
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Naming Ceremony(2).....

While the boys slumbered, they were not privy to the changes taking place in their very bodies. Once the feather had entered through their foreheads. it reached in their immature subconsciousness where it divided itself into two. These two-pieces looked to be the same in every single way, but they were wholly different. 

One was physical while the other was metaphysical. The physical copy of the feather melted down until it was in the form of a black gold molten liquid metal that seemed to have a life of its own.

Moving along the veins that drained blood from the brain, this liquid moved like a flowing stream that seemed to have no end. With adept speed, it moved until it reached the heart chambers of their hearts. it circulated twice through the heart. And as it did so, the molten liquid gained runes. Each rune was different from one another, but they all had a common color for each of them. 

For Lucien, his runes were colored in purple-gold looking quite heavenly while those for Draven were crimson-black looking quite demonic and ominous. Upon the second rotation the whole stream of molten metal had gained these seemingly mystical runes, and as they circulated throughout their hearts, the heart chambers were seared quite forcefully with the same runes.

Once this was done, the molten liquid moved along the blood vessels as they hunted for the position of the spinal cord, but not before they had circulated throughout the whole body, leaving it all seared and churred with the runes they carried. And possibly this is what had caused the burning pain they had felt. 

After the molten liquid was done going through the whole body, it finally settled upon their spines. Wasting no time, it started devouring their spines from the outside to the inside until it had seeped throughout the bone marrow erasing any semblance of what had been there in the first place.

Gone with the old jade grey skeleton structure that supported their body, now present, was a framework made of black gold living metal. With continuous flashing of colored runes in and on the surface the bones. But the change was not done yet for in the next moment a framework for the skeleton of a pair of wings was laid down. 

While it seemed that changing their whole bone structure was an amazing change, it was not really that impressive, it was more like creating a foundation strong enough to bear the sheer weight and power of their wings. For in them, the Legacies they had gained from their own Lineages in their body and the ones they had received from gaining their names from Kean, would sit. The wings that would grow would carry their Legacies from this moment onwards.

But it seemed that Kean was not aware of what was transpiring in their bodies, no, he could see the whole process happen. But he just thought that the whole thing was just a side effect of gaining a Legacy. And he would not know why until sometime later into the future.

As for what happened with the metaphysical feather, he was not quite sure. All he had on him was the assumption that just as it had transformed their physical bodies' then it too, would likely deal with their souls. 

But he did not have the time to care about this situation for he had to finish the Naming. He had been getting a feeling of urgency. a rush to quicken his pace. and he was not about to ignore his instincts for just a little curiosity. But perhaps it was the connection that formed within him the moment the fusion was completed. 

Any insecurities he had could be investigated later, when he was done. The treasure worked just liked his Father had said, well as the memories' that been had implanted in him said, they said it would work and it did.

Moving on to the next set, they now seemed to have understood that he would be starting with the youngest up to the oldest, so they all knew what was required of them. 

A pair of a boy and girl moved next to Kean in silence awaiting his commands. The girl stood to his right while the boy stood to the left. Them being the second youngest children here did not seem to faze them one bit, they were just as quirky as they came. 

Repeating what he did the previous times, Kean looked into their eyes, starting with the boy on his left.

The reason he looked into their eyes was to ascertain their likely true nature on varied circumstances that only he knew. He sought to understand their very essence so that they could resonate with the most fitting name for them. 

After all names held power, that's why he had refused them to name themselves or anyone to do so for that matter.

Looking into the boy's black gold irises with enigmatic white-green pupil, he could see the will to devour, the will to destroy, all life, all meaning everything, he wished to erase all that exists, but underneath that devouring, he could see the will to create anew from his destruction, it was almost like a light at the end of a dark haunting tunnel. 

Kean was quite amused at this sight. He thought to himself, 'To hold destruction as a blade and yet wish to create life from the bones ground beneath your blade, to create vitality from the rivers of ichor devoured and gone'

To say he was amused was an understatement, he felt the need to discover the source of this amusement and so he parsed deeper into the boys' eyes, and he found his answer.

"Hahaha...what a superb will you have young one, your determination wets my pallet young one. be careful, for monsters such as me are not always this kind. Had been another, you would not see how your life ends."

"But I'll grunt you the opportunity to war against your fate, though considering things, I don't think you need it. But for the simple act of entertaining me, I'll grant you an unfair advantage. "

"You name shall be 'Kieran,' 'Kieran Ere-bane Khan', one who sought to devour the Deep Dark. As for your gift, wait for your new life. Hehe...surely it will be interesting."

 (If you had not noticed, this boy was the one who had thrown the fork at Kyrios in the beginning.)

"With the Ichor of the Deep Dark, you have gained its token. With it, you have now been bound to the Legacies of the 'Devouring Feind' and the 'Seal of Light' conquer their might and the weight of the Ere-bane names is yours."

Moving onto the girl, he looked into her eyes as the boy had fallen long into slumber before she had even noticed.

Looking into her white-green irises with that black gold pupils, he saw a soothing will to nurture, to heal to build. But what he saw deep within interested him more. He saw her disturbing nature "Hahaha wonderful.... wonderful"

A name came to him at that moment, 

"Your name shall be Eris, Eris Ere-bane Khan. One who sought to nurture the Deep Dark. You are now bound to the Legacies' of 'Abyssal Nature' and 'Celestial Nurture', The visage of a Queen does not fit your countenance. But Soveriegns will come from your womb. A hard life young one, but under my reign you will know joy"

Kean caressed her cheek, lamenting her future. But with his touch, her slumbering spirit was strengthened, no amount of suffering would break her, this he vowed.

Kyrios moved the slumbering children to lie next to their sleeping brother's and what the children before had gone through they too went through it. Their bones were remolded and a base for wings was formed. Like their brothers before them, they too found themselves slumbering next to each other in the comfortable darkness they knew nothing about. 

But they were content, they will fight in the new life to come, and their will shall shine with majesty. No one shall block their path for as long as they had each other.