
Beastars: The Naga

Follow the life of a reincarnated human from our Earth as a hybrid in the Beastars universe. I only own my OCs. I don't own the cover picture nor the Beastars universe. It's obviously AU. It's my first novel and I'm not a native English speaker.

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28 Chs

Chapter 16: A monster wrath.

Cahaya POV

'The jaguar was quite feeling…', I thought, remembering what happened two day ago, a male jaguar third year had the idea to try killing me. They never learn, did they, didn't I beat up enough animals? No this one, though I didn't or maybe he was in some kind of stupid vendetta against me.


I was slithering, in the corridor, there weren't many animals at this hour of the day.

I was minding my own business when I suddenly felt an intense pressure just between my closed gills and my nape. 

'Did this bitch try to kill me?!', I thought in outrage. I felt his fangs start to break the cartilage of one of my gills.

"Hahaha, I got you. You aren-", I didn't let the little shit finish his muffled little speech and clenched hard, his lower jaw with my left hand and his upper one with my right hand both at the same time.

I carefully dislocated his jaws, he moaned in pain, good. Bringed him up to my eyes level, he was now utterly terrified, he fucked and badly.

Students next to us gasped, some started to laugh a the jaguar, none going to help him, they knew as well of fucked he was, they saw him pounce on me, trying to kill me. I have every right to do the same, rules are unfair especially if you are privileged like me.

I slithered out of the building, every student and even some teacher seeing me manhandling the jaguar. None stopped me. They were used to it. And I was like the antibody of the Academy. Scores on tests augmented and bullying decreased. They were a better cohesion, violence works perfectly fine, as long as you are strong and smart enough.  

I even saw Rokume in the aeration. She also didn't stop me, even if she surely knew the not-so-pretty fate of this carnivore.

Now, we both were outside against a wall, hidden from others' sight. The sea was behind us, its waft pleasant and it was a sunny day. A perfect day for a normal picnic between two teenagers.

I was still holding him in the air with my hand and him clawing desperately at my arms if fur singed and burned by my blood.

"Oh! so that's why your stupid mug seemed familiar, weren't you one of the students who moked me for not having legs?", I asked a rhetorical question,since he couldn't speak while a fanged and sadistic grin made its way on my snout.

"Well, some say that bullies attack the one they are jealous of. You know we're I'm going?", his terrified eyes told me everything. Ahh the feeling of putting a weakling like him in their place.

I released my grasp, just to instantly grab both his arms and with a sickeningly satisfying crunch of his bones and crime of agony, broke both of them, cats are so fragile.

He was shaking on the ground trying to run away, failing miserably, drool coming out of his unnaturally extended muzzle. But his eyes were staring right into my own. My grin grew even wider.

I slithered next to him, slouched down and grabbed both of his tight, I started to slowly rotate then in a way they shouldn't be able to. The sound of flesh, nerve, tissue, muscle, skin, fur and bones ripping apart accompanied by his wails of anguish were music to my ears. I wasn't the sanest of animals for sure.

*RIP*×2, the two legs were finally mine, the pants were like a wrapping so I peeled them off, and I started to gnaw on one like it was some kind of candy. 

And it's quite good, bloody and fleshy, still hot and extremely fresh. Certainly different from fish and octopuses, that's for sure but good all the same and dare I say even better with how horrified my spectator was.

He looked at both of his bloody and legs less bottom, then at me, chewing the missing limbs, he made back and forth like this for 4 long seconds, his eyes showing dementia and disbelief. Blood loss and me most likely at fault, then he falls unconscious to never wake up ever again.


It was very early in the morning and I was studying, as usual. Particularly on my 'family', well I still don't know much but I know that they were some type of remuneration ordered by Cetos for the most affected genus. The genus naja being one of them, becoming practically extinct after years and years of literal genocide by mostly Human but also other animals alike, they are in majority from Africa and humans originate from the said continent.


The door opened and I looked up, not going to make the same mistake, even if it was one week ago. I saw Juno stepping inside the studio.

"Good morning!", she greeted me and I waved back. I could feel the tap of her feet on the ground as she practised her dance for the Meteorite Festival. She chooses the role of the carnivore by herself, she said she would take it upon herself and prove that carnivores can be as good as herbivores.

Now the good thing was that it was a relaxing time, she would ask me about her dance performance and I would ask her for her opinion on some of the words I translated. They are already translated but we need multiple animals to see if we omitted or misinterpreted something. One word can change the meaning of everything.

She was pleasant to be around when she didn't put her nose everywhere. A canidae quirk I presume, well every mammal is a bit quirky to me even if I was one before. Different perspectives and instincts change everything.

"Cahaya, can I ask you something?", I looked up from my papers and nodded. 

"It's a bit ahh… What do you think about me?", she asked me, oh questions like this are delicate but I'm not particularly delicate.

"You're a very beautiful female wolf, you seem to change furstyle and makeup a lot these past few weeks. And the most important trait, beauty superficial and not eternal, you improved your mentality, not many do that even if helped, you stopped letting others dictate what you should be and step over you…  you try to understand others, something is rarely seen and to be praised on but on the other hand you are way too curious and sometimes rash shown by my pen millimetre away from making you a cyclops.", I stated matter of factly, this felt strange, she looked extremely happy, tail wagging, ears standing up, smiling and blushing visibly through her fur.

I looked at her a bit confused, a tilt of my head showing it with a twitch of my gills, why was she so happy?, she sighed before deflating a bit but determination appeared in her blue eyes.

I know her reaction is clearly a bit too much for what I said,  shouldn't be that important to me, everyone has their own problems and dreams.


The same day but later in the evening.

Third POV

Every member of the Cherryton Academy was present and even some teachers, they obviously needed supervision. Mamoru is one of them.

They were putting finishing touches, the most solicited were the Drama club, they made a huge triceratops statue.

Everyone was chatting or/and doing their assigned job. 

Cahaya was currently talking with Louis, "So how did you earn this claw mark and they weren't a case of a student corpse with a third eye?", the hybrid inquired.

The red deer snorted, "Bill… and you're the one to talk. You know that jaguar, where is he?"

"Well, he did run away… I haven't seen him since then.", he replied, well he didn't lie. But the deer don't need to know this.

He glared at Cahaya and grunted in annoyance. Louis supposed he killed the jaguar and threw the corpse somewhere.

*CLACK*, suddenly a loud noise was heard and all of the lightings stopped functioning. Cry of terror followed most herbivores being blinded by the lack of light.

'Shit.', was the thought shared by the two friends who both felt something was wrong.

Cahaya immediately tried to call his Dad, he waited the longer the beep of his phone continued the more both his hearts' shanks and an unimaginable level of wrath started to bubble up inside his body. But he was freezingly calm, he had the idea to put a tracking chip in his and his Dad's body, obviously his Dad knew, he told him and this was thanks to Rokume's reminder. 

Louis looked at the naga eyes and knew the night would be long for both of them.

"Louis-senpai have you seen Haru!?", the deer turned to Legoshi and his face became stone-cold and his ears twisted at the sound of Cahaya slithering away and an audible and loud mix of hiss and a deep growl.

He understood that the amphibian will do something horrific to whoever pissed him off.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, was a bit lazy and I have a life and I started another ff.

The next one will be pretty violent.

Also, the animals I dislike are felines, especially lions, the most overrated animals of all timeLike it ? Add to library!


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