
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Naming Ceremony (3)........

Moving on to the next set of twins looking about six years old. Just like the last time he started with the one on his left. This was the boy who had skin that was akin to the swirls of a dark nebula in the center of the void, or a starry night sky. 

Looking into these orbs of pure burning light, Kean's eyes were quite unaffected by the power they radiated. he parsed deeper into the psyche of the boy to see what made him who he was.

Looking into them one would be able to see the swirls of colors, moving at speeds inconceivable for anyone but him.

That is why most times, people would think that the child's eyes were just burning light yet that was just the product of these colors moving at these speeds.

And while the boy and his twin sister looked quite mysterious and a stuff out of the legends, Kean could tell that this was just a mutation.

A mutation that likely happened while they were still in the womb of their mother. As for what that mutation was, he had an idea, but he was not quite sure of it yet, but if the ceremony was to be conducted well then, he would be able to find out the cause of this.

Gazing into the boy's eyes, one would get a feeling of gazing at a force of nature, in fact his whole being screamed that same feeling causing people to feel an innate sense of inferiority.

Which was true, but how true it was and which nature it was, he would find out soon enough.

Leaving that aside he was able to see a deep-rooted arrogance. Arrogance that was not developed on his own, but one he was born with, almost like as if he was meant to have it.

Deeper than that though he could see that while this arrogance was immense, it was just his most primitive and basic thought, almost like an instinctive reaction he had. 

As for his darker and more profound thoughts, he saw a sanguine sadism. One who sought to relish in the inferiority of others, when they came to realize that he was a station far above them in every way possible and would never hope to be like him even if they ground all their bones and hung all their guts.

While others would find this character of his too much and would claim that he had no right, to see others as beneath him, Kean seemed to be especially interested in this side of the boy.

Before the boy knew it, he had fallen asleep, but a voice sounded out in his head, 'You interest me child...the pedestal you place yourself upon will cause you more pain than you can imagine, but if not for this reason, then, what right would have had to be my chosen Herald. For your pride and arrogance ill bestow upon you two names. But be warned child, this has just increased the burned you will bear in the time to come."

" But I have great expectation of you, 'child of the Void'. 'Keeper of the stars', don't let me down.'

" And so let it be known that form this moment onwards your name is 'Vesper Dusk ', 'Vesper Dusk Ere-bane Khan', Your will shall signify the descent of the Deep Dark."

" And with its claret you are now bound to the Legacies of the ' Void Pantheon' and the 'Eluding Star'. Bend them to your will and the glory of the Ere-bane name is yours to uphold."


Moving onto the girl whose skin emitted light and all colors seen and unseen.

Looking into her Swirling dark Nebula eyes, he saw, inevitability. 

Unlike the arrogance of her twin, her disposition spoke of being undefiled, her word was law

Her will would be inevitable, when she spoke everything would follow.

She did not feel fear for there was none in her being, she did not feel pride for she had conquered all. 

She did not need hate, for all her enemies would die. 

She did not need love for her loyalty was all she was. Nothing would change.

"Little one your name shall be 'Aurora', 'Aurora Ere-bane Khan'. Your inevitability has won over the Deep Dark, with its claret flowing through you. Inevitability is but a choice."

" The Legacies of the 'Hallowed Mistress' and the ' Endearing Sky' have been bound to you. Conquering their might is just but a matter for you and so you will be given the honor of being the Emissary of the Deep Dark. Spread its Embrace little one'

Kyrios carried them off to sleep next to the others. And just like those before them, their bodies begun to change while their spirits they had arrived inside the comforting darkness where they embraced each other.

Of the thirteen only seven remained.

And while he did not show it, he was really exhausted, going through all these events on the same day in succession had taken a toll on him.

For better or worse, he had not yet fully integrated with the Light of Creation, and this was causing him no end of the troubles he had to face. His body was almost at the point of breaking down. 

All the knowledge he carried and his state of being as an Eldritch child were coming back to bite him.

How his body has been able to support his existence after all these years was a wonder, but it seemed that his time was finally up, cheating Existence was not a matter to Laugh about.

Luckily for him, he was close to finishing the first segment of his plans before he fully embarks on the Second rebirth he so dearly needed.

While the first was okay and managed to land him with a powerful body with a lot of future potential. He had miscalculated. And so, he had to make some improvements for the second one otherwise everything would be for nought

Constant connection with the Deep Dark was killing him, well his physical body at least.

And using that Forbidden Tongue was just worsening his situation but he had no choice but to carry on. He had to speed up things or he would have to repeat his infiltration into Creation all over again and god knows that was difficult almost bordering on the hinges of impossibility for him who did not have an ounce of his father's might.

Nex up were the eight-year-olds, like the others, they came before him and stood at his left and at his right. Like the ones before them, they were also a boy and a girl. 

The boy stood to his left while the girl stood to his right.

He observed the boy's eyes, they had a glassy orange-gold sclera with a moon blue-silver iris and an abyssal black pupil.

In these eyes he could see an eruptive nature of a raging volcano, but hidden underneath that eruptive nature, he could see the calm of an ocean breeze that though docile could turn into a raging tempest.

From now on your name shall be Sol Tempest', Sol Tempest Ere-bane Khan. The Corrupted Sun of the Abyss and the unholy tempest of the Deep Dark"

"To your being the Legacies of the 'Abyssal Gale' and the 'Honored Light' have been bound. Conquer their might and the Ere-bane name shall be your Light."

Moving on to the boy's sister on his right, he gazed at her Moon blue-silver sclera adorned by glassy orange-gold irises with an abyssal black pupil. From these eyes he saw the aloof serenity of the moon, but deep within he could see the rage of a calamitous sea storm and the fury of Heavenly lightning.

"I bestow upon you the name, 'Luna Zephyr'. 'Luna Zephyr Ere-bane Khan', the Sovereign Moon of the Deep Dark and the raging storm of its ichor.'

" Bound to your being are the Legacies of the 'Jaded Moon' and the ' Calamitous Sea'. Conquer their might and like a Celestial Moon, the Ere-bane name shall shine with your Luster'

' Finally, down to the last two sets." Kean thought to himself. 

Time withers with the Memories of a Forgotten Past, its Echoes reach out to us, but our hearts are made of Ice and Thaw.

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