
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Komik
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23 Chs

Crashing the Wedding and smashing the Fried Chicken.

The Wedding Venue Doors

Issei and Requiem walked up to the massive oak wood doors. Knowing that the door was locked, Issei begain to curl his fist to blow the doors off their hinges. Requiem had chaghed Issei's legs and arms into the battle armor of the gear, ready for a fight. After a quick check to make sure no one was in the way, Issei smashed the doors apart, this action sent splitters and chunks of wood flying everywhere. As the smoke slowly cleared everyone in the room could see the shape of the human-dragon hybrid stepping out. A few of the gaurds had started to move to intersepte Issei; but suddenly stopped when the young man let his aura flare to the piont where Sirzechs himself felt a little uneasy. While Issei's coma had mentally prepared him for the side effects of being a dragon, he still had to contral the instincts and mannerisms or eles he would have imetenetly punched a certain fire bird where the sun don't shine first.

"Tch" Riser sneered, not even acknowledging the newly arrived human-dragon god and that only added more to the flame that was growing inside Issei's heart.

"Ise…" Asia said quietly, Ddraig then contected himself with Asia, Konkeno, Akeno and finily Rias. Once that was done he then began to speck to the four women" Do not worrie, Issei is not mad at you all. he is makeing sure everyone knows that right now he is pissed and they should not try anthing to him." Akeno then asked"Is that the reason why his aura is so warm and careing to us?" "Warmth, I want to get closer. but can we?" asked Konkeno, Ddraig said" Yes, all of you go to him. Rias, you too. He is here for all of you" Asia looked down to her hands, where Ddraig was out as a pair of fingerless gloves that had a green jewel on the top. She said"thank you Ddraig, I feel better now" "You welcome my lady, now go to your man. He needs you four. Don't worrie Rias, no one is going to stop you from goin to your love" "Thank you Ddraig." Rias said as she started to run to her love with tires in her eyes.

Ddraig knew that no one would be able to stop Rias running to Issei Hyoudou in any way, not even the Power of Destruction could because of his change. Just to prover his piont; when Rias was half way to where Issei was standing, Riser commaned four of the of the gaurds who where not to affected by Issei aura to stop Rias. Issei saw this and imetiely thorw four black flames to the gaurds. The gaurds got into a defence block, but instead of being hit, the flames created a cage around them. Rias slamed into Issei, with her eyes closed and her face muzzling his chest.

Issei was a little suprised by this and then asked Rias what was worng. She said" I wanted to see you, i wanted to make sure you where all right, I wanted to stay with you until you where aweak. But Riser said he wasn't going to let me see you or evern visit you until after he took me and also made me a women. I am sorry, Issei, Issei." As Issei started to confromer her, by rubbing he back and head, Requim activated his guntlet. He then asked Akeno and Sona two questions. "Akeno, Sona. Is what Rias saying the truth?" "Yes" Akeno said, "My self and the rest of us where not allowed to see him. Even Aisa was not allowed to go back to even get clothes from her room in Issei's house.". When Issei heard that, he again flared his power, his aura reaching to the ceiling. Requim then asked Sona "So, I can take it that the Great Family of Phenex used Rias and her peerage as hosteges?" "Yes my lord. It is as you say" Sona said with both anger and sadniess. This whole situation could have been avoded if the Phenex family had just felt it allown. But now they all most face the consequences. At this piont Riser was yelling at Sirzechs to stop this weakling from ruining to wedding and to kill Issei. At this Sirzechs knew he could not do anything.

After Issei calmed down and got the other girls calmed down; Issei asked Rias "Who do you want, Me or Riser?" "You Issei, all I want is you. I don't care about my name anymore. All I want is you." Issei wispered to her "I am a dragon now, you don't minded me haveing other girls that I love and who Iove me back?" " I don't care, so long as you keep your love for me, I will support you." Rias said, still laying her head on his chest. Issei put a hand on her chin, Tilting her head to Issei. He asked her, "Rias will you marry me?" "Yes Issei, I will marry you." as she said this, she and Issei sared their first kiss. After a minute, Issei kissed her neck, completeing her marking. She to felt the burning like Grayfia on her neck, looking to Issei for an answer; he said" Just watch" as he pulled Akeno, Koneko, and Asia closer to him. He asked each one if they to would marry him; with each one saying yes and Issei kissing each one, just like he just did with Rias. Everyone soon saw the mark of Issei's dragon on each of the four women's necks, marking them as Issei's women.

At this piont in time, Issei's aura had gone down to a degree that everyone was actually glad that Issei had kissed all for girls in the peerage. It allowed some of the people to at least sit down in chairs or just on the floor. but they could not leave, even with transportion magic, becasue of Issei aurua messed with the magic; almost like he wanted people to stay there and that there was more to come.

This also signiled Grayfia to make her entrance. soon, every one saw the Gremery Crest appeir right behind Issei. but the Color was not the usual crimson red, but a very beautifal Ice Blue. After she finish transporting into the ballroom and the light faded, Grayfia stood, right behind her mate, her husband. She was was now wearing an Ice Blue dress that fit in all the right places. From her hand to just belowe her elebows was coved with a white liced clothed that looked elegent and flatering. She had Ice Blue, dress shoes with white legings going half way her thights. But what really got everyone was the four wings that she had out of her back. One of them was the standered Devil wing, but she had three Ice Blue wings that looked like those of a dragon. on her right side, she had two dragon wings and her left had the devil and dragon pair.

"hello, everyone." Grayfia said, with a hint of anger and rage in her vioce. everyone saw that her aurua had acttually grew, where it was once just under the Four Great Satans, was now much greater than three of the Satans compined. Even as he saw her, Sirzechs knew that even he was not able to guarantee a one on one win battle with his Queen.

Grayfia puts her head on Issei's shoulder and asked him if he was all right. Issei said "Yes, I am good. Igot hear before they where able to tie the knot. I see you like your new dress. I told you that you would be great." "Yes, I most thank you; My husband. I love my new wings and this dress is very fitting. I love it." Issei smiled, saying "Of course, you are now one of my wives. My energy is very strong and can make you dreams a reality. It is good to see you out of that maid uniform. you look much more like the women you should be." Grayfia kisses Issei check and wraps her arms around him. She said "If it wasn't for Sirzech not sending me to the house, I would not be as happy as I am now."

As they where Talking, Sirzechs approced the group. Kneeling to Issei, He said "I thank you for graning us your presence, My lord. I welcome you to the Underworld. Although, I am sure you would have wanted to visit under better circumstance" As he was saying this, everyone eles in the room was kneeling, this Included Lord and Lady Phenex; the one who have angered a very powerful being and now hope to be able to leave alive. The only one who wasn't kneeling was, of course, Riser. He was still fuming that his wedding was ruined and his women, someone who he wanted to concur and make his bitch, was now taken and made a dragon's wife. He was pissed and in that moment of anger; Attacked Issei and his women with several heavy fire balls that would ezally hurth a high class devil and distory the ball room

But before anyone eles could act, moveing faster than evern devil eyes could see, Issei was slashing the fire balls and sheilding his girls and everyone eles from the blast and the shock of the defeted fire balls. Issei was imperss that he had this most power in those balls of fire, but it was not natural power from the Phenex, it had something eles in it as well. Issei was pussezed, but right now he had a Fried Chicken to fry.

Riser was dead now; no question about it. Riser tried to threaten a dragon and his wives with an attack, trampleed on his dragon pride, and was now a very loss cannon now. even now, Riser was still digging his grave deeper by constantly insulting Issei's pride and the names of his women.

"You" Issei growled, a sickening sound that carried across the entire room, "Are dead, Riser!"

Riser sniffed, letting his power flare out. That was a mistake, as it was crushed under Dragon hybrids aura without any sweat breaking. Riser turned and his wings erupted into existence, burning in the air.

"Fire, that's all you have, bird" Issei said before his own wings appeared, Eight massive sapphire blue dragon wings that had to be a wingspan of 20 feet at least.

Sirzech Lucifer knew that this was not a good thing; he had lived long enough to know when a Dragon's pride was insulted and quickly intervened.

He cleared his throat and in a load shout, he said "Issei Hyoudou, Riser Phenex" This made the two to look at him. In his mind he said, {ok that was a good start. lets see if this will work.} He then said "Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe I know what is going on and intend to help rectify it. Riser Phenex, you have made a very powerful deity angry, a Dragon's Pride is the worst thing to insult as it can lead to untold horrors." He then pionted to Asia as he said "Ddraig, here, can correct me if I'm wrong but you have not only insulted the Dragon, Issei Hyoudou, His wifes with that attack and the name not just the Gremory but also your own house as well. I had hope that we could settle this with the ratting game, which i most remeind everyone, that you, Riser Phenex, lost and that would have been the end of it."

After a short pause to make sure everyone knew who caused this, Sirzechs continued "Now, I propose a one on one duel between yourself and Issei to put this to rest. But the type of duel will be decided by the dragon, Issei. Mr Hyoudou, you can choose any type of deal and the rules of the deal. I, Sirzech Lucifer, will officiate the dual and the results will not be argued again." Sirzech finished, first looking at the heads of the Phenex clan and then to Riser. for his part, Riser was now paled slightly at hearing this decree, while Issei was grinning viscously as his eyes flashed.

"A Dragon duel, his insults will only be paid in full by his death. If I win, my pride will be satisfied and my former King, NOW WIFE, will not have another marriage contract ever again. IF Riser wins, the Chromatics (undead dragons) will haunt him for eternity for killing one of their own." Issei answered easily, making the crowd murmur in shock.

Ddraig then Spoke again from Asia's hands. His voice booming so everyone herad him {For those of you who didn't understand, a Dragon duel is a fight to the death. I should know this as my opposite, Albion, and I are in an ever raging Dragon duel. Dragons know that insulting it or the pride of ones mate's or wives could lead to this duel and avoid it at all costs. As they could kill off a whole family branch as a result. There have been seveal that i have witness before i was sealed in this gear. And let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight} After having explained what it was, Ddraig made it know that he was making it clear that he agreed with Issei to do a Dragon duel.

Riser smirked "Bring it, Pawn of Gremory."

Issei snarled in response before they vanished, appearing in the pocket dimension for their fight. Riser was grinning from ear to ear; in his mind, he thought that he would be able to show the whole underworld that Issei was a fraud and he, Riser Phenex was in the right. Issei hissed back at Riser, before taking a knee and prepared himself for the fight.

In his mind Issei said to Requim "Lets finish where we started and show everyone not to fuck with us!"

"Issei, your body will not last if you complete the transformation. You will not survive it if you continue." Requiem said in worry, Issei shook his head.

"No, I will not turn back and make a fool of myself. I've had enough of being the weakest, if you haven't forgotten both of our prides are on the line here and Riser was asking for his death with that last insult. We do this together or we die trying, you with me, Requiem?"

Requiem let loose a hearty belly laugh as he answered "You have spirit, Issei! Now, let's show them the true form of a CHROMATIC BLUE DRAGON GOD!"

The people watching felt sick as they hear the creacking and spliting of human fleas and bone. That was until Issei was covered in Phoenix fire by Riser. But from within the fire a huge roar was heard, with the Faces of Rise, Grayfia, Akeno, Asia, Konenko holding both a blush and a smile. the blushing was from them becomeing half dragon, they felt the passion and love that Issei had for them. the smile was the fact that they knew Riser was fucked, and will not make it out of this fight unscaved.

The girls watched as their husband and mate for life was undercoming the tranfsormation, they to flared their power and roared back to Issei. Feeling their love and feeling returned to him, helped him push through the rest of the tranformation.

Riser was laughing; the pest was burning in his fire. That was until the fire was put out and smoke obscured something, then that disappeared as well. Standing before him was a 78 foot tall Blue Dragon, with a wingspan of 230 feet and it was glaring at him with lava red orbs for eyes.

"That's all you've got, son of Phenex? Weak!!!! send me that last attack in the ballroom again and then let me show you true power!" The Dragon spoke.

Ddraig let out a choking sound, worrying Asia before he said {I thought that i would never see him in the world again.That's Requiem; The Blue Chromatic Dragon God!}

Sirzech could feel the power from the dragon, even through the shields that held the pocket dimension together. And with Ddraig's hyperventilation at the dragon's appearance, it was not a good sign.

Issei took to the air as he charged his new body's breath weapon, Riser roared and threw the fire booms from the Ballroom attack, back at him again with no effect. Opening his mouth, Issei shot a line of lightning and white fire and struck the arrogant devil head on and the thunderclap afterward was so loud that it nearly made several of the party goers deaf.

Riser fell to the earth; his body was unable to heal itself and was now going haywire. Vital body systems were shutting down and there was nothing he or anyone could do. Issei landed by the twitching body of Riser, watching as his life left eyes. The boy's immortality was nothing compared to a true Bird of the Phoenix Fire, as they could resurrect on their burning day. Riser and his family didn't have that ability, only the tears and healing factor.

Issei was about to end the boys suffering when a girl stopped him, her hands out as an attempt to protect her brother. "Haven't you done enough already?!"

Lowering his head to look Ravel Phenex in the eye, Issei said "I was going to end his suffering; you and your family need not suffer for his faults. Step aside or I will regret my actions because of your stubbornness, young woman."

Ravel was stunned, But still stood her ground and said "Please, My lord. Stop This Please. I know that my brother has wronged you, both in your name and in the names of you wives. I know he has attacked your pride and i am not blind to the fact that you want his head. But please, spare my Brother life. I owe him, he treated me better than my mother and father did. In his eye's i was worthy of being in the family, that i would help him and the family in the futuer. So please my lord, please spare him!!!" As she said the last part, tears started to fall from her. She was scared that she to would be killed, as well as her brother. Soon she heard Issei sighed and saw him start to pick her up in his hand. She didn't resist, instead placeing her face into Issei's chest as he started to think clearer than before.

Before the dual, Issei was very angery and pissed at Riser. He hurt his fiernds and thretaed them to keep them from him. He was the source of all his problems and that his death was the right thing to do. But now, as the anger subsided, Issei had a moment of clarity. Those Fire ball Booms in the Ballroom where not natural. He was sure of it now more than ever and he wanted to know what it was. To him, that additional power felt familiar to him, but he could not figue it out. If Issei killed him right here or now, He would not get the answer's he wanted. Requim to, was puzzeled and he too wanted answers.

After some deliberation between Issei, Requim, and Ddraig; Issei spoke" Ravel Phenex, you have stated that you know of your brother's misdeeds to me and my mates. If you want your brother to live, what are you goimg to offer me in return. You Must think Carefully. Your answer will ether save your brother or kill him." he said with a dark tune in the wording. Ravel now knew it was all up to her. After a moment of thinking, she gave her answer "I, Ravel Phenex, Offer my life to you, Issei Hyoudou, I offer my Viginity to you and am willing to become a wife to you if you so see fit. I am of Sound mind and have made this decision on my own accord." after she finished, she bowed to Issei, who had moved his had away from his cheast so he can watch her.

After she finished, Issei thought it over. He then made his Diecition, "Ravel Phenex, I, Issei Hyoudou, the human dragon form of the Dragon God Requim, Will accept your Offer. During your speech, I felt your determination, your sincerity to help your brother, not for any gain; but just becuase he was family. It is good to know that there are still some devils that focused on family members, not the family name or postions one can get from marrying into a family. Dragon pride them selfves in having familyies. A dragon family bond is a very, very storng. Mother and father with do absolute anything to provide and protect their younglings. even killing off hole families if they threaten their families. I am proud that you, Ravel, have stopped me. There many be hope left for devil society if your generation and those after you focused more on family member, than statues or for personal gain."

When she heard this, Ravel could not stop the teirs from flowing out, in a broken vice, she said "Thank you, my husband, thank you." As she continued to cry into Issei's cheast, Issei created a green flame in his hands and placed it onto the near dead Riser. After a several minutes have past, Issei stopped the healling flame. Soon, Riser started to breathe on his own, but he was still unconscious. Soon, the dimension started breaking up; Issei took to the air and flew to back to the Phenex mansion, carrying the crying form of Ravel Phenex in one hand, while the unconscios body of Riser Phenex was in the other.

Rias, as well as the rest of the people in the ballroom, where both shocked and silent at the same time. In her heart, now half dragon, she as well as the other girls in Issei's heram that what Issei did was a better solution than him just out right killing Riser. Even though Riser deserved death and no one would say thing about it, It would still changed Issei. Makeing him different from the young man Rias and the other Girls had fallen for. Most of the other guests had mixed feelings about this man dragon god. Some where greatful that Issei was at least a reasonable person and would not take a persons life, so long as they had a person who would speek to their defense. Some wanted Issei to have killed the Phexen boy, they reasoned that Riser brought all of this on himself and he should die for angering Issei. There where some still, also included Sirzechs, who where scared of the power inside Issei. Even if it was just him, the whole of the Underworld would be in trouble and the race of devils could be killed of. Now that Issei has Rias, Grayfia, Akeno, Asia, Koneko and now Ravel as his women, it was a sure thing that if any one pissed them off, they would literally destroy the underworld and leave nothing left. Everyone would and could agree on one fact, and that was Issei could become a great ally or a terrible enemy and had to tread very careful to not anger him or his women.

Soon Issei landed back at the Phenex mansion. Before handing the still unconscious body of Riser to Yubelluna and a now sleeping Ravel into Her mothers arms, Issei flared is power and cleared his throat. once everyone turned to him, he spoked. "I know that Isaid i would kill him" his eyes looking down on Riser, then looking at everone eles he started again " I am still keeping this boy alive due to the fire balls he made. they where not natural and i want answers as to why i feel a familiar power in them. I do belive that he is the only one who knows what is going on so that is part of it. The other part is the fact that Ravel knew her brother was going to die, but she used a cooler head and made me look at my self. If she hhad not step in, Riser will be nothing right now. SO LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR! ANYONE TRYIES ANY FUNNY BUSINESS OR EVEN TRYIES TO ATTACK ME OR THOSE I HOLD DEAR I WILL KILL!!!! Riser is your only warning."

Issei then handed Riser to Yubelluna, telling her that he will be in a coma for a full year and that she most make sure he stays alive. He also made sure to state that if anyone tries to kill Riser, no matter the reason, Issei would find them and kill them. As Yubelluna took Riser away, Issei handed Ravel to her mother. Lady Phenex took her daughter into her arms and just sat down, crying that she allmost lost both her dauther and her son. once she calmed down, Issei Knelt down to speech with her. "Lady Phenex, I am sorry for this, but if she did not do what she did; i am sure i would have killed her and Riser. Your dauther was very brave to stand in front of me and made me clear my head." Lady Phenex looked into his eyes, instead of the hate that she expected, she saw saddness and care. She then said "Thank you for sparing them both. I do not know what I would do if I lost then both." she them asked "when do we talk? I am sure you have other things to do." "Come to the Gremory mansion tomorrow. we will talk then. Also, do not bring your hausband." Issei looked to Sirzechs and said "AS OF THIS MOMENT I, Issei Hyouduo, RECOGNIZE LADY PHENEX AS THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF PHENEX. ANYTHING THAT LORD PHENEX DOSE WILL BE HANDED TO THE LADY AND HE WILL RETIER IMMEDIATLY! I am sure you understand what to do, right Sirzechs?" Sirzechs just noodded his head. Turning his head back to Lady Phenex, he said "We will talk about everyting then, okay? and you do not have to worrie, i am quite reasonable person. so long as you on my good side." Just nooding her head, Lady Phenex slowly got up, with some help from Issei, and took her sleeping dauther away to her room. Soon Sirzech walked out and had to crane his neck to see Issei's head, the Lucifer of the Devil people shuddered slightly as his aura felt the dragons and he knew that the Devils had no chance against him.

"Could you not flare your aura at me, I'm very tired from the transformtion and would like some time to sleep without a fight" Issei grunted wearily as he lowered himself into a sleeping position, Sirzech backed off with a bowed head.

"Of course, but could I teleport you to the Gremory gardens so you could sleep in peace?" He asked. Issei just nodded, then Sirzech moved the dragon god via magic circle to the Gremory gardens in a flash of red light.

Rias looked to Akeno and the rest of her freinds. Akeno nodded and moved away to collect the rest of the peerage so they could go to Gremory Manor. The she-devil of Gremory walked up to her brother and asked "Is Ise ok?"

Sirzech could only shrug "Issei is fine, but he was correct in saying that he was tired. Before he caught me, I felt his power and it was drained drastically to the point of having a friendly conversation with Death."

{He's lucky to only get that far, any further and he would have surly have died} Ddraig spoke from behind them; Asia had silently approached them in worry about her first friend.

{What happened was close enough to {Juggernaut Drive} that I can say that he was lucky. {Juggernaut Drive} can kill someone that isn't ready to handle it, I would know because one of my previous partners got overconfident in his abilities that he entered it headfirst and was killed because of it. Issei however was changing into a Dragon completely and that could, no SHOULD have killed him but he just pulled the impossible off with only the need to sleep it off as a result.} Ddraig finished his explanation with an impressed tone. Soon enough the girls and Kiba where ready to go. in a flash of light, they soon arrived at the gardens, where a now sleeping Issei was located. Kiba said " I am glad I am a frend of him, not an enemy. Rias, I think all of you should go to sleep in the rooms for tonight." "Yes, I agree with him." Said Grayfia, toaching the snot of Issei. "Will he be alright?" asked Asia. "Yes, he will, he is just tiered and will wake up in the morning" said Ddraig. He then said to the girls, "All of you now have dragon energy in you and you all need to to sleep in comfortable beds so the energy can finish the transformation. Once that is done, all of you can sleep with him in the outside. Okay?" All of the girls, walked over and each kissed Issei, then they turned in for the night.

Man, that was long. but hopefully you all like it. hope to have another chapter out after next weekend. again leave comments and tell me what you all think.

heath_nielsencreators' thoughts