-san, mind getting us started on Nuclear Fission? Page 230."

"Yes, sensei!"

Our class representative, a dark-haired boy, stood up immediately and started reading enthusiastically, seemingly eager to get back to class while ignoring the groans of his classmates.

I smirked a bit at Yui next to me, who was glaring at me from the side of her eye before going back to focus on the lecture.

My smile widened a bit at that before slowly dropping as I proceeded to immerse myself in my thoughts again, taking care to train my ability to multitask as well, as my hands never stopped moving across the paper.

My Hero Academia, that was the world I had been transmigrated into or reincarnated in, which one it was exactly never mattered to me.

And not just as any run-of-the-mill character but as Neito Monoma himself, the guy with the ability to copy Quirks in the My Hero Academia verse.

But I believe he's more recognizable as the jealous side character that just couldn't shut up when faced with Class 1-A.

I'm actually quite satisfied to be transmigrated into him. His Quirk is definitely something I would want to have, possessing some insane potential that could turn the tide of the world if used properly.

Potential that I intend to fully exploit.

A smile formed on my face as I glanced at my left hand that was crackling with little yellow, almost golden-like, bolts of Lightning.

Anyways, My Hero Academia is an anime world, and one that I luckily know about. Well, atleast something about it.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about this verse is it's well known, yet infamous protagonist.

The one known as the Crybaby-That-Never-Stops-Crying-For-The-Entire-Franchise.

The person most still debate on whether he's actually gay for his own tormentor or not.

And the one with no sense of self respect or pity for himself whatsoever.

The one and only, Izuku Midoriya.

My knowledge regarding this protagonist and the anime itself is very limited, sadly, but it's still better than coming into this world empty handed and lost.

From what I recall, the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, is someone who received one of the strongest Quirks in the entire verse from All Might, the current Number One Hero.

One For All.

That Quirk will go on to make him one of the strongest people this world will have ever seen, becoming the greatest Hero in history by the end.

In other words, it's a fast ticket to the top, depending on how you use it.

Some would even liken it to a cheat code.

But, like all things in this world, it comes at a price.

You bare the risk of attracting the obsession of the big-bad wolf of this world.

The overarching antagonist of the entire anime and the so called Demon King: All For One.

It is said that this man has lived ever since the emergence of Quirks, becoming so powerful that he was eventually able to rule over an entire country from the shadows for several generations.

Nobody was capable of taking this guy down.

He was so powerful that he was able to remain virtually undefeated for an entire century, obliterating every known competitor before he was eventually taken down by All Might.

But even someone as powerful as All Might didn't come out unscathed from that fight.

In the anime, he was powerful enough to single handedly take down several Top ranking Pro Heroes with little to no effort, including the Future Number One Hero and then Number Two Hero-Endeavor, all while still recuperating from his battle with All Might.

Imagine how powerful this man was in his prime. Even more All Might, someone that was capable of taking down a being of such caliber.

And guess what's in the middle of all this?

One For All.


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