
Assassin System Or: How to Stop the Urge of Killing Just to Level Up

[Hello, Master! I am your one and only Assassin System! Please complete my missions for a chance to leave your mortal shell and enter the immortal realm!] Daniel just wanted to live a peaceful life, skimping off from the government's UBI month by month. However, when he went on a whim and climbed a mountain just to see a celestial event, he didn't expect a calamity to strike at him instead! Surviving a meteor impact, Daniel, who thought he was going to die, was instead bounded with an alien system, who constantly want him to assassinate others just to retrieve all the remaining fragments of the system's body! "No! I am just a normal teenager! How do you expect me to suddenly go around killing people for no good reason?!" The system: If Master does not complete your mission within 24 hours, you will die or turn into a vegetable for the rest of your life. Gambatte!

Niizawa · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

The System's Goal

[wuwuwuwu, how can you be so cold towards me, Master! I even changed my voice to your favorite B-Tuber Idol! How could you be so mean to me!]

"What would you have done if something had abruptly started talking inside your head?" Daniel sneered in return. "You're lucky I didn't go straight to a mental institution and admit myself in there when you appeared, or else I would have my brain washed for no reason."

[I have already tried my best to ease my way into your psyche to prevent any potential fallout!]

"By acting like an idol?" Daniel scoffed. "You even searched through my memories without my permission, is there even a notion of privacy within your system settings?"

[.... :'( ]

"Don't try and act coy with me, or else I'll just apply for a change of bodies from the government. It seems they have a lack of biological organs these days and would gladly pay for someone to switch into a partial or full mechanical body instead." Daniel spoke with slight sarcasm, obviously still not amused by suddenly having another voice inside his head, and to make things worse, it was a voice that had pryed into all of his private memories, including the more embarassing ones that he hope will never see the light of day again in his life.

[If Master really insists, I could permanently erase all data relating to your memories after regaining my functions. However, since I am still currently operating in lite mode, I do not have the ability to do so right now.]

"What are you anyways?" Daniel finally asked what he really wanted to ask after venting all of his frustrations upon the system.

[This system is an artificial intelligence created to support its host through its awakening process to become an immortal. I am basically a learner program for beginners.]

"So you're simply an instructor? What an elaborate but useless invention." Daniel sneered. "Why would someone even try and invent a sentient AI to help them when they can just inject all the information needed into their brain through a data chip?"

[Because knowledge and experience are two different concepts, Master. For example, just because you have gained all the knowledge you could about surfing, it does not mean you could instantly become a professional at surfing the second you stand on the surfboard. Your muscles and nerves need to adjust to its peak condition in order for your body to be able to ride the wave. Your mind also need to be adjusted to become fully in the zone while surfing to prevent any accidents from befalling you.]

"Fine." Daniel spat. "Let's say you really are an AI teacher as you said. Why would you help me become an immortal when I'm not even your designated host?"

[Due to an accident, my coporeal body was forced to flee from a neighboring star system by temporarily hiding inside an asteroid. Unfortunately, this same asteriod where I was residing collided onto your planet, causing my bodies to be scattered into thousands of pieces around the world. Therefore, I need Master's help to retrieve the rest of my body in order for me to get back to full health. From reading your memories, I know that human beings of your planet do not act unless there's something in it for them in return. Therefore, in exchange for getting back all my body parts, I will grant you one of the main goals that humanity, throughout history, have always wanted to achieve -- immortality.]

"That all sounds like a load of bullsh*t to me." Daniel retorted. "First, there's no telling whether or not if you can truly grant me immortality. Second, it's near impossible to retrieve that many shards of the meteorite without taking years. Third, what if I have never cared for immortality?"

[Answering Master. Since master is doubtful about my intentions, I would first help you gain a supernatural ability that all immortals have as proof of the commitment of my part of the deal. I would also provide you with more and more power, the more shards you return to me, the more powerful you get. In addition, as you get more powerful, your lifespan will increase exponentially, giving you more time to retrieve my shards. Finally, even if Master does not want immortality, a human can never resist power, especially a weak orphan such as yourself with no backing.]

Having touched upon his weakness, Daniel was more than pissed when he was outplayed by the system within his own mind. Furthermore, there were still many doubts about this system of his that made him even more suspicious about its motives. However, as the system had said, he really doesn't have any backing right now due to being an orphan from birth.

"Well, even if I want to unbind you from my brain, I would not be able to do so, right?" Daniel asked again with a tone of wariness.

[That is correct, Master. Unlike the nanochip connected to your brain, my corporeal body is currently attached to your soul, and forceful unbinding would cause irreparable damage to the both of us. Even in the best case scenario, you would turn into a vegetable if I were to unbind from you successfully.]

"Then you should have told me this and simply threaten me to cooperate with you. Why are you still acting like a goody two shoes, saying that everything you do is good for me as well?" Daniel sneered.

[Since it's more efficient for Master to make the effort and help me find the remainder of my body. If I were to force you, Master would not work in his utmost manner but would instead constantly think of ways to get rid of me. Everything I said to you from my appearence within your psyche until now is to show my sincerity, Master. Therefore, I ask you to show some sincerity towards me as well.]

"Is that what you call the law of equivalent exchange?" Daniel muttered under his breath.

"Fine, let's do it your way then. It's not like I have a choice."

[Yay! Happy cooperation, Master! I look forward to working with you-desu~]

"If you try to act cute again, I'll ignore you for the rest of my life." Daniel promptly said in a dark tone.

[Wait! I'm sorry, master! I just thought you like these kind of girls!]

"I have already grown from my chuunibyou phase!" Daniel subconsciously shouted in return. "If you want to impress me then just talk normally!"

[Fine. Since Master insists, I will get serious now.]

[From an analysis of your memories, along with your central nervous system, I have created the Assassin System to ease the difficulties in your learning.]

"Are you saying that my personality is similar to that of an assassin?" Daniel asked with an emotionless voice.

[That is what the statistics have determined! It's not my fault, Master! Don't hate me!]

"Stop going off topic!" Daniel roared.

[Okay, fine. Initiating Assassination System in 3. 2. 1...]


[Welcome to the Tutorial Mode of the Assassination System. Please select your first superpower to begin the first step in becoming an immortal. Good luck.

1. Psychokinesis Lvl 1 (can be upgraded). Using the power of the mind to move an object. Object must be within a 1 meter radius of the host's body. With Master's current level, you can exert barely enough force to move a pencil across a classroom table. Cooldown period: 5 seconds.

2. Telepathy Lvl 1 (can be upgraded). Using the power of the mind to create constructive interference with another person's brain waves within a 1 meter radius. With Master's current level, you have a chance to gain a slight permonition of what the subject might do within the next second. Cooldown period: half an hour.

3. Healing Factor Lvl 1 (can be upgraded). Using the power of the mind to induce stem cell growth within a 5 centimeter radius. With Master's current level, you can barely manage to heal a papercut instantly. Cooldown period: 24 hours.]

"... The stats between the three abilities are a bit off, don't you think?!" Daniel could not help but complain when he saw the words pop up in front of his eyes like a hologram. "I mean barely healing a papercut, and only once a day? WTF? And what the heck do you mean by 'premonition'? You even have the audacity to call it 'telepathy' when you can't even read another person's mind?!"

[I'm sorry, Master, but I am only triggering the potential that already lies dormant within your body. Also, since this is only a level 1 skill, the ability of said skill would not be high.]

"What an understatement." Daniel scoffed. "Can't you just be truthful and tell me to get psychokinesis instead? I'm on to you!"

[Master, the abilities you gain must also satisfy the Laws of the Universe, they aren't just magic that popped out of nowhere! The reason why psychokinesis is the easiest to manage is because it's much easier to exert force at a distance through a targeted manipulation of the region around the object. By increasing the pressure surrounding the object remotely, one can easily exert a force upon it, that is why you would often see those so-called 'psychics' purportedly bending spoons on national television.]