
Chapter Thirty-Four

I put my on my clothes and placed my hair into a ponytail when I noticed my hair curling back up. Dragan made his way back to the party as I made my way to the front door.

"Are you leaving Anastasia?"

I turned around to see Lestat. "Yes."

"Why?" He stood looking like a confused child. He reminds me of Dragan. A sad corrupted man. I wonder what happened in his childhood. Was it as horrible as Dragan`s? Well, I don't care enough to find out.

"I am tired."

"But the night is still young."

"I know but maybe another time."

"Ok, just know I am going to hold you to it."

I made my way outside and caught a cab. I first told the cab driver my home address but instantly changed it to the gallery when I remembered that Brandon`s art show was tonight. When I arrived, I felt a little uncomfortable as I watched the people entering wearing suits and gowns. What makes things even more uncomfortable, everyone was staring at me. The moment that I walked into the building, I was automatically amazed at the work that was presented before me. The sculptures and paintings. Every detail was captured stroke by stroke. Brandon was a fucking genius when it came to his art. You can see the passion and dedication that resides in it. Slowly walking through the gallery, admiring every piece of work, I caught sight of Brandon around the corner talking to the woman that I saw at the restaurant. She was smiling ear to ear. I turn my head when Brandon turned in my direction. When I look back in their direction, they are walking towards me and the woman is smiling even bigger than before.

"Ana you made it," Brandon smiled.

"Yea but I feel a little underdressed for this occasion."

"You are perfectly fine Ana."

"Excuse me for butting into you two long urging reunion but I just must shake your hand for the inspiration you have provided Brandon. I have never seen so much money brought in from the paintings of you and the bids are still going on." She shook my hand a little aggressively due to her excitement. "Almost forgot my name is Susan. It is a pleasure to meet you and you are more beautiful in person than in the paintings."

"Wait, what?" I am looking at her confused. Before I could speak, Brandon interrupted.

"Thanks, Susan, she is happy to meet you too. Ana let me show you something." He pulled me away from Susan and began walking to the other side of the room.

"What did you do?" I asked pissed.

"Like Susan said I used you for inspiration...just not from your approval."

"Let me get this straight, you painted pictures of me and didn't ask me if I approve of having my face showcased." As I spoke I watched Brandon rub and massage the back of his neck from guilt.

"I`m sorry."

"Now that explains why I keep getting these weird looks from everyone in here. Show me."

Without saying anything, he took me over to a section of the gallery where there were four detailed paintings of me sleeping in his white shirt. These paintings captured more details than any of his work in this building. Each painting of a different pose of me sleeping except for the last. The last painting was of me beginning to wake up, showing a glimpse of my ocean blue eyes. It was breathtaking. They were his masterpieces of this entire exhibit.

"While I was sleeping that night, you were analyzing me for your art?"

"Yes and no. Well you see weren`t sleeping, remember you were dead. I snapped your neck, but I used your face and the clothes I put you in as part of my art. I imagined this is how you would sleep and wake up."

Well, he is right, I was dead. It still amazes me what he sees through his eyes. He painted me as if I was a beautiful goddess in the abyss. "So how much are these paintings worth? Susan looked at me like a crazy maniac as she talked about how much money was being made from the paintings."

"As of right now, each painting has made its way up to $20,000."

"You got to be fucking kidding me. Are you serious?" I looked at him baffled by the amount. I would have never thought these would be worth that much.

"I am not kidding Anastasia. You are seen through their eyes as exotic and mesmerizing."

I just look over to Brandon and he stares at me smiling. What is it about him?

"Brandon!!!" We look over to see Susan walking over to us with haste.

"Yes Susan," said Brandon once she made it to us.

"A devilish handsome gentleman just came in and outbid everyone and bought every last painting of her."

"Really, how much?"

"He just paid $250,000 in total for all four paintings."

"Wow." Brandon's eyes show amazement.

"Yeah wow, you better believe it, buddy. You are by far my most favorite person I have ever sponsored. I see us working a lot in the future. Also, the guy who purchased all the paintings would like to meet with you, he is over by the bar."

"Ok." Brandon and I watched Susan leave in a hurry to greet the new guests entering the building. "Will you accompany me to meet Mr. Bigshot?" He chuckled.


The moment we approached the bar, my heart dropped. The man turned to face our direction; it was Dragan.