
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Day after, Talk with the girls about their dragon Race

Issei woke up the next day without having to be rudely awoken by that Stupid alarm clock that Issei had bought when he was 14 years old.Both Issei had to make a mental note to have that clock removed as the first thing from his room. Requiem nodded agreed with that, having seen the memories and hated the clock because it was very loud and vulgar in its language. Now that the tramsformation was forced into finishing before his body was ready, Issei had to stay in his Requim Dragon God form until his human form was fixed. That also meant that Issei and Requim where now one and the same. Requim will now act as a guide to Issei, and help him in battle. Issei was glade that Requim didn't leave him. As the sun started to warm his scale, he started to move.

Lifting his head, Issei looked around the garden that Sirzech had sent him too; the smells were interesting and exotic. His investigation of the garden stopped when the smell of pure innocence permeated the air, the large head turned smiled toothily at Asia.

"Morning, Asia" He rumbled as he placed his head on the grass so he could see his friend, now wife, better. "What brings you to my humble rented residence?"

She giggled while Ddraig snorted at the poor humor. She smiled as she answered "You, silly, who else would I want to see?"

"I don't know…" Issei said as he counted off "Rias, Koneko, Kiba or Akeno for instance."

"They saw me this morning and I wanted to check on you, you were my first friend and now my husband. I don't want to loss you now!" Asia started tearing up and pressed herself against Issei's head as though he would vanish at any moment.

"I won't be leaving soon, Asia. If I did then I would have Requiem, you, Ddraig and everybody else drag me back from Death's hands. Though I can't promise to not get hurt anytime soon. you, Rias, Grayfia, Akeno, Koneko, and now Ravel are all my wives. I will protect you and our childern. If I didn't, then I wouldn't have you to be able to help heal me with your powers and I couldn't let that happen." Issei said. This comforted Asia as she stopped crying and placed her head with Issei's snot, lay against his scales as the sun started warming them up.

Soon enough, the rest of Issei's girls came outside and went to Issei. All of the girls, where happy to see their husband and mate awake. Expecaly Rias and Akeno, both of who laid down their chests onto Issei's snot. Looking into the eyes of the love, both of the girls could not hold back the tears they had from the day before. Even if they knew he was going to be alright, they still worried that the man they loved was not going to be there in the mornige. if it wasn't for the convertions needing to finished, those two would have stayed outside for sure. it was only the voice of Ddraig and coaxing of Grayfia that made the girls go into the mansion to sleep.

Now that their where there, they could no longer hold back their feelings. Koneko was less emosional; but once she got closer, she run up, giveing Issei a small punch on the neck, and got on top of his head. curling up on top of his head, she started to purr and just feel the warmth from Issei. Issei smilied at this because, out of all the girls who changed, Konoke changed the least. Issei then looked to Grayfia, who was with Asia on his back. Grayfia no longer had the faceless expertion she was know to have before becoming a half dragon, but now she showed a mix of excitiment and saddness. excitiment that Issei was alright and saddness at the fact she almost lost the first person to treat her as a woman.

As they where enjoying the company of Issei, feeling his warmth and love, the girls also wanted to finish asking the questions they wanted to ask yesterday. Issei told them all about the tramsformation from a human-dragon hybrid to a full on Dragon God, His current form, how long it was going to be before his human body was healed and when they would see it again. once Issei wipped the tears off of Rias and Akeno's checks, he asked the girls to show their wings. Since they already knew Grayfia's wings, Rias went first. She turned her back to Issei and the other and put power into her wings. Out came four wings, Two dragon and two devil. They where colored in the same Crimson Red as her hair. also on the tips of each wing, a touch of gold was there, makeing them shine in the moring sun. As she turned back to face Issei, she could see Issei's eyes looking at her with both love and admoration. While he was still in his dragon form, she could still look into his eyes and see his experstions. Rias asked "How do I look?" to her mate and lover. "You look stunning, Rias" Issei said, along with nods from the other girls. Hearing Issei say her name made Rias blush a deep crimson on her cheeks.

Now that Issei and the girls are connected in both mind and body, any complment made by Issei to the girls and vice versa now has a deeper meaning than it nomraly would. This allows all of them to share their ture feelings with each other and help to undstand what they all like and want with each other. Issei chuckled at this as he remebered what Requim had told him about dragons and their lovers. The feelings would be harder for them to contain, exceptionally for the girls. Hearing Issei chuckling, Akeno said "Arra, Arra. What is so funny Issei, dear"

"Nothing, I was just reminding myself about something that Requim talked to me about." "What was that?" asked Asia and Koneko as they where still looking at Rias's wings. Issei then explained; "While many people, as well as those in the super-natural world, view dragons as just beings of power and destruction. We are also beings of great love and passion for those in our families and have a high degree of turst. Like what Ddraig said back in the Phenex ballroom, If someone insulted the mate of a dragon or anyother familiy menber; that person would be hunted down and killied along with anyother beings helping the insulting party. It is why dragons would do their best to behave and tollerate minor fratctions to laws and customs. But one thing that all dragons will kill is if their pride is insulted. that is an attomatice death sentence to the insulting party. This also explains the cute blush that Rias is showing us." As Issei lightly touches Rias's check with a claw, he contuines, "The words I say to you five are allways going to have love and passion in them. I love you all equally and as a result, most of my complments and words of praise will affect all of you. Which I think is very cute and beautiful."

At this piont Requim started to speak, "That is ture, well at least for the time being at least. Soon the affect is going to lessen as your minds and bodies finish the convertion and stabalies the hormons and everything else in your body so you all don't have to worry about it." all of the girls looked back at Issei as the armored glove on his right hand glowed. This is Requim's form when Issei is in ether his dragon god form or human form and allows him the talk to Issei or anyone eles within rang. It is sort of like how Ddraig talks with everyone when Issei, and now Asia, had him within them.

As the girls conntueued to look at Issei Requim connuted his talk," Now that you girls are here, we can contiune the discovery of the Dragon's specices that you have accepted into you now that you all are together with Issei. Grayfia is connected to the Ice Dragon's race. They live in the coldest places on the plante and have great power and contule of both water and Ice. which is not surpieszing since she was all ready a master with Ice combat when she was still a full Devil. Rias is now a Red Eurpean dragon. That means that she has and can create fire on demand with out magic and her Power of Desturction is now stablizied." Rias gasped as she asked,"What dose that mean exactly? I have trained my power but it always got out of contral, exceptionally when i was anger at someone or someting."

Everyone chuckled at the pout Rias had after she was finished as Requim explainded further, "It means Rias, that you won't loss contral of you power any more. Even if you are raging at Issei for someting stupid that he did" "Hey!!!! You do relise that you are inside me right??? do you really want her to kill us??" Issei said with a worried look in his eyes. He has seen her power before and knows what it can do to a person or a devil and he did not want to be on the resiving end of it. Even if he was a dragon god. Ddraig was laughting at Issei hysterically, after claming down a bit Ddraig said to his former partner, "Issei, when are you going to realise that you are a Dragon God??? Even if Rias, or any of the other girls for the matter, Trained ever single day and had full mastery of their powers. They would not be able to fully hurt you. you do not have to worry your head. Besides, I don't think the girls will ever get that angry with you." Issei looked down and simply said, "Sorry, I forgot." After that all the girls started to pet his head in a affert to confort him. This made Issei blush as well as the girls.

After that little distraction ended, Requim finished his expliantion," Your Power of Desturction is still weaker than your Brother's; but with enought training and keep on using it, you will be able to surpass your brother within two to three years." Rias was shocked; She knew she had inerte talent for the family's Power of Desturction, but thought it would be a very long time before she would be able to fight her brother on equale ground. To hear that she could surpass her brother in such a short time was really surpising to her. Issei was also surpised, saying to himself 'wow'.

It was at this time that both Kiba and Sirzechs arrived into the garden. Kiba gave a knod to the group and pulled up a chair to sit with everyone else. Kiba then said, "Rias, are those you dragon wigns?" "Yes, they are" Rias said to her knight. Kiba then asked Issei, "Is that what happens after you kissed them yesterday?" "Yes, It will help them grow stronger and help with controling me." Issei said, the last part with a hint of happniess that made the girls blush crisom red.

Sirzechs, on the other hand, was surpised and shocked too see the wings on Rias's back. Rushing over to her, Sirzechs was about to start to ask Rias about her wings and many other questions. That was, until he heard the lite growl from Issei, who then said" Calm down man, you don't have to worrie about her. The changes are all apart of her becoming a half devil-dragon. there is nothing worng with her."

Sirzechs sighs in relife, saying " Oh, I see. Sorry for freckying out. I just worry for my sister, more than what she wants me to." "You don't have to worry, Brother!" Rias said to her older bother. Still looking at Issei, she continued to talk to her brother. "I am not a child anymore, so i can take care of myself. and if I am in trouble or need help, I am sure Issei and ther other girls will move mountains to help. Just like I would do for them." She said with fire in her eye's. Issei rubbed her check after she was done and said" You will not have to worry, if anyone tries shit with you or the girls, I will make them pay!" All of the girls nodded, knowing that Issei would do anything for them.

Sirzechs took a seat next to Kiba and said, "Sorry, Sis. Guess I am going to have to change old habits." Issei, look to Sirzechs with a toothy smile, said "Don't worry. You will get use to it soon. So, Asia, Akeno and Koneko, it is time to see you wings." At first, Akeno and Koneko looked at each other, Nervisly. Then they both looked to Asia. Asia understood, Moving to the front of the group and brought out her Wings. As both her devil and dragon wings came out, everyone was shocked at the colorizationof them; a beautiful mixture of Emerald Green and Crimson Red.

Both Issei and the girls where wondering why her wings where this color. Requim started to think very deeply, Trying to figure out why her wings where like that. Then it hit him like a truck, calling for Ddraig to form on to her hands. Before Requim could say anything, Ddraig said" Yes Requim, she is a descendant of a Fairy Dragon. That and the fact that she has me as part of her soul now explains the coloring of her wings." Issei was very shocked and happy for Asia. From the information that he had gained from Requim, Issei knew that Fairy Dragon's where kind, loveing dragons that had some of the best healing powers out of all the supernatural being in the world. Unforcantily, they where one of the first dragon race to go allmost exticte, expacally after the sealing of Ddraig and Albion into their sacred gears.

As the girls where looking at Asia wings and complamenting their colors, Rias asked Issei, "Dose that mean that Asia had dragons in her family?" Issei nodded his head, saying" yes. Although it most have been a long time ago. more than likely a great-great-great-grandpartnet of hers was a powerful Fairy Dragon who could change into a human form. That would explain why she would have the bloodline; becuase after the massescure of the three factions during the war by Ddraig and Albion, many of the factions went after all of the dragons. Killing them so that another tregity like what Ddraig and Albion did during the war whouldn't happen again. Since most Fairy dragons where not fighters, but healrers, they where on of the first to almost disapeer from the world. The last few where only saved when Tannin, the Strongest of the Dragon Kings, gave up being a dragon and a allowed the Devil, Mephisto Pheles, to reincarnet him into a devil." The group all had sallom faces after hearing the story Issei just told. Asia had a few tears falling along her check, now knowing that she is now one of the few last dragons like her in the world. Issei saw this and brought all of the girls closer to him.

Issei than said to Asia" I am sorry my dear. but there is a upside to this story. while they are few in number, they are also a tight nite community. If any of them meet you, they may be able to tell us who in your family as the dragon. Hell we might even meet the ansestor who gave you this power." This brought a smile to her face as Asia said" That would be great if it happens. Even if they are no longer alive, to know who I came form would make me very happy." A single tear fell onto Issei's scale as Asia barryied her head into Issei neck, happy to be with her mate and being with her new family.

It was at this piont that Issei used his ability to speak with Sirzechs telepctily, saying to him"I think you know that if this information get out, Asia will become the most wanted person in the world. Not only dose she Have twilight Healing and Ddraig, but also a very powerful healing dragon to boot. I hope you know to keep this quiet, at least for the time being. while i can fight ever thing that comes, i want them to have as much of a regular life as possibel. Do you understand?" "Yes, I know. I will make sure no one will speak of this until you are ready. You have my word." Sirzechs said with a bow, showing Issei that he could turst him.

After the girls and Issei calmed back down again, Akeno and Koneko where the last two to show their new wings. They both where very nervise and it showed with them both faceing the ground. Issei saw them and sat up. now sitting cross leged, Issei Placed his hands to the ground for both girls to get on. After they got on, Issei brought them to meet his eyes. As the two looked into Issei's eyes, seeing and feeling the love and care for them, they did not notice that Issei was moving his hands away from them. This caused both girls wings to come out automatically, shocking the girls as they did not want Issei to trick them into useing them.

Issei laid back down as the two glided back to the ground, with glearing anger in their eyes to their mate. Once they got back down, they stomped over to Issei, with Akeno perparring her lighting and Koneko her fist. Before they could do anything to him, Issei smiled and said" I am soory for tricking you too. I was only helping in getting you two to open up about you trobles. I may have been a dense person before I became a dragon god, but now that I am one means that I know that you two have some back storyies that have caused you pain and suffereing. Now that we are connected both in body and soul, you need to open up so i can help you heal. I don't like keeping secrets from you all and I don't want you all to keep secerts from me too... I love you both and what ever you two say will not change that." Issei said, with the last part having some of his aruar surround them to help calm them down. the effect worked as both became teary-eyed and started to cry, flopping onto issei has he held them with his hand, creassing them to help ease the pain that they where going though.

At this time, Rias moved to Koneko and raped her arms around her. She asked her it she wanted Issei to know about her past, to which Koneko said yes. After wiping a tear in her eye, Rias started to tell Koneko's story;" Several years ago Koneko and her older sister, who's name is Kuroka, where born into a loveing family with a human father and a Nekomata mother named Fujimai. They where a happy family and lived a modest life in the human realme for several years. Unforgenctly, those happy year where not to last as one day, Someone killed both parents while the two where playing."

Rias had to stop, as she was a little emtional in retelling her rooks story. Issei helped her by spreading his aura onto Rias, who looked back at Issei with a small thank you leaving her lips. She then continued, "After their parents died, the two had to live out on the streets. Kuroka did everything she could to feed both herself and her younger sister; takeing odd jobs, stealling, and escorting men for enough money to have a meal. Then one day, A Devil from the branch family of the House of Naberius found the two and offered Kuroka a deal. If she accepted and became a devil, then both she and Koneko would be able to live in the underworld and live a peaceful and good life. She took the deal and was reincarnated as the Devil's Bishop using up two Evil Pieces."

Again, Rias had to stop and take another deep breath. She looked at Issei again as she continued, "Soon enough, Kuroka became a master in her Senjutsu and Youjutsu powers and with the power of the two Bishop pieces, she became even more powerful. Then, a few years ago, Kuroka became a stray devil; she had killed not just her master, but also his wife and left Koneko behind. We still do not know the reason why she killed them, but many believe she killed them just because of her power became to much for her and she became drunk on it. That is why my brother brought Koneko to me, in order to save her life from those who wanted to kill her for the death of the master."

Rias finally finished, more tears comeing down her face as she too fell to Issei body and crying into her lover shoulder as both Koneko and Akeno where still on his chest. As the other girls hugged and help calm down the others, Issei was deep in thought. From all of the Information Requim had given him about the supernatual world, he knew that Nekoshou's would not lose control of their powers and kill people for no other reason. After a few more minutes of internal thinking with Requim about Kuroka and what could have happened that day, Issei asked Koneko a question. "My dear Kitten, do you really believe that your sister would have killed them just becuase she lost control of her power?" "I don't know, I think she would not have killed them just becuase of her power takeing over her. But I really miss her. I want her to meet you and to be in my live again." she said as she looked into Issei's eye's.

Seeing her determination to find and have Kuroka in her life again, Issei made his decision. Issei moved his head and looked at Sirzechs. Issei asked" I assume that Kuroka is on a watch list correct?" Sirzechs said "yes, she is still on it along with being brought in died or alive, which i might add was the decision of the council, not me." Issei nodded in understaning, the Devil council was made up of the 72 most powerful house's in the underworld. while the Four great satains had a major amount of power in devil society, they cann't do everthing and it is the council that make up the laws of the devils and pass judegment on those who break the laws.

Issei then said, "Sirzechs, i want her to be removed from that list at the next meetting. not only that, I want you to personally tell her that she is welcomed into Kuoh Town unapossed and welcomed by Me, Issei Hyoudou the Dragon God Of Requim, and she will be allowed to tell her story to me. I will find the Turth as to what happened that day and if I am right, I want her charges dropped and a new investigation. Do I Make Myself Clear?" Finishing with a very big release of his power, Sirzechs knew he could not say no. Bowing His head, Sirzechs said, "As you wish, my lord. I will make the arrgments now, excuse me." After giving a quick hug to his sister, Sirzechs left to go get the meeting set up.

Koneko, fell to her keens with tears of joy falling from her face. Looking to Issei she said, "Thank you, i thought i would never see her again. I am sorry you have to see me like this." Issei smiled, picking her up and placing her on his snot so she can see into his eyes. Koneko asked, "Will you make her a mate like us?" "That is a possibility, so long as she would like to. I will never force any one to become my mate. If she does not wish to be one, then i will not push it. I will offer her to live with us for the rest of her life if she so desires." Issei said, which made her very happy to hear.

As Koneko currled up on his snot, Issei looked to Akeno. She too Knew that she would also have to tell her story. She looked into his eyes as she told her story. As she told it, Issei was becoming very upset. haveing been born a half fallen made both her mother and her get kicked out of the family her mother belonged to. Then, that said family put a hit out for her and her mother to be killed only becuase her father was a fallen angle; which was a shitty reason in the first place. Akeno placed her hand out onto his chest as she told him, "Not all of them are bad, it is just the heads of the family that treated us badly. I have a few cousins that treated us kindly and helped us escape from their area of control. I hope that your anger it not directed to those who helped us." she said the last part with some hint of regret.

Issei, rubbing her cheek with one of his claws, said, "No, my dear. When we are able to, i will let you piont out those who harmed you and we will take care of them. You have my word. I do not care if they have gods on their sides or not. I will make them pay." "I know you will, my mate. I know." Akeno said as she rumbed her cheek along his. Issei finally told the two about that their powers would be; with Koneko's white and black wings meaning she could use both Senjutsu and Youjutsu just like her sister. As well as some more power added by the holy elements that Issei has give to all of the girls. Akeno wings where a very deep and beautiful Purple with gold accents going up to the tips. This meant that she to had a boost to the holy magic she could already could wield being a desendent of a fallen angle. This also allowed her Sadist side to be easier to be controlled.

As the girls all where looking at each others wings and comtamplting each other about their wings, Issei enjoyed their company. Soon the girls and Kiba went back into the mansion as Issei had felt the arrive of Lady Phenex and Ravel arrive. Knowing that part of the conservation was going to be private, they felt to eat lunch with Grayfia telling the girls they would learn to cook some of Issei favorite foods, which she learn when they kissed each other before recusing Rias.

As he watch the girls go, he prepaered for his meetting with the Phenex girls.

Sorry it took so long to post this chapter I had a major writter block and it took a while to get thourgh it. Thank you for staying with it and hope you like this long chapter. Sincerely,


heath_nielsencreators' thoughts