
Billionaire Hired Bride

Mike Lawson is a billionaire CEO, who is very influential in all of the United States and beyond. Mike has a lot of followers on social media and his lifestyle is constantly watched by these people, knowing this he does everything with caution. One night Mike was going home from work at the car garage he met a drunk lady who laid on his car. He was shocked to see a female in that state and his car, he tried to calm her down and know why she was in that state and who she was but the drunk lady kissed him thinking he was someone else when this happened Mike was awestruck and didn't know what else to do so he drove her to his house. The next day she woke up in a beautiful bedroom, well furnished and tidy. She stared blankly and surprised as she wondered how she got there. Before Mike could explain Jonathan came in the CEO of Ivory Classic Shoes kissing a mysterious lady who turned out to be the only daughter of a multi-billionaire and CEO of Bibi's jewelry, Samantha Lawson. Samantha suggested that Mike announce that she was his soon-to-be bride.

AnnieGold27 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Time & Place: 5:45 pm at Ivory Classic Shoes

Elizabeth, the CEO's assistant, knocked softly on the CEO's office door but did not enter until he asked her to. Elizabeth was surprised to see him working and not showing signs of stopping anytime soon. She glanced at her wristwatch, it was 5:45 pm. He was supposed to be home by 4:00 pn which was their closing hour but he was still here working. Elizabeth dropped the file on the table gently and spoke in a polite tone.

"Sir Mike, are you working late today too ?"

He raised his head to look at her and laughed, her smile brightened.

"Yes Elizabeth I am, I need to complete this design, our exhibition is around the corner"

He replied but she sighed tiredly. The exhibition was the most important event celebrated every year, it is an event when the ivory classic shoes bring new designs of shoes for the world to see, both female designs, male designs, and even children's designs were exhibited for sale. People from different parts of the world attend this event to see what ivory classic shoes have in stock for them. Last year's exhibition sold out at about 400,000 000 dollars on that day and more orders were still placed. Last year's designs were top notch so this year's designs must be better than last year's. This is why Mike is working hard to make sure this year turns out better than last year.

"But sir, the team is also working on the designs for the exhibition. You don't need to stress yourself this much"

She said worried. Mike was always hardworking and most of the time neglected his health and rarely had time for himself and this was what exactly worried Elizabeth, she had been working for him for eight years now and had never seen him miss work for a day, he was never late for work and would never cancel any meeting no matter how urgent the situation was.

"Don't worry I will get off work early today, you can go home now no need to wait till I finish"

He responded and went back to designing new shoes, Elizabeth frowned at his character and attitude towards her. She didn't want to leave him but he had literally sent her away like he always does. She won't lie for the past years that she had been working with him. She had fallen in love with him, you won't blame her. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. Why do you think he has a strong female fan base group which she was proudly a member of? But she has been trying her best to show her signs but he never sees it. He is always blinded by work and most of the time he doesn't see her as a woman but as a friend and that hurts her badly.

"Okay sir, just make sure you don't stay too long"

She said and he nodded still focused on what he was doing.

"I will take my leave now, see you tomorrow sir"

She replied disappointed and left him closing the door behind her. She leaned against the door and let out a breath of relief.

"He never looks at me no matter how hard I try, why is he so distant ?"

She asked herself and left angrily.


Mike glanced at the wall clock, it was 9:00 pm on the dot, and he was surprised to see how the time flew so fast. He stretched his body and yawned tiredly.

"Woah, how come it's this late ?"

He asked himself as he arranged his table and shut down the system. He picked up his phone, car keys, and leather bag left his office headed straight to the garage. He walked through the hallway humming the sounds of his favorite song. Getting to where his car was parked he saw a lady angrily hitting his car with her bag and cursing loudly, he was shocked to see her there and wondered who she was and why she was doing such damage to his "beautiful baby" as he refers to his car.

"She is my most precious one !'

He said sadly as he ran towards her and pulled her away from his car, when he did so he noticed that she reeked of alcohol. He shook his head frustrated, he was very tired and now he had to deal with a drunk lady. The lady gazed at him angrily as she landed thousands of blows on his chest.

"You're the worst thing that ever happened to me!"

She yelled at him and a teardrop rolled down her cheeks. Mike was confused and didn't know what to do with a crying lady.

"Who are you looking for ?"

He asked politely. He needed to know so he could lead her to the person's car or do something to make her leave his sight.

"So you pretend not to know me now? Oh my! Timothy, are you this bad? After all, I did it for you. You still cheated on me with my best friend, you're such a jerk !"

She wept and he felt pity for her. Timothy must be a real dickhead and jerk to hurt a beautiful damsel like her, leaving her frustrated and in a dangerous state. What if something bad happens to her since she doesn't know what she is doing or where she is?

"You see, I am so sorry for whatever happened to you but you are mistaken I am Mike Lawson, not Timothy okay? But where do you live? I would call a cab to take you home."

He asked and she laughed loudly at the same time tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Home? Did you forget Linda was my roommate when you cheated with her? Did you?"

She asked, hitting him hard on his chest, he took in all the pain until she was tired and fell on the floor weeping. He bent down to pat her back.

"Am sorry for cheating on you"

He said playing along, at least if he did so she would leave him alone. and she looked into his eyes, wiping her tears immediately.

"Why do I keep falling in love with you ?"

She slowly responded to her words almost like a whisper which sent sparks to his heart. She is still in love with someone who keeps cheating on her? That is wrong! Why would she do something like that? Mike had asked himself but still kept calm ignoring the questions screaming in his head.

"I know I hurt your emotions and I sincerely apologize for that. Please forgive me, I will call a cab for you and we will talk about this tomorrow huh ?'

He said trying to find a way out of the mess he had put himself in, she was silent for a while and just stared at him, her blue eyes shining brightly but flooded with tears she shut them slowly and placed a short and simple kiss on his lips. He was crowned with confusion and immediately looked around to see if anyone was watching them. He carried her up and immediately took her straight into his car, he looked at her sleeping peacefully as she had already drafted to sleep, shut the door, moved to the driver's seat, and drove out of the garage.

Immediately Mike Lawson and the strange lady drove out of the garage, his car was followed by a black sports car. Mike, unaware he had begun to follow, drove the lady into his house.