
Beastars: The Naga

Follow the life of a reincarnated human from our Earth as a hybrid in the Beastars universe. I only own my OCs. I don't own the cover picture nor the Beastars universe. It's obviously AU. It's my first novel and I'm not a native English speaker.

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28 Chs

Chapter 1: Ma legs!

First POV

Hello, my name's Charles, french,18 years old, sadly virgin, brown eyes, white skin, chestnut curly hair, average height built etcetera, in short, your typical introvert student who as an interest in biology, wants to work in agri-food and enjoys anime, novels, manhwa and manga.

Today was going to be a great day since it was the last day of high school with all of the exams finished and passed, I was going to see my grandma on the family side of ma Maman who lives in Embrun a city in the middle of the Alps and not the other bitch on the side of eugh "mon Père".

I'm currently reading Beastars manga on my phone reading Beastars manga for the first time and I'm only at chapter 5, at the very crowded and noisy Montparnasse station waiting for my TGV.

People were busy doing their thing, stupid parents letting their children run close to the tracks, brief the usuals.



I could see my TGV slowing down before stopping where I was.

"Ahh it', finally here," I muttered.

Then, I saw that the train was on fire which is impossible unless intentional.

'Dumbass' I saw some people started to flock to the burning train taking out their phones before taking videos and pictures like it was some sow instead of going away like the suicidal retards they were.

I was already walking away because something was wrong, very wrong. Warnings were going inside my head making me panic, I was starting to ru-*BOOOOOOOOM*

'Wha-'I felt hot air on my back before being suddenly sent flying through the air until I hit a metal pillar with my chest knocking the wind out and making me spit blood with a bit of flesh in it. Then I started going down with a silent scream of pure terror too stunned to scream before.


I hit the ground on my chest again making me more breathless than I already was. I realized that some of my ribs were poking out of my back while the rest pierced everything, even my already crushed organs but luckily my brain didn't register the pain.

'I don't want to die not now and not like this.' Where my mentals plead, repeating themselves like a broken record. 

I started to feel colder and colder, my senses were not working, first, it was my hearing with the horrible ringing of my busted eardrum gone, then my sight, thirdly my sense of touch and finally my sense of taste and the last thing I remember was the taste of my blood and organs mixed in my mouth.

Then nothingness.

'Finally, peace, feel sleepy.' Those were my thoughts before I died.


Third PVO

In the countryside of Japan from another universe where the human race was practically extinct and most animals of our Earth are now talking and anthropomorphic animals. 

We can see in a luxurious house on a king-sized medical bed a beautiful light yellow and brown scaled snake, with furious blue eyes, she was a 5,5-meter long female Mozambique spitting cobra and currently hissing and swearing like a sailor to her husband a 1,6 meter, post metamorphosis axolotl with black and midnight blue skin, his pure black eyes looking incredibly worried about the current health of his wife delivering the only egg they will ever have. (in the imperial unit the spitting danger noodle is 18 ft long and the walking fish is 5,24 ft tall)

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" said eloquently the now paler female snake while pushing harder.

"Surya you can do it, just try to push harder as Gosha-sama said,"  whispered her stressed amphibian husband while holding the tip of her tail in his hands.

"Could you shut ahh the fuck ahh up Mamoru!?" Surya angrily responded "Don't you see me try-hahh '' the egg was going to be laid and with it came to a lot of pain since it did permanent damage to her body.


"Fhu it's finally out.", Mamoru said, relieved, sweating and exhausted like it was him who laid the abnormally large egg. "Are you ok honey?"

Surya, clearly tired still glared at him, she let out a hiss mix of exhaustion and irritation and simply responded by coiling around him and their egg.

While inside this strange white egg our main character was currently more than confused and scared.


First POV

'Urg what is going on?' I remember being at the train station, 'the-oh god! I remember the flash of light, then the mind-numbing pain, the horrible loss of my senses and finally blackness.'

Then a dreadful realization hit me. 'I died. I will never be Charles anymore, see my maman, my sister, my grandma or any of my family members and friends ever again.' I started to break down and sob in my mind at what was taken from me forever.

I started to get incredibly sleepy and even if I didn't want it, I felt myself slipping away and falling into a dreamless sleep.

An unknown amount of time later I woke up still feeling like shit but strangely calmer in an alien way to my human mind.

'Wait, how can I think when I'm supposed to be dead. Am I in a coma?' I hoped even if it's in vain.

'No that's impossible you don't dream while in it. I also don't think I'm dreaming or on drugs.' I thought with finality.

'Umm so I can only think of one possibility but it's the most exaggerated, I reincarnated like in those fictions. Uh, do I have a system? System? Menu? Status? *Mental sigh* So no system, I can't complain because I get a free second chance at life.' I know I was too calm and it was going to hit me but my thoughts were fuzzy and I was too sleepy to care. I fell asleep without realizing it.

I gained consciousness again sometime later when I felt something hard but flexible touch my tail.

'Wait, what the fuck! Since when do I have a tail?!' I cried internally.

'Now that I pay attention I don't fill my, oh my god! I don't feel my freaking legs anymore, whe-where are they?! Where are THEY! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god please is there anyone to help me!' I started to mentally scream, panic and physically thrash around with it. 

I felt new strange body parts and the fact that I couldn't breathe in this closed space full of liquid only added to my growing mental breakdown. 

Until I just stopped thrashing around too physically and mentally exhausted to care anymore and I fell asleep the next instant.

I woke up again Ummm the next day? Maybe, whatever, I was still in shock but way, way calmer and collected, then I felt something that made me shudder at how alien and normal it felt.

I felt a long tail again, my tail to be exact but I didn't freak out like last time, it was coiled around me protectively, it was also merged to my pelvis where the start of my legs should have been, I can also feel my shoulder with normal-ish human arms, weird and freaky is the only thing I could think of.

I can also sense without panicking like a dumbass that I'm in some kind of warm and viscous liquid while being in a hmm yes, that's an egg, I'm in a freaking egg and a reptilian one with how flexible and dark it is. That explains how I can breathe.

So with this information, I can safely assume that I'm a human-ish torso connected to a snake tail.

'What kind of freakish abomination of nature have I become?'

Hello people, it's my first chapter, first time writing and posting, I used google doc to write this.

Hope it wasn't that bad/cringe or both...

Bye, I guess.

The_Bip_Boop2003creators' thoughts