
Ascent of a fallen one

All mortals have imagined at least once the life after transcendence. What does it mean to be a god? What does it mean to be omnipotent? What does it mean to be truly strong? I Surely don't know about it;but for sure will the process of someone becoming strong. Someone who is distraught in his emotions. Someone who won't ever experience his longings. Follow the adventure of Lin Che in the process of understanding strength,in the process of creating inner peace,in the process of finding love......

DRAG_KNIGHT_X · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

An absurd discovery

After the discussion between both mayor and Lin Che was over,the mayor went out to do his daily chores as an administrator and Lin Che started to hone his sword skills.

There stood a young man with waist length hair and a single pony,his skin was as white as snow and his facial features were well,quite defined. He wore a azure robe with dragon inscriptions on then and a KunPeng drawn on it's back. Each stroke of his sword seemed to contain the power of a dragon and the unrivalled majesty of the humongous Kun Peng.

it had been about two hours from the mayor's departure,the beauty of twilight sky still stood unparalleled. Lin Che suddenly stopped swinging his sword and looked in a certain direction with curiousity,as similar as when a wild animal sees a human.

"Hmm?This seems peculiar,this energy I have never experienced it" the very next moment Lin Cher set off in that direction he ran down the peak fast enough,that ordinary eyes could barely catch a glimpse of his.

"This is quite odious,why is a barren land present in the middle of a forest" Lin Che proceeded to walk towards the centre of the land that seemed devoid ofany vegetation, truly anomalous taking in account of the current location.

The more Lin Che got closer to the centre the more his senses tingled, he nonetheless walked closer,closer and closer...

When Lin Che reached the centre a space rift opened up and a scarlet coloured orb came from it mystically floating in front of him.

"Is this perhaps a kind of artifact?" he thought, whilst guessing what the object in front of him was he was interrupted by a non-chalant voice "Perhaps,you can think of me as one"

"Who is it?" puzzled Lin Che warily unsheath his sword,gazing back and forth expecting the arrival of an enemy, "Perhaps,you shouldn't be funny and reveal yourself" .....

"There must be a misunderstanding,it is me the orb who is talking" Lin Che stood there stupefied "But aren't you an artifact? Care to explain what you may be?"

"Oh,of course, I was floating around in space a hundread years ago,I was not just any random rock, I was born at the convergence of laws of the world, think of me as the will of the world, when I landed on this planet I started hibernation to assimilate in this plane, I was woken up when there were cracks in the laws of the world and I was pulled inside them, it seems that I was born for a purpose, that's why the world changed itself for me whilst I recovered the cracks grew larger but they were filled to the original size, by other laws. "

"This may be due to your luck,that you were selected to be fused with me" The nonchalant voice continued. "Wait a minute,this plot seems fami-" before Lin Che could think about it further he was hit by the orb in his stomach, and the orb magically passed through his skin and assimilated in his body.

["Call me,the system" ]

"Meh,that just sounds fancy, don't you have a rather normal name? " Lin Che who should have been panicking and suprised by the events was oddly calm, as if he was affected by other factors.

["Stuck with the fanciness for now aren't you?"]

"That should rather be a statement than more of a question," said Lin Che while sheathing his sword back.

[Enough with the fancy chit-chat , say status"]

"What? alright, status"

A scarlet coloured screen appeared in front of Lin Che, "Can you change it to black please? , it's my favourite colour"

["As you wish"] ..... The screen changed it's colour to a black one with purple outlines that converged in a pattern at the corners.

[Status window:

Name:Lin Che

Affiliation:Star Sword Sect

Title:Hope of the eastern continent (A/N:it was just human race the last chapter it meant human race of the eastern continent as all continents have different power systems)

Power system: Immortal Cultivation

Realm:Foundation building ninth stage


Strength:300(avg:1 for all stats)




Spirit:460 ]

"Oh does it give all my information, so what about my techniques?" Lin Che asked curiously

["Command skills to check them as more and more of them will accumulate so we shall need a new interface"]

" Meh , I will do it sometime soon,I am hungry as hell now" hearing his stomach grumble Lin Che stormed out towards his peak.

Soon he arrived in front of his home and proceeded to tip-toe his way in , to not be discovered by his devil of a sister.

"BROOOTHER!! where did you go, I couldn't find you" before Lin Che could react a little shadow behind him hit him in the head with a hammer

"You know brother I was worried about you."

"So why hit me?" Cried out Lin Che pitifully.

"Little Jia let him go , isn't he your brother?" Said father Lin. " Hmph! only if he takes me with him to play next time."...

" Father I am gonna sleep in my room now, goodnight everyone " said Lin Che while dragging his 'tired' body to his room.

" Goodnight little Che"

" Goodnight brother"

After sometime, in Lin Che's room

" psst-,Hey system you there?" whispered Lin Che.

["You know you can just think of me,right?"]

"It's weird" said Lin Che with some thought

["What's weird?" ]

"You are , you know , you don't have emotions in your voice but your answers seem like you do."

[I know,well there is a quest for you]

Lin Che asked the system"What quest?will I get a reward!!!"

["If you peform well then yeah,say open quest window"]

" Open quest window"

A similar black window appeared but with some slight change,there was a big mark in the centre, a sword piercing a shield.


"Liberate the red mansion from its evil spirits"

Time limit:none

Reward:Perfect breakthrough to the golden core realm ]



and end

Hey y'all how's it going

and you again I love you, I named you uh pookie yeah, I love you pookie

Lin Che:"Lmao a loser who names his fans nicknames"

A/N:"What's so weird about it huh?"

Lin Che:" The 'pookie' doesnt love you back"

A/N:" It's my fate-- bla - bla - bla-"

Lin Che:"Hey everyone ignore his rant join our discord server"


idk just comment more it's fun to interact with readers

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