
Billionaire Hired Bride

Mike Lawson is a billionaire CEO, who is very influential in all of the United States and beyond. Mike has a lot of followers on social media and his lifestyle is constantly watched by these people, knowing this he does everything with caution. One night Mike was going home from work at the car garage he met a drunk lady who laid on his car. He was shocked to see a female in that state and his car, he tried to calm her down and know why she was in that state and who she was but the drunk lady kissed him thinking he was someone else when this happened Mike was awestruck and didn't know what else to do so he drove her to his house. The next day she woke up in a beautiful bedroom, well furnished and tidy. She stared blankly and surprised as she wondered how she got there. Before Mike could explain Jonathan came in the CEO of Ivory Classic Shoes kissing a mysterious lady who turned out to be the only daughter of a multi-billionaire and CEO of Bibi's jewelry, Samantha Lawson. Samantha suggested that Mike announce that she was his soon-to-be bride.

AnnieGold27 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Her room looked like a place that had been robbed by robbers and like Linda had said there was a letter on her dressing mirror. With shaking hands she reached for the letter and picked it up, slowly opening the letter to read.


This letter might get to you a bit late and a lot of things might have gone wrong. I would advise you to sit down and read this because it is going to be a long story. Let me start by saying you are a good friend indeed and I am always and will always be grateful for having you. Yes, I am the worst, but you can't blame me. It isn't easy to see you always happy, and begin to be loved by your boyfriend or should I say your ex? While I was always being dumped by guys almost every week. It isn't your fault, but I fell in love with the guy who makes you happy because I want to be happy too. Turns out Matthew was also interested in me, you're surprised, right? I was too. We had a one-night stand and two weeks later I was confirmed pregnant, we needed money to start our own family so Matthew had to lie about his problem at work and you fell for it and loaned him a million dollars, it wasn't enough for us to relocate and settle down so I had to sell some of your stuff at home, your jewelries but trust me I didn't touch the one your dead mother left for you because I know how precious it is to you but I sold one of your precious items. Remember the dress Matthew bought for you on your first date? I sold it. That dress is worth a lot of money Sam! Come on don't be sad you don't need that dress it will only remind you of Matthew who broke your heart, and I don't think you don't need things that will remind you of him. That's enough chit-chat, Sam, goodbye you will always remain my friend.

Your friend


Samantha fell to the ground in shock and heartbroken. She couldn't believe what she had just read. She looked at the letter again and burst into unbearable tears. She was in disbelief and tried hard to convince herself that all this was a nightmare. A nightmare she couldn't wake up from, Linda couldn't do this to her, Linda was the only person she trusted in this life, the only person who was close to her. How would she live without her company, without someone to gist with, laugh with, and of course fight with? Samantha was depressed and confused as she thought deeply and reflected on the past trying to figure out if there was any way she had offended her but there was none she could think of, not even once had she wronged her. She had been the most supportive friend helping her financially and emotionally, she had been the most caring friend to Linda, giving her anything she needed but what did she pay her with? Nothing! Nothing but regret, heartbreak, and betrayal. She had the guts to date her boyfriend and even get pregnant for him and to top it all she robbed her of everything in the house.

"Linda, this isn't right! I don't deserve this type of treatment from you, you know I love him so much how could you do something like this to me"

She yelled at the top of her voice as she continued to wail and weep bitterly.

Hours after drinking to the point of getting drunk she picked up her phone and dialed Linda's number again, until she picked up.

"What? Samantha the only reason you can still reach me is because I haven't blocked you yet and I haven't done that because of how close we were"

Linda said frustrated

"All this isn't true right? We were robbed and you are coming home, right? You can't betray me huh ?"

She answered weeping uncontrollably

"I see you are drunk, you see life isn't fair and you need to accept that fact and stop behaving like a child who lost a candy"

Linda spoke nonchalantly and Samantha scoffed

"You will regret this Linda"

She threatened and Linda laughed

"You are drunk. Your mood switches whenever you're drunk, well I don't have time for you now my flight is in the next three minutes you won't be able to reach me or Matthew through call. Goodbye forever"

She hung up immediately


Time & Place: Back at Mike's mansion

"Don't give her that !" Mike said, dragging the tablet away from her hands. He noticed that she was trying her best to hide the tears threatening to fall into her eyes. Yesterday he could tell that something was wrong with her, that she got so drunk and couldn't even tell the difference between him and her ex.

"It's okay, we will find a way to get over the media. You don't need to worry, the only thing you need to worry about is telling me your name"

He said he wanted to put her mind at rest. She must've been through a lot. Her best friend and boyfriend betrayed her, it won't be easy to come out of that heartbreak for sure.

"Her name is Samantha Logan, She Works in Bibi's jewelry as the managing director, age 23, from North Carolina"

Jonathan responded even before she could say anything, Mike wasn't surprised at all; he knew Jonathan must have done a background check on her immediately when he saw her pictures. Jonathan is his junior brother and also his manager and he was very good at his job.

"How do you know all this ?"

The lady asked, surprised.

"If it's true, that means you can't leave this house because you might be in danger"

Jonathan said and Mike wondered if he thinks before he talks or just says whatever rubbish comes to his mind.

"Jonathan, are you alright? Stop scaring her"

Mike warned and he smiled.

"Am not trying to scare her and I didn't do a background check or something. Her information is spreading fast on the internet, come on you are a star now everyone wants to know who the mysterious lady kissing the number one handsome CEO is. And why you're not safe because he has a lot of crazy fans that might try to harm you"

He explained

"Am so sorry for this mischief happening around you because of me"

Samantha spoke calmly

"No never mind things will be sorted out soon, but for now you can stay here because of the crazy fans he is talking about"

Mike replied smiling

"You need to hold a press conference today and explain everything to them to stop the rumors from spreading"

Jonathan told Mike

"Yeah let's head to the office, Samantha please feel at home Miss Talyor will give you anything you need. Am off to work now"

He said and was about to leave with Jonathan when Sam spoke.

"How about you tell them you are your bride ?"

She said, making them halt in their tracks.