
Billionaire Hired Bride

Mike Lawson is a billionaire CEO, who is very influential in all of the United States and beyond. Mike has a lot of followers on social media and his lifestyle is constantly watched by these people, knowing this he does everything with caution. One night Mike was going home from work at the car garage he met a drunk lady who laid on his car. He was shocked to see a female in that state and his car, he tried to calm her down and know why she was in that state and who she was but the drunk lady kissed him thinking he was someone else when this happened Mike was awestruck and didn't know what else to do so he drove her to his house. The next day she woke up in a beautiful bedroom, well furnished and tidy. She stared blankly and surprised as she wondered how she got there. Before Mike could explain Jonathan came in the CEO of Ivory Classic Shoes kissing a mysterious lady who turned out to be the only daughter of a multi-billionaire and CEO of Bibi's jewelry, Samantha Lawson. Samantha suggested that Mike announce that she was his soon-to-be bride.

AnnieGold27 · perkotaan
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Time & Place: 7:00 am at Mike's mansion

She slept soundly on his bed, while he dressed up for work. He had a soft knock on his bedroom door and opened it only to see his annoying junior brother with a tablet in his hand. Mike groans frustrated at the sight of his brother and wonders why he was at his place this morning.

"What are you doing here this early?"

He asked standing at the door, so he wouldn't come into the room. His brother had a wide mouth and if he saw the lady in his room he would freak out and make a scene which was the last thing Mike wanted this morning.

"Won't you let me in? Or are you hiding something?"

He asked with a silky smile hanging on his handsome face, Mike laughed and rolled his eyes nervously. Jonathan was sure that there was something wrong for him to stand in the way denying him entry into his room, mike wasn't someone that doesn't even lock his bedroom door. This made Jonathan more eager to know what he was hiding

"Then let me in !"

He said pushing his brother aside and forcefully entering the room, his eyes roamed all over the room until he met a beautiful lady sitting on the bed. She looked confused and didn't know why or how she got to where she was.

"Jonathan, let's talk outside"

He said as he followed him and stood behind him.

"So it's true? Why would you do this when your exhibition is around the corner?"

He asked and Mike stared at him confused

"What are you talking about"

Mike asked out of curiosity and Jonathan handed over the tablet to him. He turned it on and was shocked to see the video of him and the lady on his bed kissing all over the internet.

"How did this get into the internet ?"

He asked shocked

"You must have forgotten how influential you are. Every single thing you do, every step you take is constantly monitored not just one person but everyone, all eyes are on you. Why would you kiss your girlfriend in public? You could have waited till you got home then you made out how you wanted to. Now the internet is going crazy asking who the mysterious lady is and some saying that you took advantage of a drunk lady"

His brother was angry about his mistake which was now affecting the stock market. He knows Mike very well and wasn't expecting him to make this type of mistake, he was always cautious of everything he did so this made him wonder who this lady was. She gazed at him confused, she wasn't the only one confused here even Mike was surprised.

"But that isn't what really happened, it is complicated but how do we bring things down on the internet? Nothing must go wrong in this coming exhibition I put a lot of effort into making sure it going to be a success but this video can't make all my efforts go down the drain just like that"

He replied and Jonathan sighted triedly. He could see the concern in his brother's eyes and he didn't even know what to do.

"I already called some people to make sure that the video stopped circulating on the internet and Elizabeth is working on the stock market, I am also trying to track down who posted the video and pictures"

He responded his reply was reassuring and this calmed Mike down for the time being.

"Can I know why I'm here ?"

The young lady who had been silent the whole time finally spoke, she didn't understand what was going on and needed an explanation. Mike moved towards her and sat at the edge of the bed.

"What is your name?"

He asked in a low and calm voice. And this made Jonathan surprised, why would he ask for her name? Did he take advantage of her yesterday like it is spreading on the internet?

"I don't understand what is going on here. I thought she was your new lover? Isn't she the one in the video and pictures?"

Jonathan bluntly spoke without thinking.

"What video?"

She was also surprised. Does this mean she was the lady they were talking about all this while?

"This video"

Jonathan said and gave her the tablet to watch the videos. Mike just sat there looking, not knowing what to do. While she watched the videos everything that had happened yesterday came rushing back to her memory, a tear escaped from her eye and immediately she wiped it.


Time & Place: 20 hours earlier at Samantha's house.

Samantha stepped into the house and was surprised to see the room untidy and clothes scattered around the room. Linda wasn't the type of person who would leave the house in this untidy manner so she feared that something bad might have happened. She left her roommate and best friend for a three-day work trip but since she left she had been calling her phone and it wasn't going through. She also tried calling her boyfriend Matthew to tell him to help check if everything was fine with Linda but he was not picking up her calls either. Linda was her friend since childhood and their friendship was like that of two sisters of the same mother so this attitude made her very worried, rushing back home immediately after she was done with work only to get back to meet the home in this state, she made up her mind that something was wrong somewhere. She called her number again and this time Linda picked up.

"Linda! Oh my gosh, you finally picked up. Where the hell have you been? I couldn't reach you on the phone, I am home now and God damnit the house is so messed up. Where are you?"

She threw many questions at her and immediately she answered the phone.

"I figured out you will be home now that why I picked up your call everything you need to know is written in a letter on your dressing table"

Linda spoke gently and Samantha laughed. She was confused and not sure what type of trick Linda was trying to play on her. Linda was very funny and loved to joke all the time and she was sure this was one of her jokes.

"Is this one of the tricks you pulled from your old bag of tricks? What the fuck are you saying? Where are you ?"

Sam asks, still smiling.

"It might be hard for you to digest but I know you are strong and would get over it. If you must know am in Mexico with Matthew we are starting up a family because am pregnant with him"

She broke the news and Sam couldn't help but laugh harder.

"You must be joking"

She said and she could feel Linda smirk

"You won't believe it, right? And sorry I didn't mention earlier there might be a lot of things missing from the house, trust me I just borrowed them. Have a good life, Sam"

She said and ended the call.

"This must be a joke"

Sam thought and dialed the number again but she wasn't picking up. With fear, confusion, and anger she slowly walked to her room, opening the door like she was afraid to do so. Her room looked like a place that had been robbed by robbers and like Linda had said there was a letter on her dressing mirror.