
Ascent of a fallen one

All mortals have imagined at least once the life after transcendence. What does it mean to be a god? What does it mean to be omnipotent? What does it mean to be truly strong? I Surely don't know about it;but for sure will the process of someone becoming strong. Someone who is distraught in his emotions. Someone who won't ever experience his longings. Follow the adventure of Lin Che in the process of understanding strength,in the process of creating inner peace,in the process of finding love......

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In a random bustling street of the bustling city of Siel,the lanterns are dimly lit on the corners of ancient Chinese style shops.

"Father,can we get two custard apples,one for me and one for brother" cried out a little girl with a short stature. Seemingly 8-years of age,she was wearing a pink robe with a hint of both ancient European and Chinese appropriations.

"Haha,sure why not?" Replied a middle aged man about 40 years of age;along with the company of another man who seemed like an government official. Spoke the man to the official once again"You see the hope of our sect,he was adopted along with this little girl;both of them were left outside the gate of our sect the boy's bone age was 8 years at that time"

Replied the man,whilst keeping up with the father who picked up his daughter on his shoulders" I don't know about much but the inheritance of our race has been destroyed and I just hope that the so called "hope" of your sect and can help a tad bit in restoring it"

They kept walking and walking until they came to the foot of a mountain there was a big stone gate with many different carvings of mythical creatures,gods,words,etc. There was a staircase leading to the top of the mountain , both sides of the stairs were densely covered with dimly lit kerosene lanterns which mystically glowed with a special intensity.

"So this is the renowned," [Star Sword Sect] " called out the official while admiring the sheer beauty of the scene a staircase decorated with mystical lanterns and a big majestic moon above all illuminating the shadows of the trees"

" It's not much" replied the father of the child " You say that as if this sect wasn't the top one that many practitioners yearned to enter" replied tha man.

" That was the past,now all that remains is just a few hundred disciples " The father replied, his complexion changed as if he was recalling about the bitter past of his,the majestic sect that stood once above everyone else was now deprived of its everything.

All the three of them then hurried their way through the courtyard and making their way into the practice ground, in the midnight there stood a lone figure practicing with his sword,every move of his contained a bit of sword intent as if calling the nature out with every attack of his.

"BROTHER! LOOK WE'VE BROUGHT CUSTARD APPLES" shouted the little girl who rushed out of her father's arms towards the figure,swiftly jumping into his arms and snuggling her head into his chest.

"Oh my,thank you little jia " The figure who was taken aback by the sudden arrival of the visitors sheathed his sword and slowly walked towards his father.

"My name is Lin Che, the holy son of the star sword sect," said the young man while bowing slightly.

" Haha good etiquette,but there's no need for that I believe,seeing you practicing in person confirmed your title, you are indeed worthy of being called the hope of human race " The official who was watching him practice spoke excitedly,thinking about polishing this gem he had under him

"There is of course a need of respect for the mayor of the town I live in,s-" the words of Lin Che were broken in the middle by his little sister who stretched out her little tongue and spoke in a mischievous manner "Hehe,no need to wespwect anyone"

"Oh come on my little devil" continued Lin Che. The mayor called him aside to talk about a few things,Lin Che carefully let his sister down whilst following the mayor into a room

"As you know the war between the upper real the so called 'immortal land' and the realm below, 'the nether realm' a hundred years ago; it not only damaged the foundation of our world restricting all the information about ascendance, the war also greatly declined the strength of our race, a hundred years ago a blood red crystal came crashing down from the starry sky, It was shrouded in mystery any human who wanted to get it was poisoned by its energy the moment they touched it and went berserk either exploding or killing themself ,the divine beings and the demons on the other hand sensed something from the crystal,the laws of origin the so seemingly curse crystal contained the law of the world,and thus to obtain it and strengthen their faction a war was waged;the result of the war is already known to everyone, a true pity" The mayor said while sighing

He continued just after"The war was started but in the end neither the gods nor the demons could get it , whilst the war a forbidden spell was cast upon the mid realm by the gods which damaged the foundation of our world and barred the demons and gods from our land, " The bitter expression of the mayor said everything about the hurtful past of the glorious human civilization

Intrigued the young man asked " What about the crystal where is it now?" Came a reply with accompanied with a long sigh "I don't know,nor anybody does where the crystal is , but the only thing that damned crystal did bring was death"

" You are our hope,the hope of humans;not only did you achieve the foundation building realm due span of 8 years;but your understanding of the way of the sword greatly surpasses anybody even a greater realm above you" The mayor said while referring to the genius of the young man

" You flatter me Mr.mayor , but pardon me for being neglectful,I haven't yet asked for the reason of your visit " Said Lin Che while preparing tea for both of them.

"I was lost in a trance of our distraught past forgive me young man,but I've come here to propose a recommendation of me for you to get selected in the royal academy of human federation" The mayor said sternly as this matter was of great importance

After the great war of gods and demons all the continents of the world Arcana,Mithra,Resa,Qiyu and Plaritan came together to form the human federation a place where all the elites of the human race gathered to restore its former glory.



[aaaaandd chapter end

yeah it's been quite a time now eh?

Anyways I love you,yeah you the one reading this,you know I am talking about you]

Lin Che:"Who the hell are you talking about?"

Me:"Idk just gave them a name,pookie? "

Lin Che:" Damn man you are lonely as hell talking to a made up charecter lol"

