
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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2. After the game and First Convertion(R-18)

It was three days since the Rating Game. Unfortunately for Rias and her Peerage, they where not able to get a win during the Rating Game. The Phenex Famliy used the fact that their son almost died at the hands of Issei during a game that was not to the death, then it was only reasonable for Rias to still marry Riser, especially since they are not asking for Issei's head on a silver platter for Riser's almost dying. In the end, the Gremory and even Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias's Brother and head of the Four Great Satan's of the underworld, had to agree to the wedding. They where able to get it pushed back a little so as to prepare the venue for the wedding.

Now, it is the Wedding day. Riser had just left Rias's preproom, leaving her crying and helpless. She wished that Issei was there to confeorte her and tell her she was all right. But acorrding to the family, he was still in a coma and had not waken up yet. Thankfully both Akano and Sona Sitri, Her long time freind and rival, where there to help her. Akano said "if Issei saw you like this, you know he would go and slap that chicken in the face and then take those other girls in his peerage to himself in no time." she chuckled at the tought of Issei was takeing everything that Riser had for himself. She knew he would do it to, which made her a little worried about her self in his eyes. At this time Sona chimed in,"You know, their may be a way for you to still get out of this mess." "What do you mean" Rias asked, wondering what Sona meant by that statiment. But before Sona could say any more about it, one of the maids for the Phenex Family kocked on the door. intering the room, she said" Mrs. Gremory, I am here to take you and your two friends to the ball room now" Although, the young maid moved her head closer to the three and wispered"I am sorry about this, my lady. I wish you luck." As the maid says this she rasises her head and leads them to the ball room.

Issei's Home(Issei Piont of view): Three days before the Wedding.

Issei was still in his coma, but inside his mindscape he and his new dragon Requiem began their long and very informative talk. first getting to know each other and what they liked and disliked, then they move on the Issei's many questions; one of which was why Requiem was in him in the first place and how he activated him. Requiem said" the second question is eazyier to answer, so I will start there. The reason why you got me up was becuase of all the anger and hate you had in your self, furious for failing your friends, and failing to the girls you love. That was why I was awakened and why Ddraig had to leave you and move on to another host. Which I think is the best move in my opinion. That young woman with the {Twilight Healing}; the {Boosted Gear} will defenitly help her in her life. The first question is going to a little bit harder for you to understand, you sure you want to know?"

Issei noded his head up and down, he said "i want to understand what is going on. So please tell me."

"Well, you remeber the Great War between the major factions? Well, I was one of the few dragons who knew that Ddraig's and Albion's figth would have major consequences for the world if they contunued. So With my help, God, the original Four Great Satans, and Azazel divised a plan to stop the fighing, I think you know what that plan was right?" "yes, Ddriag and Albion where defeteaed by those heavyweights and placed in to Sacred Gear, right?" Issei asked. "yes, you are right, for the most part. But there are a few missing peices. One, I was sort of sealed in a gear. Which is why I am inside of you. The second part is that I am what you would called a Dragon God, so i am a higher being than Ddraig and Albion, but i was still too weak at the end of the fighting to defend my self from the original Four Satan, and so they decided to attack me and God Of the Bible. They fatally wounded me and almost got the big guy, but those Four Assholes forgot about Azazel and when he saw his father and me, he lost it and killed them on the spot. Unfortunatly, God was in worrise shape than I was and so as his last act to help the world when he was gone was put as much of his power into me as possible. He then used the last bit, as well as some power from Azazel, he sealed me. The seal is only partially closed, so I only needed small amount of power to awaken me. So that is why i am here"

After he finished, Requiem waited for Issei to prosses all the information he told him. Issei looked into the eye's of his new partner and asked one more question"So if God is gone, why is the world not in chaos?" "Well part of it is the other angles in heaven and the other part is me. Like i said, before being partially seal, God put as much power into me from him, which is why you where able to use Holy Lighting and create Holy water while you are still a Devil." "Well I have had some questions about God due to what happened with Asia, so I am not surprised to learn the turth." Issei said. He then asked" So, if you are a Dragon God, what dose that make me?" "At this piont in time, you are a Devil-Human-Dragon hybrid, but soon you will enter the morphing stagte to turn you into a full Dragon. In fact, you are all ready started the process. The instincts and mannerisms of Dragons are all ready started to fill into your soul, heart, and mind. After that is finished, your Human body will go through a building and stabailization stage so when you are in that form, your power will not hurt others or damage the planet. These will be done by the time you waken from the coma in three days. After that is done, you will have three weeks before your final stage of morphing will happen. At that time you will change from Human to your dragon form and stay in that form for a week to allow your human body heal and get use to your chaging process."

After explaning the process to him, Requiem started to train Issei in his new ability's and powers. Issei also started to learn the laws and right givin to dragons and how dragons act not only between themselves, but the other factions as well. He started to get better in transforming his human body and his dragon form. Issei then learned how to form parts or all of his armor on demand when he dose not want to use his dragon form. Requiem stated to Issei that he will become a guide to Issei, and also help in controling the powers and will still be with him until he is killed in battle or he dose not want to have this power anymore. Issei asked what he meant by that. Requim then said" As part of the deal between myself and God, he said that if the person who awakened me wished to not have the power any more, then I well enter a deep sleep again until I am awaken again."

"I see" Issei said, looking down to the ground. When he lifted his head, his eye had a determined look to them. He then stated to his new partner"I will not leave this world anytime soon, so i am not going to ask you to do that, you good with that?" Requim started to Luagh, fist bumping Issei in return saying" I think this partnership will work very well indead!!!"

Issei"s house: Day of the Wedding.

Issei has finally awakened from his coma three days after the rating game. While his mind was in the best shape it has every been in, his body was still weak from the morphing. It was at that time that Grayfia Lucifuge entered his room. Issei knew she was a member of the Gremeray Family as both a Maid and as a Queen for Sirzechs Lucifer. After the magic circle faded away, Grayfia first bowwed to Issei and then she kneeled to him beside his bed. At first Issei was confused as to why she was acting like this, but when she handed Issei a piece of paper he complety understood why she was. On it was the information for Riser and Rias's wedding and everything eles about that day.

Never mind that his body was still weak from his morphing state after the Rating Game but he was now half dragon and was pissed. Even though he was not a full dragon yet, the pure rage that was emitting from his body could be felt everywhere in Kuoh by every Devil, Fallen Angel and Angel. As he was trying to get his anger under control, Rquiem formed into a gountlet and then started to ask Grayfia two questions, "why is there a wedding going on for Riser and Rias?" Grayfia then explained what happened during his coma and what was finally decided to do. when Issei heard this, the paper burned and his power flared up again, makeing Grayfia bowed her head again. she was ready to die at his hands if he fealt like it, Rquiem then asked the second question, "then why are you here?" "I am here to offer up my life to you, Lord Issei, so when you go to rescue Rias, you spear the lives of her Mother, Father, and brother. You most belive me when I say they did everything in their power to stop this marrige from happening"

Tears started to fall from Grayfia's eye's, knowing that what he did next might just end her life. Instead she heard Issei say something unexpected, "Grayfia, come onto the bed" she did what she was told, then Issei raised his hand; makeing Grayfia jump back a little. But when she looked into his eye's, their was no hate or anger in them, now they helded concern and a hint of saddniess. Nearing closer to his hand, she fealt a caring warmth from his fingers and relaxed herself. As his hand wiped away the tears from her checks and eyes, Issei said, "I know that their would do everying they could for their family, so they don't have to kiss up to me. I am a dragon and can see the truth in your eye's when you told me what is going on." Grayfia calmed down a lot more, she hoped that this meant that she might be able to see them again. But Issei put a hand up, saying " but them sending you to offer you life and not coming to see me or explain themselevs means that I will except you as their punishment." Grayfia was sad when she heard that, but she knew she had to do this.

Start of R-18.

As she started to get off the bed, Issei wrapped his arms around her and turned her head to his. She was suprised, them Issei said "Like i said earlier, I will take you as their punishment. You will become one of my wife's. I am a dragon and I will have many wifies. You will be the first." Before she could say anything, Issei started kissing Grayfia's lips. As they kissed, Grayfia felt warmth all over her, and she felt even more love from Issei. As their tongue's started to dance around each other and move in and out of their mouths, Issei moved one of his hands to her breast's and the other around her waist. Once they seperated to gather their breath's, Issei moved his mouth to her neck. He then kissed her neck; as he kissed her neck, Grayfia felt a small burning sensation with his kiss.

Once he was finished, Issei motioned Grayfia to move to the mirror; which she did. looking at her neck and saw a circile with the head of a dragon in the middle of it. Without knowing, Issei had gotten out of the bed and was wrapping his arm's around both her waist and her breast. Laying his head on her shoulder, he started to say, " I am sorry for doing this to you, My Dear. But I don't kill unless I need to and I don't want anyone to think that just telling some one to offer their life to me or offer anyone else's live to earn brownie pionts with me by doing that. It dose piss me off." he said with a small growl.

Turning to face him, Grayfia gave him a lite kiss on the lips again. After they seperate again, Grayfia said," I know dear, I know. The thing is, I was very sure that I would be dead right now. i felt your anger when your power fleared, i was sure you would have killed me at that very instant. But when i saw your eye's, i knew you would not hurt me. and besides, you are the first person to just treat me as a woman. Most people only treated me as the Queen to Sirzechs Lucifer or the Head of the maids for the House of Gremory; never as a woman. Even in the family, Rias is the only one who treats me as a woman. But you, you don't care about my title. You have shown me that you have a kind heart, but you will defend me or anyone else that you love to the death. your touch was so gental and your kiss was full of love and care that I do not care about it. I will always stay by your side; as a lover or a wife." She then kissed again with Issei, who accseeptied the kiss greatly.

After they finished, Issei asked, "Can you show me your wings?" looking at him puzzled, she did as she was asked. After unbuttoning the top of her maid uniform, Grayfia moved it down to where her wings would come out. then she willed her wings out, But instead of two devil wings, she saw a devil wing and the another wing. as soon as she was going to say something, Issei put a finger to he lips. then "It is when I kissed you while we where on the bed. When I kiss any girl for the first time, I grant them Four gifts or boost if you think about it. it also means that you are now part dragon. These wings, Which I might add are very beautifal, show you as a dragon, and that mark on you neck is my mark, it shows everyone that your my woman. if anyone tryies something to you or anyone eles in my family, they will not know who killed them!" a small flare of his power showed that meant every word of it. "I know dear, I think I like this very much!" she kissed him one more time. "I love you, Grayfia" "Love you too, Issei"

After a few more minutes cuddling and kissing, Issei and Grayfia got ready to crash the wedding. Issei asked" so how we are going to get there? i don't know where it is." "Don't worry, I have a magic circale to help you get there." Grayfia said. takeing out a piece of paper, Issei saw that it had the same markings for transporting people with magic. "I see. I would use this to get close and then kick down the doors, sweeping the girls off their feat, then burn those who try to stop me. right?" "It is not going to be that easy, Issei. You are going to have to fight Riser, or else Rias is still going to be forced to marry him." "Well, I am still pissed. It might do me some good to blow off some steam. I assume that Sirzechs has something in mind?" "Yes, just Turst me when I say you will like it a lot." "Good, I want you to stay here until i call for you. Just me, you enterance will be very beautifal with my magic in you now." "Okay dear, One more kiss?" "Yes" The two kissed one more time before Issei used the paper to get him to the wedding. Requiem then said to Issei; "You ready partner?" "Yes. Also thanks for staying quiet during that. I know you wanted to talk with her." "Yes, but right now we need to save your girls from that Fired Chicken!!!" "Yes" A light appered underneath Issei and then they where gone.

hope you all like the chapter. it was going to have the fight with riser but thought it would be better to do that in a nother chapter. Grayfia is the first to be converted, but will be the second wife do to Rias being Issei Second love after Raynare.

any more ideas or just want to say hi, leave them in the comments bellow

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