
Anonymous Legion in MCU (L and Kira as well)

MC is a Drama junkie, everything he does will have grace, style and some dramatic effect. MC aka Klein Morningstar will reincarnate in MCU along with his loyal servants/companions Light Yagami and L. Klein will create an organization that will bring along the new order in the world of MCU; The Anonymous Legion which will have three individual under it; Anoymous aka Klein, KIRA aka Light and L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC is the only original thing of mine in this fanfic, everything else belong to their creator whoever they might be.

Pentastic_666 · Filem
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7 Chs

Meeting AO

{A/N: I got some good comments on my previous chapter. Thanks for the support and appreciation guys, sorry if today's chapter is a big info dump, I don't know how to write a good conversation since English isn't my first language so I'll do what I can do the best for now. Also, your comment and reviews means a lot, your suggestions can give me ideas in case I hit a wall and it lets me know that you guys are reading this and liking it as well.}

It was my first day of school, it was pretty normal, I gained some attention from the girls because of how attractive I looked but most of them ignored me after seeing my disinterest since I didn't talk much. Unless someone asked me something, I wouldn't start a conversation with anyone myself and was quite reserved.

I really was not interested in them and even if I was, I don't know how to act like their age. I'm mentally an adult, people here can get excited talking about the dumbest things. On the bright side, Peter and Harry, Gwen and MJ are in my class as well so I might not stay a loner for long because other than MJ, three of them are quite mature, while Harry can mingle with just everyone, his childhood and his relationship with his father made him mature earlier than most kids, this Harry is from Toby Maguire's Spider-Man.

Peter is a mix of Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland. He is nerdy and goofy with his friend Harry but otherwise he's quite awkward and reserved. I didn't get a chance to get to know them well but we had some normal interaction when Harry and MJ came up to me to introduce themselves. Harry was a nice guy and MJ had an extroverted and outgoing personality so she dragged Harry along to talk with me, they both seemed close, maybe even dating. Harry even introduced Peter to me who was a little awkward but managed to hold up a small conversation.

During the lectures, I saw Peter taking glances at Gwen every once in a while. He seems to be interested in her and if this goes like what happened in Amazing Spider-Man then I'll have to make sure she doesn't die, though Harry is not the same as in Amazing Spider-Man but I'll still in any case make sure to prevent and misunderstanding happening between him and Peter as he can also be an amazing ally. I'll try to help Norman Osborn but if he becomes an issue I'll just kill him with a heart attack using Death Note that only I and the people I allow can use.

Killing Norman with death note will help me avoid many problems like Peter dealing with the Goblin and Harry going rogue. Felecia Hardy was a transfer student in the comics and still isn't here so I guess she'll join us later but I already confirmed her existence with the help of Alfred so I'm sure she'll join us sooner or later.

Things were usual and nothing unexpected happened. After school I just went back home and freshened up before going to train my abilities, by evening I was tired and laying on my bed as I felt a spatial fluctuation and a note came flying down in my hand with an address written on it and a message asking me to visit the place tonight. I already knew who it was and the place was New York sanctum most probably.

I won't lie, I am quite anxious to meet AO. After all, I believe she's capable of defeating me easily with her experience and the tricks she has up her sleeves. She isn't ancient for no reason. I left home at 8 P.M and took a taxi to the address in the note. Standing in front of a mansion, I was just about to knock on the door when suddenly the sceneries whooshed past me as before I knew it my surroundings changed and I found myself sitting on a chair, my mind still dizzy from the teleportation.

"Would you like some tea Mr. Morningstar?" I hear a voice as I gain my senses back and look at the AO with some sweat on my forehead. I greeted her back, "Yes, Thank You Ancient One."

AO passed me a cup as she replied, "Hmm, I had a hunch that you are a seer or something of that sort since you have shown knowledge of future in your past actions as well as actions you'll take in future. I am unable to see what happens in future exactly when it comes to you even though I can look at the future of people around you and you don't seem like a threat but I'd like to know what your goal is before coming to that conclusion."

I paused for a while as thought of what to reply then I truthfully said, "I am not actually sure about it AO. Though, I promise you I'm not a threat or someone who'll put Earth in danger."

"In all honesty I want to become really strong, how strong is something I don't wish to share but the motive behind it, is to be honest, none. I wish to do so because I can, I know it might seem childish but my powers is like a dream come true for me, especially knowing what happens in the future, just makes me excited knowing that I can fight against other worldly threats alongside some great individuals, heroes I look up to and admire from what I know from my knowledge of future. I am not hero material but everything I do is to satisfy my need for thrill and knowledge. I want to explore the distant planets and galaxies and want to get strong enough to protect the people I care about and specially myself, nothing more nothing less. I don't have any goals to harm innocents or take over the world I'm just someone who's seeking some thrill and an amazing adventure."

AO smiles brightly at my reply. It was unknown to me that she, for the first time in a few centuries, was looking forward to an unknown future of the individual sitting in front of her.

{A/N: I hope you like the story till now and its concept. Do donate some power stones to show support if you like it because I can only continue this if I get some benefit out of it or else I'll suffer life.}