
Anonymous Legion in MCU (L and Kira as well)

MC is a Drama junkie, everything he does will have grace, style and some dramatic effect. MC aka Klein Morningstar will reincarnate in MCU along with his loyal servants/companions Light Yagami and L. Klein will create an organization that will bring along the new order in the world of MCU; The Anonymous Legion which will have three individual under it; Anoymous aka Klein, KIRA aka Light and L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC is the only original thing of mine in this fanfic, everything else belong to their creator whoever they might be.

Pentastic_666 · Movies
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7 Chs

AO is surprised

"It does not seem that you are lying. You, Mr. Klein Morningstar, intrigue me. You shouldn't have existed and your presence has deviated this world from its original path, a lot of which I can't see now as much of the future is covered in a fog that I can't see through. But in most possibilities, things have changed for the better and your answer was assuring enough to let me know that you aren't a threat or at least not one yet." AO replied.

"But, anymore of your interference at the moment is not good for my plans. You see, soon my successor will come to Kamar-Taj. But, if you continue interfering with the future, that might not happen. As such I would like you to not change anything too much than how it's supposed to be. You can make minor changes but I'll warn you in case you do something that changes the future in which my successor arrives. I will not care how much you change the future afterwards."

I listened to her and replied with a nod, "I understand and I think that I can work with that. So, I just have to be careful about what changes I make until Stephen Strange arrives at Kamar-Taj and then I'm free to do as I wish. Also, AO would you be kind enough to let me learn Mystic Arts at Kamar-Taj."

AO said, "I understand that you are curious and have an interest in gathering knowledge but I still don't completely trust you. But, I am willing to accept you as an apprentice at Kamar-Taj if you promise to protect Earth against Interdimensional threats for next 200 years."

"I will protect Earth anyway against any danger but only when my help is necessary, if others are capable of handling it then I won't involve myself if I don't wish to." replied.

"Very well then, we can start your teaching from tomorrow, you will be given a room to stay at in Kamar-Taj where you can start your training in Mystic Arts." AO replied as a portal opened next to her from which came a man.

"He'll take you to your room in Kamar-Taj and show you the library for beginners in mystic arts."

I followed the man into the portal and then my exploration of mystic arts started, beginning with learning ancient forgotten languages and all. I stayed in Kamar-Taj for 6 months straight, absorbing knowledge like a sponge while a clone was there with my family as a cover.

I used my clones to learn things faster, with my enhanced brain I was already a prodigy and with the workload divided between my clones, which I could make 42 of with my current limit, I was able to learn things in months that took years for a normal person.

On the third month I had started using energy from my dimension after replicating different forms of dimensional energies I felt when other masters used it like eldritch magic and mirror dimension energy. I had an endless source of energy of any kind, my dimension was like a cheat for any master of mystic arts but I kept it secret from them. For now, my mental capabilities increased a lot with the help of mystic arts, telekinesis, telepathy, etc. have advanced to a new height. My physical strength is still limited to 15 tons but with telekinesis, it is now 60 tons as my telekinesis can lift 45 tons now.

On the 6th month I tried to make a portal using the sling ring for the nth time, even though I don't need it with my Kamui, and it worked, it finally freaking worked. I can be considered a master in mystic arts now since there are two requirements of becoming a master, which are mastering eldritch constructs and making portals using sling ring. Of course, there are other things as well that masters learns like minor telekinesis, telepathy, elemental control, matter manipulation, illusion creation and mental fortitude, etc. but it is obvious that if you can make eldritch construct and portals then you probably can do other stuff as well because they are basics of reaching master level.

I can now move on to learn things like entering mirror dimension and astral tapping and forbidden arts, though I doubt AO will allow me to access the forbidden stuff but I have a deal that she probably can't reject.

"You amazed me Mr. Morningstar, this is the first that I have witnessed someone becoming a master in just six months of training. Tell me, what's the reason for your visit, I doubt you just came to check on this old lady." AO said.

"I wanted to thank you for letting me learn at Kamar-Taj. I have already learnt everything that the beginner's library could offer. I wish to learn more, like astral tapping and mirror dimension, but for now I will be leaving here since I have somethings that require my attention. Once I return, I hope you'd allow me to look at some forbidden books you have as well..." I was cut short by AO

"Only the elders are allowed to have access to forbidden knowledge. I am fine with you learning at Kamar-Taj till you become grand master but only the most trusted of my students can become elders here and even they are restricted access to some extremely dangerous and corruptive forbidden books and I don't trust you enough to let you have such knowledge, specially knowing your potential, if you go rogue, I doubt anyone will be able to stop you." AO replied with a serious look.

"I understand your concerns and I have counter measures for any such implications. I know you do not completely trust me but I want you to see what measures I have and then judge whether I can be allowed to access forbidden texts or not. It will also be beneficial for you, since I will share one of my biggest secrets with you and give you the same advantage I have." I said looking back at her with same seriousness, for a while we just kept looking at each other seriously before AO sighed and said,

"Alright, I'm willing to listen what you want to tell. But, if I think that your measures or your offer is lacking then we won't be talking about things related the forbidden ever again."

I smile at that before replying, "I am owner of a dimension..." I stopped seeing AO's shocked reaction. A dimension owner can also be called an elder god if they have complete control of their dimension and mystic arts user make contracts with such beings to draw energy from dimensions to do certain things.

"I am not in complete control of my dimension but I'm it's only owner as this dimension is quite special, it was born with me and die along with me but I shall remain it's only true owner ever, no one can take over it. But, there's more..."

I started telling AO of how I can copy energies and have an endless source of said energy, to say AO was shocked when I showed her some things using my dimensional energy, her eyes were wide and she wasn't even blinking.

"Forbidden knowledge is corruptive because to use them or learn them people have to make contract with evil dimensional entities. The energy from their dimension is corruptive as it carries the will or consciousness of the owner of said dimension, but if I can copy the energy of forbidden dimension..."

AO replied, "You can learn forbidden knowledge without any harmful effects, using energy from your personal dimension as it doesn't carry corruptive will or consciousness."

"And I can connect you to my dimension, even though I am not a god myself yet but being the owner of dimension allows me to make anyone I want a Demi-God connected to my realm. And you already know what benefits come along with it." I said with a small smirk.