
Chapter Thirty-Three

"What the fuck are you?" The demanding man lost all his spunk and I saw his anger shrunk to nothing.

The burning sensation in my throat was tearing me apart. I used my claws and slammed them into my leg. The pain was agonizing but it was helping me stay sane. The men began to freak out and fight over who should have the knife. The man who originally had the knife a mistake and the other man`s arm. It`s one thing to smell the blood, but to see it flowing so beautifully on the floor was another issue. It was nothing more I could do to hold back, I heard the crowd gasp as they witness my eyes turn pitch black from my bloodlust. Quickly jumping onto the bleeding man, I jabbed my fangs into his juggler and my claws dug into his back for me to have a nice grip from him escaping. I can tell he wanted to scream but it was hard to do from choking off of his blood. I felt a sharp pain in my back. I turn around to find out that the other man stabbed me in the back. I pulled the knife out and dropped it to the ground. He backs up slowly and then attempts to try to run. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and kick him in the leg-breaking it. I broke the other leg the same way as he screamed in agony. I let his body drop to the ground and stood there watching him crawl. I don't know but watching him like this brought joy. Once I grew tired of watching, I walked up behind him and grabbed him by his hair. Using my other hand, using my claws, I slashed them across his throat. Blood sprayed onto my arm and hand. I dropped his head sat next to him, putting my hand into the blood and licking it. I did it repeatedly lost in my world as the vampires watched me. Lestat signal for a vampire to help me up. Unfortunately, he should have let me be. The moment he touched me, my mind snapped and I attempted to attack him. Becoming a ravaging beast, I was wild and disoriented. As I was trying to attack the other vampires, Sonya pulled out a dagger and began to make her way to me. The challenge brought me excitement, but Dragan attempted to stop her. They were fighting. Sonya slammed Dragan to the ground and was about to dig the dagger into his chest. I felt the bond between my maker and me. I felt his life in danger. I stopped attacking the other vampires and made my way to help Dragan. I could feel myself slowly returning. Making it just in time before the dagger pierced Dragan`s chest, I tackled Sonya to the ground by her throat. The dagger slid across the room.

"Don't you dare touch him," I snarled as my eyes returned to its original blue. Her expression was filled with panic. The room was filled with silence until laughter broke out in the air. Our heads all turned in the direction of the laughter to see that it was Lestat.

"Now that was a show," he said slowly clapping his hands. The crowd looked at one another and then joined in. Lestat walked over to Sonya and me. "Let her go and get up,' he whispered. I did as I was told.

"I have never seen a wildling revert back in my entire existence until now. Remarkable. Well, deal is a deal. Anastasia is no threat until proven otherwise." He smiled at me wickedly. Something tells me this was just was only the beginning. I left his presence to go check on Dragan.

Dragan speaking with Sonya. I could tell from a distance it was an unpleasant conversation. They stopped talking and looked over to me once they noticed my presence. She smiled and walked away.

"Hey, how are you doing Dragan?"

"I am doing fine, but we must get you changed." He grabbed my wrist and made our way to his bedroom. He seemed uneasy. Once in his bedroom, I walked into his master bathroom and started the shower. As I am washing all the dried blood off my body, I can feel him watching me. I ignored it because my nerves were on edge from what has played out. Dragan handed me my towel when I was done. The moment I placed one foot out the shower, Dragan pulled me into a tight embrace and held me. I hadn't noticed until now that his body was shaking. Was Dragan scared that he could have lost me today?

"You are getting your clothes wet."

"I don't care. I was no help to you today. I couldn`t protect you." He placed his hands on the side of my face and massaged my cheeks with his thumbs.

"You did help me, Dragan. It is because of you I was able to come back to sanity."

Without saying anything he placed soft kisses on my forehead. It instantly put my nerves to rest. It seems like it is also calming him as well.

"Let me let you put some clothes on before I do something." He kissed and walked into the bedroom. As I followed there were jeans and a shirt on the bed.

"I thought you don't like your women in jeans, especially an event like this."

"It`s because you are not staying for the rest of the party. Later tonight they are bringing more humans here to feast on and wish not to see you lose yourself again in front of them. So, you are free to go home and rest."