
Androsia - The Queen of Crows

There was a world where the chaos as a merging tsunami flooded every corner of the people's hearts. The world that didn't see any conflicts in nearly the last five hundred years turned upside down. The Crystalfield Kingdom, as the most advanced country in the world, became the center of every envious gaze. Later, a war occurred between the countries and ended with the fall of the Crystalfield Kingdom. Many people escaped from the horror of the war. However, there was a certain someone who was supposed to be dead after the fall of the kingdom. Later, the slumbering hatred and anger emerged from this person's heart and erupted like a volcano. And this person has chosen no other aim but to destroy everything, even leaving a limitless number of corpses and an eternally flowing river of blood behind.

Sharyanna · Fantasy
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27 Chs

C3 - The Thunder Before The Storm

"Don't worry, your sisters won't suffer this much ..." Lewis repeated his words as he looked at Nula.

Sister Nula's eyes turned white and her limbs lightly trembled.

'This will be the end?' She pondered while her consciousness blurred away with her vision.

A second after Nula's thoughts, a wind-like wave rushed through the building. Lewis's hands trembled and the strength left his arm, let fall Nula from his grip.

"W-what was that?" Lewis asked himself loudly as he inspected his trembling hand.

"M-my lord! The aura user is coming towards us!" Pivald shouted loudly, in the hope his words will be heard by his commander.

In every third second, a wind-like wave swept through the area.

"Everyone! Gather before the entrance of the monastery, now!" Lewis commanded his men.

As they left the monastery, they saw a girl in the distance. Her blood-red eyes and hair stunned the people. But expect her appearance, the pressure she created with each step was the most fearful thing at that moment.

"Who is that girl?!" Lewis asked his man an instant as he saw the girl.

The knights mumbled in a low voice because they had no idea, but a few seconds later one of them shouted.

"That the little girl from the monastery!"

Even if they recognized the girl who slowly walked towards them, they still were in darkness.

'How did that girl gain such an aura?' Lewis pondered.

He saw his people gripping their weapons, being ready for slaughter down that girl.

"Guys! Catch that one alive! Don't forget the Emperor's Aura Hunt Decree!" Lewis talked loud to his men.

Everybody nodded as a yes and stood up as they prepared for a battle.

Each step made them tremble, cold sweat flew down on their back.

Sister Nula hardly climbed up to the first floor where the sisters noticed her wounds and immediately rushed for help.

"Sister Nula?! What happened?"

The sisters who escaped to the first floor before the knights' fury helped up Sister Nula while some of them approached the windows on the front side of the monastery, opened every window, and looked at the coming girl.

They pointed towards her direction with trembling fingers.

Orga pressed herself before two sisters to see out the window. The moment she noticed the girl in the distance, she shed a few tears.

"Do you see this, my queen? Your daughter woke up her slumber ..." Orga sobbed.

The sisters next to her looked at her with weird expressions on their faces.

"What are you talking about, Sister Orga?"

"Yeah, what's the meaning of your sentence?"

"Sister Orga?"

The sisters around Orga looked at her with wide eyes, wondering about what she really told before them. The monastery had high expectations about Orga since she joined the sisters, Nula praised and trained her to choose as the new chief.

Sister Nula raised her head and in her blurry vision, looked at Orga's teary eyes, remembering their past since the moment she arrived.

When Orga and Anna arrived at the monastery, they were for the first meet like nothing more than just a mother-daughter family who probably escaped from the central part of the Crystalfield Kingdom when the siege has finished.

Orga was a diligent and kind woman who learned everything relatively fast the sister taught to her. She didn't let her work to others even when she became ill.

But on the other side of the coin, the girl who was supposed to be her daughter, was a good-for-nothing child. A silent and closed one. She has never spoken with anyone, her voice has never been heard.

Many sisters, including Sister Alica, asked many times to kick her out, as she did nothing and only ate. For them and the monastery, Anna was nothing more but a burden.

Sister Nula talked about this matter countless times with Orga, but she got the same unpleasant answers each time.

"No, I can't let her alone and I won't allow the sisters to kick her out of here! If they want to Anna leave, then I will prepare my things too and we will leave together!"

"Sister Orga, please listen to me. I think I can understand that you don't want your daughter to leave your side when she is this young, but ..." Sister Nula tried to stay rational.

"No, and my opinion won't change in this matter." Orga didn't give any chance for compromise.

"Orga, you need to understand our perspective. It wouldn't be a real problem if she really could do something. I mean sweeping, cleaning, cooking. If she would do anything we won't have any problem."

"If you don't understand my words, you don't have the right to make a decision!" Orga's eyes filled with anger that left Sister Nula speechless.