
Chapter Forty-Four

"I agree to your terms." Dragan stared at me pissed.

"Wise choice. Dragan, I advise for you not to interfere. You will leave with Brandon in the next hour." She left with Brayla at her side.


"Don`t fucking speak. You defy me every time and have no trust in me whatsoever. What a worthless creature." He said before leaving. His words cut through me like a knife. No matter what I do, it seems to always cause more issues between us.

"Don`t pay him any mind Ana. Just rest, while I go get the preparations done for us to leave. Once Brandon left, I tried to rest but it was impossible due to too much on my mind.

Brandon came to get me once everything was ready. I looked at my arm again with concern.

"It`s going to be ok."

"I hope so." We made our way back to his home. When we got there, Susanne waiting at Brandon`s front door with a suitcase.

"How in the hell?" I whispered.

"Hello Ms. Adams. Mr. Walker informed me of the situation and advised me to bring you some clothes," she said handing me the suitcase. "Good day."

With that she was gone. Brandon unlocked and open his door for me. I walked in taking off my shoes at the door.

"Just make yourself at home," he said grabbing the suitcase and walking to the bedroom.

I walked around the living room admiring how open and spacious it is.

"Ana is everything ok?" Brandon asks as he finds me standing in the living room lost in thought.

"Yes," I responded looking up at him. "Where will I sleep?"

"My room."

"And what about you, are you sleeping with me?"

I noticed he blushed at the question. "No, I am sleeping on the sectional and I must go over some things with you."

"Is that so?"

"Unfortunately, yes. You see we must make sure your condition is not spiraling out of control. In order to make sure on that, I must draw your blood from the affected parts of your body and venom from your fangs."

"My fangs?" Placing my hand over my mouth.

"Yes, your fangs. You see your fangs releases a toxin that somewhat paralyzes your victims for a brief moment, but yours may be more potent now."

He amazes me that he knows so much of my kind, but then again he is a hunter. It is his job to know his prey.

"In the meantime though, what would you like to do? We have a whole seven days to us. I am in no rush."

"May I use your shower?"

"Sure, let me get you a towel and washcloth." Brandon directed me to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He left and returned with the towel and washcloth. "If you need anything else, just let me know."

"Ok." He left and I took off my clothes and stepped in the shower. The hot water rain down my body. It felt fucking exquisite. I let it wash my worries away as I washed my body. After washing up, I quickly exited the shower and bumped right into Brandon outside the bathroom. My towel dropped and Brandon caught sight of my exposed body. Brandon was lost in trance, but his broke his glance when he noticed me attempting to shield my body.