
Ascent of a fallen one

All mortals have imagined at least once the life after transcendence. What does it mean to be a god? What does it mean to be omnipotent? What does it mean to be truly strong? I Surely don't know about it;but for sure will the process of someone becoming strong. Someone who is distraught in his emotions. Someone who won't ever experience his longings. Follow the adventure of Lin Che in the process of understanding strength,in the process of creating inner peace,in the process of finding love......

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The next morning,the sun shone spreading its brilliance over the mortal world.

"~Yawn~, hey stinky system goodmorning ya' ready for the task." said the young man while getting up

[It was a task that I gave you myself,you dumbass],said a monotone voice.

"Hey don't be like that I just woke up,and don't you even have the basic etiquette atleast greet me back" replied Lin Che lazily...

"Anyways,we need to set off right now" said Lin Che while sprinting out of his bed


After some time

A loud voice resounded throughout the house"Daaaaaad, little demon bye, I am going for an adventure, "said the young man while getting ready

"What do you mean stupid brother?are you going to leave me behind," said a little girl with a wronged expression,for the fear of being left alone.

She then proceeded to skillfully climb on her brother's back,half asleep like a baby panda

"Well,sure do come back in a month," said a middle aged man lazily " And also bring some grilled chicken while you're at it, from stone Town,"

"Upto your orders sir," said the young man while he ran away from the clutches of a little demon..

"Eh? system did you forget to tell me the quest location," the teenager suddenly braked in doubt.

[Just say minimap and follow the checkpoint]

"Woah,that's cool uh... minimap" A circular map then appeared in Lin Che's peripheral vision.

"Hehe it's cool,here is the broken sword cemetery, oh and there it is...., what? it is in stone Town,damn that eccentric old man has good luck, "Thought Lin Che while speeding towards the direction of stone town,"


Few hours later,

"When it showed stone town I thought it will be a big mansion in the city,but here we are in the middle of the desert,beside the settlement,"Said the young man complaining" Tsk-Tsk system how does it feel to pit young people into labour you sinner?"

[good now work for me you child]

" What a heartless system" Lin Che then ran at full speed with excitement as he got closer and closer to the quest location.

After some time he arrived in front of an old dilapidated chinese themed mansion,There hung a sign by its gate it read-

"Red mansion,Xiao Hong."

"Eh?system where is this what quest do I have to be here?find hundred year old bones for a sad granny who grieves for her husband?, "

[No you dumbass open the gate]

" Done" Said Lin Che while striding in the mansion

[Now go towards that well in the yard]

"Ope it stinks here,hey system what now?"

[Jump in it]

" Wha?"

[For the greater good of star sword sect,Jump in with all the force you've got]

"Well here goes nothing,huh" then Lin Che dived in the well,,

" Uh I seem to hear something?"

(Sing winner sing for-)

" Damn I must be hallucinating"Then a red portal appeared in front of Lin Che and he was transported throught it,

'thud' Lin Che got up confused looking at his surrounding,to his suprise the twilight of the moon at night had been transformed into the sun's brilliance, and he was in the middle of a bustling street,his clothes were different

"Hey mister won't you be Lin Che by any chance?"An inquiring voice sound from his behind,Lin Che turned back to find a girl with outstanding looks inquiring him.


"Great,so you are the bodyguard my dad found for me,follow me to the red mansion" Lin Che followed her and found himself in front the red mansion restored to its former glory

"Whoaa, system how is this possible?where am I?"

[Well two hundred years ago,the time when tragedy struck the marquis of red mansion]

"So I need to stop the tragedy from happening?"

[Well yeah that's pretty much it]

" Hey Mr.Lin I heard you used to be a mercenary," Asked the girl

"Well yes Ms.Hong," Said Lin Che whole following her back to her father

"Woah I sure do know mercenaries are a great," The girl's eyes shone brightly as if she was thinking about someone,but those eyes dimmed for the thought of another thing

"Well there you go,inside is father" said Hong while letting Lin Che pass

" May I come in Marquis?,"

" Yes you may,haha it is indeed an A-rank mercenary of the association indeed,even I can't see throught your strength,"Said Marquis Hao while smirking

" System inspect"

[Name:Zhou Hao

Cultivation level:Foundation establishment 8]

"So it is, seems that Marquis is a level lower than me"

"So sir what do I need to do?"Asked Lin Che while nodding to himself

" Nothing just protect my little girl because there seems to be bad person looking for her,"

"May I know who that person is."Inquired Lin Che curiously

" You'll know when the time comes" Said the Marquis while gazing out of the window and stroking his beard

"hah,well rest in your room for now I've arranged two maids for you call them if you need anything,"

Lin Che nodded and the went out of the cabin trotting towards Hong lazily,

"Don't seem to have the energy of a mercenary do you mr.Lin?" said the girl teasingly

" Well Ms.Hong I am much more energetic in other matters"said Lin Che while smirking ear to ear while touching the hilt of his sword,

" Well I get it no need to be so enthusiastic," Hong who was an ordinary girl couldn't bear the release of sword intent Lin Che's sword brought with him,and was sweating blitzers already

"Ah,Mr.Lin please rest well" said Hong while running off the scene.

"What an eccentric girl,she is just like my little demon,well no one compares to that demon panda after all,"Said Lin Che while remembering about a short figure

'Mr Lin please,we will lead the way' said two maids while directing him towards his room

After a while after Lin Che settled down

"Today sure seems much more interesting,"

...... ....... .... ....... .......

Chapter end

A/N:Well how are you doing peeps,and I love you pookie.

Lin che:She doesn't love you back,she never will my dear author

A/N:Come back here you living piece of-

Anyways how is pookie doing some be too sad

Lin Che:I told you she will never come

A/N:didn't you run away well guess what do we have here,

*Random baseball bat appears*

Lin Che:Forgive me creator SAMA

"No shall leave the bonk"

"Almighty bonk"


A scream resounded