Coucou les cochons.
Membaca buku-buku
Sorry, it's dropped.
First PoV is always the MC, it had never changed.
It's related to Hoopa's obsession with freedom. Using this concept, Tzeentch tied to the Aeldari Empire's own obsession for him to become Slaanesh by making the Aeldari by making them worship him to have this freedom. I hinted to that with the Dark Muses and a blue bird confident. The hole in the universe the Old Ones made to get him only helps the above since it opens the gate to other Slaanesh. An important point is that Hoopa is less stable than other Aeldari Gods in that department, and that is why he regulates his worshipers. It's why he has his five rules. For short, it's Tzeentch's plan for Hoopa to join the Great Game as a fellow Chaos God and become a non-threat.
It's explained on SpaceBattle, I was too light on the hints.
Yes, but that's not to get anything, and trying would end badly. They need to be around the same strength or stronger to use the True Name of someone else.
yep and the hole made at center if the universe to get the human ingredient for Hoopa making didn't help.
Well, she is like not that much weaker than Khaine, a least in raw amount of energy.
And their role is equally important XD.