
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 50: I Just Love You

Situ Mu piloted the fighter jet back to the Blood Clan, while the other three returned directly to the human world to catch up on sleep.

After returning to the Blood Clan, Danny was finally released.

Now transformed back into a cat, he saw Daisy, who seemed preoccupied and burdened. Even though he didn't receive any comforting words, he felt like crying.

Great, he wasn't going to die, and he would see Little Dot and his sister again.

However, the dreadful human he had encountered in the lab, before Daisy could hold him, grabbed him by the nape of his neck in a humiliating and ugly manner and took him away!

Such an audacious act!

But why didn't his sister save him? He fell into the clutches of this human!

Unanswered pleas, and Danny felt utterly defeated.

Daisy knew Situ Mu wouldn't harm Danny, which was why she didn't intervene. But with Fred, it was uncertain.

She felt Situ Mu harbored strong hostility towards Fred. To prevent this mentally unstable man from dissecting Fred for no reason, breaking her promise, she ordered her subordinates to take Fred into the underground palace.

Before Situ Mu could find a way to get rid of Fred, he discovered that Fred had already been hidden away by Daisy.

He felt like he couldn't control the dark thoughts growing within him.

Nevertheless, on the surface, he showed nothing, diligently carrying out the duties of a steward.

After getting off the fighter jet, Daisy went to handle affairs. Due to neglecting tasks for most of the day, a pile of work had accumulated, making her sleep very late.

When she woke up, it was almost ten at night.

Crawling out of her coffin, Daisy saw Situ Mu, dressed in a suit, standing outside the coffin, smiling at her. His gentle eyes seemed to hide a hint of abnormality.

That familiar feeling surged up in Daisy once again, making her suspect that he still regarded her as an object.

She even felt that if he hadn't already dissected her, he must be thinking about doing it now.

Her inner self felt somewhat defeated. Did she really have no charm left since encountering this emotionally closed-off man? It seemed like her once-proud allure had been washed away since meeting him.

However, she tried her best to ignore this feeling, pretending not to notice anything. She circled Situ Mu's neck, tilting her head close to his lips and blowing gently, saying, "It's so late, why didn't you wake me up?"

"Reluctant to," he said with a voice so deep and magnetic it was undeniably sexy.

"Hey," Daisy chuckled lightly. Though pleased with this statement, she still said, "Men's mouths, deceitful ghosts."

"I'm not deceiving you."

As the words fell, the vampire and the man kissed each other for a long time. Daisy leaned into his arms, burying her head in his neck, saying, "Have you been waiting for me here all this time?"

"Yes," Situ Mu nodded, his chin rubbing against her head.

Daisy raised her head, her eyes as clear and bright as red agate, staring directly into his slightly dim eyes as if trying to see into his heart through his eyes.

She said, "Sometimes, I really think that you love me, the way a man loves a woman."

"I just love you." He held her hand, lifted it, kissed it, his expression sincere.

His eyes, still like the lake that once drowned her, made Daisy feel like she was sinking into a land of tenderness.

This was good.

Just don't let anything unexpected happen again.

She didn't want to be dissected by him anymore, nor did she want to hear him remain silent when asked about his feelings for her, or worse, hear him say he didn't love her.

It's a principle that going from frugality to extravagance is easy, but going from extravagance to frugality is difficult. Once she experienced something better, she didn't want to experience anything worse.

She didn't know exactly what kind of emotion she harbored towards this human and to what extent, but she felt that she was already very infatuated with his tenderness.

Despite having many things to attend to, she finally found some free time in the midnight of the third day.

A crescent moon hung in the curtain-like sky, with dimmer light. Daisy sat on a chair in the center of the rose garden, conjuring a glass of blood out of thin air, sipping it with a charming demeanor.

Hearing faint footsteps behind her, she decided to play along with this annoying human since she was in the mood for it, pretending not to notice anything.

Today, she wore a shoulder-revealing dress. Situ Mu embraced her from behind, his hands a bit naughty, and his lips kissed her fragrant shoulder.

Pretending not to recognize him, she lightly pressed down the hand he placed in front of her, playfully saying, "Who is this, so annoying."

Situ Mu, who was originally kissing her neck, suddenly froze.

Not figuring out who he was, was that it?

Feeling that the previously ambiguous atmosphere was suddenly off, Daisy squeezed his hand, teasingly saying, "Little brother, why not continue?"

Suddenly, Situ Mu turned her chair around so that she faced him directly.

There seemed to be a turmoil in his eyes, brewing a storm of epic proportions.

Daisy, suddenly turned around, was a little surprised.

Seeing his expression, she reached for his cheeks, softly asking, "What's wrong?"

"Are you still thinking about that werewolf?" he asked abruptly.

"Huh?" Daisy was puzzled. Why did he ask such a nonsensical question out of the blue?

He took out a pocket watch from his pocket and presented it in front of her. His voice was unusually calm.

"I found this when I was organizing your room."

Daisy's pupils suddenly enlarged, wanting to snatch the pocket watch away, but he quickly held it in his palm.

"Give it to me!"

She shouted, her gaze instantly becoming icy and full of anger, as if someone had stepped heavily on her foot.

"Can't stand it, huh?" Situ Mu laughed in exasperation, the pain densely covering his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

He refused to give it, and Daisy could only snatch it forcefully.

She rushed at him with her entire body, pouncing him to the ground, trying to pry his hands open. He, on the other hand, held on tightly, and they rolled into the thorny rose bushes.

Although a vampire's skin feels almost the same as a human's, in fact, it is more resilient. The thorns of the rose couldn't pierce their skin.

So, despite rolling in the rose bushes, Daisy only had her dress torn, while Situ Mu not only had his clothes torn but also his body scratched, which quickly healed.

Both of them got furious, not to the extent of mutual destruction, but stubbornly resisting each other.

In the end, they had to step back. Situ Mu no longer intended to restrain Daisy, and Daisy didn't try to snatch the pocket watch from his hand anymore.