
Chapter Forty-Two

"Why not?" He asked with a fake puzzled look on his face.

He knows why I can`t, me just being in that setting for too long will drive my ass into a frenzy and lately it`s been getting harder for me to grasp back to my humanity when I go into that state.

"Because she is working closely with me and she doesn't have time," Dragan spoke.

"Oh that`s sad but I understand, well Sonya what do you say?" Le`Stat asked.


"Good, that settles it and since that is the case I guess Sonya and I will find a place in the area to stay. That means me and you can start hanging out," Le`Stat said looking at me.

"I doubt it," spoke Dragan.

"Back to the main subject, we will draw up the paperworkIt1s best if Brayla and Sonya exchange numbers to keep in contact. I guess that completes everything for today."

As everyone was leaving, Brandon pulled me to the side.


I need to talk to you."

Dragan came back in and looked at us. "Anastasia let`s go." His tone was overpowering.

I looked at Brandon and over to Dragan. I need to handle this before this get out of hand.

"Dragan can you please give me a minute?"

"Make it quick," he said giving me an intense glare before leaving.

Brandon shut and locked the door once he was sure we were alone and no one was coming back. I was caught off guard when he came over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank goodness you are safe. I though he did something to you."

My body stiffened as he said that as the memories of that warehouse flood my mind. Brandon noticed my body language.

"He did do something. What did he do?"

"Brandon it is ok, I am fine."

"Did you get my messages?' He looked concerned.

"Sorry, I was a little tied up," I said rubbing my wrists.

"I was so worried about you," he caressed my cheek.

"Brandon, I know but there is no need to worry. Also, I think we need to distance ourselves."

"What do you mean?"

"We can't keep seeing each other. It`s better and safer that way."

"Safer? Ana I can protect myself. I just can't keep my distance."


"Because I love you. You are all I think about when I am not around you and when I am around you, I pray that you don`t leave. It feels like it is never enough time."

Before I could say anything, he stole a kiss from my lips. All my pain, doubts, and sadness melted away.

"See you feel the same way too,' he said after pulling away from me, breathing heavy.

"Sorry Brandon." I unlocked the door and left. As I am walking down the hallway, I caught a horrible headache, which is weird because when do you ever know of a vampire catching a headache. The headache grew until my vision went blurry. My body dropped to the ground and the last thing I could hear was Brandon yelling my name as his footsteps grew closer to me before I blacked out.