
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 52: Going to Fetch Little Doudou

This massive fire seemed to carry away all the unpleasantness. The heavy burden in Situ Mu's heart and Daisy's troubled thoughts dissipated into the night. Worry and despondency vanished, replaced by sweetness and contentment.

From this night onward, their dynamic changed. Unconsciously, they both felt that life had never been so blissful.

Situ Mu no longer slept separately from Daisy. The two vampires shared Daisy's magnificent and spacious coffin.

Although the days continued unabashedly, the matter of Timothy taking Daisy's body still loomed like a time bomb, buried in the hearts of both Situ Mu and Daisy, ready to explode at any moment.

Moreover, Daisy harbored another concern deep within her heart.

This matter wasn't just a potential threat; it was something more.

Regardless, she cherished the upcoming time more and had begun transferring some of her responsibilities to Vincent. Consequently, she found herself with more free time.

Due to this, whenever she had free time, she became more proactive in approaching Situ Mu.

Although Situ Mu was naturally inclined to seek intimacy, experiencing the life of adult men and women to the fullest.

Only Danny remained immersed in his own innocent fairy tale world. He missed Tanya a lot, but Daisy forbade him from leaving the castle, so he couldn't go see her.

However, he felt responsible since Little Doudou was already pregnant with his child.

After much contemplation, he decided to talk to Daisy and ask her to bring Little Doudou here.

Of course, he had to consult with Little Doudou first. If she wasn't willing to come, he couldn't force her.

However, since he returned three days ago, Daisy's door remained tightly shut. Each time he knocked, there was no response.

Danny thought that, as usual, he would be ignored when knocking on her door. However, because he couldn't wait any longer, determined to talk to his sister, he stood outside the door, occasionally looking up at the ceiling, appearing lonely.

Unexpectedly, he didn't have to wait long this time; the door opened.

Danny joyfully looked inside, but his excitement turned into disappointment in the next second. Instead of Daisy, the terrifying man, Situ Mu, walked out.

Situ Mu appeared clear-headed and in a good mood. Seeing Danny, he asked in a friendly tone, "Are you here to find her?"

Although Danny had already accepted Situ Mu as the castle steward, he still hesitated for a moment before nodding and saying, "Yes."

"She's not available right now. If there's anything, you can tell me," Situ Mu replied, maintaining his friendly demeanor.

Danny couldn't help but find it strange. Was his sister doing something inside that she couldn't let him know? However, without dwelling on it, he told Situ Mu about his concerns.

"Recently, in the human world, I encountered a girl named Little Doudou. She's already pregnant with my child, and I can't abandon her. However, my sister won't let me leave, so can you ask my sister to bring her here? Of course, we need to get Little Doudou's consent; otherwise, she and her family won't be happy."

Situ Mu understood. This was most likely about Liu Yiyi, his niece.

So, he nodded to Danny, saying, "I will convey your message to her."

After saying that, he intended to leave, but Danny, who had just realized something, stopped him. Danny asked, "When will my sister have time?"

"Probably after she sleeps for a while," Situ Mu thought for a moment and replied.

"Huh?" Danny was even more puzzled. To avoid disturbing his sister, he specifically chose the nighttime. Vampires generally didn't like sleeping at this time. How could his sister need to sleep again?

Anyway, he stopped thinking about it and eagerly anticipated that Tanya would be willing to come to the castle and, hopefully, come quickly.

When Situ Mu returned to Daisy's room, he had a tube of ointment with him.

Although a vampire's skin is resilient compared to humans, it's not invulnerable everywhere.

At this moment, Daisy had buried her entire head under the blanket, leaving only a few strands of silver hair visible.

Situ Mu lifted the coffin lid, and sensing the movement, Daisy woke up instantly. She hastily wrapped herself tighter in the blanket, revealing only a few strands of silver hair. Her melodious voice carried a touch of annoyance, "You leave, don't come in!"

Situ Mu attempted to lift her blanket, but seeing her reaction, he could only place his hand on top of her blanket, roughly at her waist, and said helplessly, "Good, I won't touch you."

Finally, after soothing her with gentle words and multiple assurances, Daisy allowed herself to be carried out by him.

He placed her on his lap, opened the ointment, and, aware that he wouldn't touch her, Daisy deliberately struck various enticing poses, causing his veins to bulge, and his forehead to be covered in sweat.

However, he managed to control himself with his powerful self-discipline.

After storing the ointment, he held her tightly, his head resting in the nape of her neck, inhaling the sweet scent that was now mixed with a new kind of allure.

The additional fragrance satisfied Situ Mu, and he did his best to calm his restless mind, relaying the message from Danny to Daisy.

Though Danny implied that it depended on Tanya's own thoughts, Daisy wasn't planning to consider Tanya's opinion. Regardless of whether she was willing or not, Daisy intended to bring her here.

Wasting time on a futile trip wasn't something she was willing to do. Moreover, since Zhang Qisheng used her body to exchange for Liu Yiyi, abducting Liu Yiyi's niece wasn't excessive.

"Let's go later," Daisy playfully said to Situ Mu, her fingers teasingly running through the hair at the back of his head.

Curious about the girl who had snatched Danny so quickly and already had a child, Daisy was eager to meet Tanya.

"Okay," Situ Mu didn't lift his head, his voice filled with pleasure. He was happy because Daisy said "we," signifying her desire to be with him regardless of their destination.

After a long time, just before dawn, he helped Daisy change into new clothes. Then, they boarded the fighter jet together.

Since Situ Mu piloted the fighter jet to bring the vampires, the plane had been untouched by others, effectively becoming their private aircraft.

However, when he piloted the fighter jet, Daisy couldn't resist being mischievous again. She intentionally teased him in various ways, and he could only catch her playful hands, staring at her. His eyes, as dark as ink, gleamed with delight as he suggested, "How about watching the sunrise together when we arrive at the beach?"

The vampire territory and the human world were separated by a vast and boundless sea. Now, they had flown over this sea and were about to reach the coastline.