
Androsia - The Queen of Crows

There was a world where the chaos as a merging tsunami flooded every corner of the people's hearts. The world that didn't see any conflicts in nearly the last five hundred years turned upside down. The Crystalfield Kingdom, as the most advanced country in the world, became the center of every envious gaze. Later, a war occurred between the countries and ended with the fall of the Crystalfield Kingdom. Many people escaped from the horror of the war. However, there was a certain someone who was supposed to be dead after the fall of the kingdom. Later, the slumbering hatred and anger emerged from this person's heart and erupted like a volcano. And this person has chosen no other aim but to destroy everything, even leaving a limitless number of corpses and an eternally flowing river of blood behind.

Sharyanna · Fantasi
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27 Chs

C2 - The Aura

A loud sound of an explosion filled the mighty dark sky, waking up everyone in the surroundings.

The sisters in the monastery also woke up with fear in their hearts. The first thing they did after the moment they opened their eyes was to kowtow on the floor and praised the goddess of life.

However, there was a woman, who sat still in her bed and looked around in her room.

'Where is she now?' Orga sighed inwardly.




Somewhere in the near city of Lakron, some knights woke up because of the loud noise.

"What the f*ck was that?" A middle-aged man stood up from his bed.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Sir Lewis! Sir Lewis!" Someone shouted from the other side of the door while he nearly broke in.

"What do you want?" Sir Lewis asked in an angrier tone.

"Excuse for my behavior, Captain Lewis! I had an urgent report!"

"Say it fast! I have another matter to settle!" Sir Lewis eyes turned back at his bed where a woman lay with a charming smile.

"Y-yes, my lord! We sensed an Aura awakening a moment ago."

"What?!" Sir Lewis opened the door immediately.

The knight behind it nearly jumped out of his armor when he saw his captain's slightly shocked and irritated face.

"Repeat. Once. More."

Cold sweat flew down on the knight's back and gulped a bigger one than someone usually would do.

"We..had d-detected an..Aura a-awakening." Said with trembling limbs.

"Prepare my horse! We will leave in 10 minutes."

"Y-yes, captain!" The knight said and left.

'So, a golden apple has fallen into our hands.' Sir Lewis laughed inwardly as he made his exit. 'Hehehe.'

Within mere 8 minutes, Captain Lewis left Lakron city with his men in full armor and equipment and followed the trail of the newly awakened aura.

"Where is that awakened?" Sir Lewis asked the one who reported the matter to him.

"My detection aura directed my senses to west, my lord." Another man answered.

Sir Lewis' eyebrows slightly lifted when he heard the answer, but not from who he asked.

"You are our scout, huh?"

"Yes, my lord. My name is Pivald, and I am your scout as the general commanded me to join this group." Pivald explained the situation.

"Then be useful and show the path!" Sir Lewis commanded him.

He then bowed a little while they galloped to the west.

'If what he told is correct, in the west, there is only one place where people are living, and that place is ...' Sir Lewis humbled in himself while smiling a little.

"Move forward!" Lewis shouted loudly.

The knights followed his words and speeded up.

Less than a half-hour later they arrived at the monastery they previously visited.

All of the knights got off their horses and Sir Lewis knocked on the entrance door as much as it sounded as they wanted to break in. At it was not that far from the truth.

Sounds of steps could be heard inside the monastery, and a few moments later Sister Nula opened the door in a greenish lingerie she slept.

Sir Lewis eyebrows were lifted slightly, bet before he let out of control his desires, he put his hand on the door to block it from closing it.

"Do you have something to say to me, Sister Nula?" He asked her in a terrifying tone like one wrong step and the monastery would burn to the ground.

"Sir Lewis. How can I help you at this time of lately?" Nula asked him.

"Don't play any funny joke with me! Where is that aura user?" Lewis temper drastically changed and pushed the door slowly.

"I don't know what are you talking about. Could you tell us what do you mean?" Sister Nula had no idea what happened that caused this situation.

"Enough about your shit! Tell me, where is the aura user!" Lewis grabbed Nula at her neck and pushed her inside the monastery.

"Pivald! Search for the aura user! If anyone is resisting, just kill it!" Lewis shouted.

His subordinates nodded and stepped inside the monastery.

Tears appeared at the edge of Nula's eyes and she tried to let out some words while Lewis kept his hand tightly around her neck. "W-what a-re you do-ing?"

Lewis eyes turned back at Sister Nula filled with bloodlust.

"Don't worry, you and your sisters won't suffer that much." A creepy smile appeared on Lewis face and his hands gripped more tightly.

Sister Nula tried to take a breath but she couldn't as the hand around her neck just became tighter.

Tears fell off her face and saliva foamed from her mouth. She panicked and tried to free herself from the grasp of Lewis, but slowly the strength left her body.