
Chapter Forty-Three

I awake to find myself in a hospital bed with an IV hooked up to me. It looks like I was having a blood transfusion. I was horrid when I looked at my left arm. My veins were pitch black from my elbow to my wrist. What the hell is happening to me? I looked around and it looks like I am still inside this underground facility, just in another room. I see Dragan on the other side of the door, it looks as if he is fussing with Beth. Seems like there is a certain type of material that is preventing me from listening to what they are saying. Dragan looked through the door and instantly stopped fussing once he noticed I was awake. He opened the door and walked in. I haven't noticed that Brandon was out there the entire time until Dragan moved. His facial expression showed me that this issue was serious, as the door shut behind him. Dragan sat down and took a deep breath.

"So, what`s the issue?"

He just stared at me without speaking.

"Dragan, I want the truth."

"There is no easy way to put this. Beth wants to kill you. She knows you are a wildling." Dragan signaled for Brandon to come in. He stood at the end of the bed when he entered. "He can explain better."

"I know that right now you are wondering why your veins are black. You are entering the second stage of wildlings. Not too many wildlings make it to this stage, but the black veins will continue to grow until it reaches your brain. Once it does, anything with a beating heartbeat will cause you to lose yourself. You will also begin to crave the blood of vampires. You are a threat on both ends."

"Then the best option is to…"

"You must have lost your damn mind if you think that is the only option. Nothing will happen to you and if anybody tries anything, they will answer to me. Vampire or hunter." Dragan interrupted looking at Brandon.

"That will not be necessary, I spoke with my mother and she agreed to let Ana go, as long as a hunter keep watch over her."

"Let me guess, you?"


"I think the fuck not," Dragan roared, standing to his feet.

"That is the only way. One week out of the month she must stay with me to make sure she still has a grasp on her humanity."

"I fucking bet. Let`s cut out the bullshit Brandon, we both know how you feel about Anastasia. You just want her closer to you. So desperate for the pussy huh?"

"Says the fucking vampire who gets jealous when her attention is not directed to them 24/7. Are you that afraid of being alone Dragan?"

"Dragan," I cut in through the conversation when I saw his face grow with anger.

"What Anastasia?"

"Can we just go along with what they are saying to avoid any issues?"

"Why? So, they can control?"

"Sorry Dragan, but we aren`t you."

"Yeah, you are. The difference is that I don`t hide who I truly am."

"Maybe you feel this way with the mommy issues you still are not able to overcome."

"You want to say that shit again hunter?"

"What are you going to do if I do?"

"Handle you the same way I handled your father. You remember don`t you? After all you did have front row seat when I ripped his heart out on Christmas. How old were you again, eight or nine?" Dragan smirked he knew he hit a nerve.

The room grew silent for a moment. I never knew Dragan could stoop so low, but I am confused because I have no memories of that. Why don`t I remember?

"I would like it if you don`t speak so ill of my husband. Other than that, my decision is final, if you or Anastasia do not agree, I will kill her where she lays at this very moment."

I can see the gun in her hand on her side. Brayla stood behind her. I don`t know if she has a weapon, but something tells me she does.