
Chapter Thirty-Five

"Dragan," I said without paying attention to my surroundings.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Brandon asked.

"Yes, we do. I am Anastasia..."

"Boss, he is my boss. Why are you here?" I interrupted.

"Yes, I am her boss. Well, Anastasia, you left a flyer at my house and you know how much I adore art. I had to come and see the beauty for myself and my god I was amazed at what I saw. That is why I had to buy those four masterpieces, Brandon you captured her beautifully." He extended his hand out.

Brandon grabbed it and shook his hand.

"Dragan is your name, right?"

"Call me Drake."

"Ok because I was about to say Dragan is a very odd name. My mother used to tell me stories about a king named Dragan who was corrupted by his mother and he let his emotions get the best of him over some female that caused him to destroy his entire kingdom."

I noticed that they were still holding hands, no longer shaking, but you can tell the grip became tighter.

"You heard those tales as well. Not too many people hear of old folklore anymore. Your mother is a very knowledgeable person, but my name is originally Dragan. My name comes from the ancient Greek term of a dragon and the Serbian Cyrillic which gives my name the meaning of dear beloved. Sorry if I disappoint you of not being an unstable psychotic killer."

These two look like they are marking their territory and showing who is more superior. Their eyes both showed the eyes of a killer. They let each other hands go.

"I would never assume my highest bidder would be a psychotic killer just because of his name but Mr. Drake have we met before? You look extremely familiar."

"I am not sure, there could be a possibility. I noticed your last name is Salvatore and I have run into and or dealt with a prestigious Salvatore family a time or two. That family was a jack of all trades."

"How so?"

"They possessed many talents, but their favorite and best talent was hunting."

"Hey, I don`t mean to interrupt but I think I am going to head out." I cut them off before they could say anything else to make the atmosphere seem uncomfortable.

"Let me give you a ride home then," Dragan said.

I wanted to deny him, but I don't think that is the wisest choice for me to make.

"Are you sure Ana?" Brandon asked.

"Yea, but I really enjoyed myself tonight," I smiled.

"Alright, well keep in touch with me ok and here you forgot this." He handed me my necklace right in front of Dragan`s face. It was the necklace Dragan has been asking about. I refused to look in Dragan`s direction because I can feel the animosity radiate from his body as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Let`s go, Anastasia. It was a pleasure meeting you Brandon."

"Likewise, Drake."

Dragan and I made our way back to my apartment but before I entered, he stopped me at the door.

"So that is where the necklace I bought you was at the entire time. Laid up with a hunter."

"Please, can we just leave it alone." I held my head down, still refusing to make eye contact.

"That`s the fucking problem, I keep leaving you alone to do as you please and you keep digging yourself deeper in shit."

I stood there in silence, but I should have responded because this did nothing but pissed him off even more.

"And this is why punishments and lessons are put in order so that you can get a better understanding of what you should not do."

I looked up at him confused and scared of what he is about to do. I unlocked and opened my apartment door once he was no longer blocking it. For some strange reason, I felt the urge that this place was no longer inviting. I turned towards Dragan's direction to see the corners of his lips curled up.

"What did you do?"

"You feel it don't you, the feeling of being pushed away and not wanted."

"What did you do to my roommate?"

"Does it matter? Just know that she no longer resides in this place, but another has taken over the residency. Hence the need for an invitation." Dragan grabbed me by the back of my neck and pushed me into the apartment. I fell to my knees but before I could pick myself up, he dragged far enough so that I was far away from the door.

A loud high pitch ringing sound echoed through my ears. I was in excruciating pain.

"Good news, however, the couple that is renting this place invited me in and I made sure for them to not change the locks. You see you never really knew what happens to vampires when they aren't invited in a home that is not vacant. So, let me explain. As of right now, you should be hearing a high pitch noise through your ears. This pitch is so loud it can shatter glass. But it is so painful that it is making your body hard to move. Now that is just the first stage though. The second stage is when your insides feel like they are melting. It`s because they are," he laughed.

I tried to move, but all I could do is cover my ears. It was no use, it felt as if the noise was growing louder every second. I could feel my eyes and ears beginning to bleed. He wasn't lying either about my insides melting. My body felt extremely hot to the point I start spitting up blood. If he wants me to die so bad. Why won't he just kill me? Put me out of my misery. I managed to gather a little bit of strength to look up him before collapsing on the floor.