
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

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57 Chs

Chapter 51: The Fire in the Rose Garden

Under the bleak moonlight, Daisy sat on Situ Mu's lap, her gaze icy as she looked down at his face, marked with blood from the scratches of the roses.

"Why didn't you give it to me?"

Her voice, like a frigid wind from snowy peaks, was cold, sending a chill through Situ Mu's heart.

His trembling hand reached up to caress her cheek, his eyes revealing a deep pain, and even his breath seemed to ache.

"Am I not good enough for you?"

"Every day, I personally choose clothes for you. Do you think I like the clothes you wear? No, in fact, I love whatever you wear."

"I pick clothes for you because I have a selfish desire. I selfishly hope that the clothes you wear are the ones I've chosen for you."

"I comb your hair, accompany you in washing and grooming, doing everything to be with you. It's just because I want to be with you. As long as I can be by your side, I feel happy and satisfied."

"You don't like folding the quilt, tidying things up, or letting anyone touch your belongings. So, every single thing of yours, I personally organize."

"When I organize, I'm also happy because every item of yours carries your scent and memories. Seeing them, it's like looking at every bit of you and all the memories without me."

"In this way, I feel like I can make up for a bit of the regret of not being with you."

"My life is boring. Only by discovering truths and dissecting others can I get a bit of pleasure. Even that tiny pleasure, I cherish. But until I saw you, I felt that everything I did before was just killing time."

"Without being with you, I even felt tormented by wasting time."

"I don't know the meaning of my existence. They all say I'm contributing to the entire human race, but only I know I'm not a great person."

"I couldn't find the meaning of my existence, so I once wanted to die. But I can't even die. So, for over two hundred years, I've been wasting time and enduring torment."

"Until you woke up from that operating table, teased me, and kissed me."

"Then I suddenly realized that I live for the sake of meeting you."

"You only know that I dissected you, but you don't know how much I regretted it and how painful it was for me after dissecting you."

"Do you know?" He held her hand over his heart. "I'm in pain."

"I know everything I've done for you is just trivial, but I've never done these things for anyone else. I did these things for you just because I love you."

"Do you know? I love you."

"I don't expect you to love me as much as I love you, but I truly can't bear it if you love someone else. It hurts me more than if you killed me."

"Timothy told me that in the chaotic love spell, you and that werewolf... I'm angry. Angry that the werewolf can have you, and I'm even angrier at myself for not protecting you."

"I thought that as long as I got rid of him, you would be mine alone. But your heart isn't."

"Not only do you protect him, but you also uncontrollably snatch things he gave you with emotional turbulence."

"Why should he be in your heart? Does he treat you as well as I do? Does he love you like I do?"

"I'm really hurting. As long as I'm alive and feel your love for someone else, it hurts. The pain makes me wish I were dead. Sweetheart, if there's someone else in your heart, just kill me. Use Danny's blood to kill me now."

"Although your blood can also make me die, I can't bear to see you suffer even a bit. So, kill me with Danny's blood."

The moonlight fell into his eyes, just a glimmer, but his decisiveness carried a pleading gaze that was so piercing it deeply stung Daisy.

His fingers had loosened, no longer tightly gripping the pocket watch. Daisy hadn't taken it back yet.

After a long while, a time when the entire world seemed to stand still, Situ Mu suddenly saw a tear fall from Daisy's eye, landing on his clothes.

"You love me, so you're willing to die for me, right?" She suddenly spoke, her tone calm and unruffled.


He didn't want to look at her anymore; her expression hurt him too much. So, he simply closed his eyes, speaking resolutely, as if welcoming death peacefully.

Suddenly, a raging fire erupted around them. Flames engulfed the entire rose garden, the firelight reaching towards the sky.

The area they were in had been surrounded by crimson flames, forming a hemisphere. From the outside, nothing could be seen inside, and from the inside, nothing could be seen outside.

As far as the eye could see, there were only blinding flames, seemingly burning endlessly, vast and boundless.

Situ Mu heard the sound of the flames, but he didn't open his eyes.

However, the imagined burning sensation didn't touch him. The clear sensation he felt was only the cool softness transmitted from her lips to his.

He suddenly opened his eyes and saw Daisy leaning down, kissing him. It was a very pure kiss, with only a gentle touch between lips, yet it seemed to carry intense emotions.

Intense to the point that her eyelashes trembled, as if she were trying her best to suppress something.

The scene remained still for a long time. Daisy finally opened her eyes, leaving his lips and pressing her forehead against his. With a sincere and moving expression, she spoke softly.

"I don't love anyone else; I only love you. This watch wasn't a gift from Fred. Nothing happened between him and me."

"I belong to you alone."

"Finally," she looked into his eyes, resolute and unwavering.

This was the first time she had revealed such genuine emotions before him.

After hearing his confession, she saw into his heart and understood her own.

The unexpected confession left Situ Mu stunned for a long moment. Then, he suddenly turned, pressing Daisy beneath him, kissing her forcefully.

He turned the overwhelming joy in his heart into the force of the kiss, as if wanting to kiss until the end of time, until the world burned into ashes by this unending flame.

Kisses that burned the world, flames that consumed everything in their relentless fire.

Rose thorns tore through his clothes, puncturing his skin, but he didn't care about the slight pain. His only concern was Daisy beneath him responding passionately.

"Sweetheart, may I?" His kiss moved to her earlobe as he softly asked, his breath heavy, profoundly seductive, carrying a tempting allure.

"Yes," she nodded obediently.

In the next instant, the sound of clothes tearing mixed with the crackling of burning rose branches.

Amidst the roaring flames outside, they were completely oblivious because, with this blazing inferno, Daisy had isolated them from all external sounds.

So, they were unaware that when the fire erupted, it alarmed the entire vampire clan.

Outside the flames, tens of thousands of vampires in the vampire territory were drawn to the night's fiery glow, anxiously gazing towards the mountaintop where the castle stood, worrying about their queen.

Inside the flames, sparks meandered between the rose branches, lingering as if finding a resting place. Shortly after, they swiftly tore through obstacles, burning through the fragile branches.

Outside the flames, all vampires in the castle, including the sleeping Danny and the blood servant girls, were startled by the towering flames. Urgently, they started bustling about.

Inside the flames, the rose branches were thoroughly ignited. A crisp and melodious sound continuously echoed, seemingly relieved, cracking loudly and leaving lingering echoes in the air.

Outside the flames, countless vampires in succession, seemingly risking their lives, urgently flew back and forth, fetching water from the well at the foot of the mountain and flying back to the mountaintop to extinguish the fire.

Inside the flames, the rose branches shivered along with the sparks. Eventually, the branches broke from the place occupied by the sparks, falling to the ground with the sparks. It sparked a few trembling stars.

The sparks continued to burn the fallen branches, scorching and beautiful, lonely as if the entire world only had them.

Thus, the flames kept burning relentlessly.

Until the faint light of dawn emerged, and the east began to glow.