
Chapter 13 - Life of Taking Care a Baby Part 2

The 4 of us sit down around a giant rock I decided to use as a table with each of them holding a broken coconut cup filled with squashed berry juice mixed with honey. I anxiously look at the others before sighing.

"Guys...we can all agree in one thing..." I started as they all raise their heads. "We all are sucks as a father."

The 4 of us sigh as a sign of agreement. We all drink the juice and place the cup on the table at the same time.

"How....how did we messed up so badly!?" Anguirus exclaimed in disbelief.

"I did what I do logically, yet I messed up!" Rodan said while holding his head anxiously.

"I raised Mothra since we hatched.....yet I failed...." Oof, Battra looks like he took it the hardest as he lied his head on the stone motionlessly.

"Maybe because Mothra was more mature and you did bare minimum of raising her?" I jabbed at Battra, who glares at me.

"Well, how about you!? Anguirus must've also suffer from an incompetent brother raising him till adulthood!" Battra exclaimed in anger.

"I last for 6 days, which is 5 days longer." I stated with smug tone as Battra turns red in anger before chugging down more berry juice.

"I think raising one titan at a time wom't work." We all look at Anguirus who was deep in thought. "Perhaps, we can try a new approach? Instead of passing the jobs to other, we can do it together?"

"What!? You suggest I work with this simpleton!? Absolutely not! And that isn't my hatchling anyways!" Battra exclaimed.

"Well, Mothra seems to fond of the hatchling." Anguirus stated.

"I'll shall prepare Battra Jr as presentable as possible before he could visit my dear sister!" I did double-take from Battra's complete 180 before shaking my head and growls.

"We all agree the hatchling's name is Baragon." I growls in anger.

"Bah! What kind of name is even Baragon!? It sounds like you pull it out of your behind!" Battra scowled.

"This coming from a guy suggesting Battra Jr?! He doesn't even look like your ugly mug! He even has a superior horn!" I stated as Battra steamed in anger.

"How dare you!? My horn is a top quality and a perfect conductor for the Radiation to flow, something you don't even have!" Battra growled.

"What's the point of a horn if it brokes so easily and needs a honey to attach it back!?" I growls in annoyance.

"Why you-!" I was held back by Anguirus while Rodan hold back Battra.

"Jira, calm down! What's wrong with you? You never been so angry before!?" I blink before shaking my head, snapping myself out of my sudden rage.

"S-sorry. Thanks for snapping me out of it." I said as Anguirus looks concern.

"You okay?" I tried so hard to ignore the fight behind me.

"Yeah....been getting angry easily since I stay awake for few days." I mutter while rubbing my head.

"You think you need to see if something's wrong?" Anguirus asked.

"How? No one in the Monster Island is a therapist!" I exclaimed while moving my arms wildly.

"Therapist?" Anguirus asked in confusion.

"It's what I call someone who can help to understand what's wrong with my feelings." I explained.

"You sure have weird words for everything." I shrugged. I don't blame him thinking its weird. I don't even know where the word therapist came from and simply think its normal.

"So....about my suggestions...." I looks at Anguirus.

"Yeah, it's a good idea. I just....." I sweatdrop before looking at Battra continues to swat Rodan while said fire bird shots flamethrower at Battra. ".....don't trust any of them."

"Understandable." I blink at Anguirus' first time deadpan at someone before snort. He looks like that one animators from Youtube making a cute Godzilla animation video. What was the title of the video again? Anguirus' Vacation?

"Oh my!" I look up and sigh in relief to see Mothra flying down. "Is something wrong? And why is Rodan fighting with my brother?"

"It's a long story." I said.

"Nope. We discuss on how are we going to raise Baragon, some disagreement happens, Jira almost fight with Battra, but he ended up fighting with Rodan." I stare at Anguirus in betrayal. Why, just why?

"Goji...." Mothra stare at me disapprovingly.

"Don't look at me that way.....he was about to name Baragon Battra Jr." I mutter in annoyance.

"...Let me handle this...." I blink as Mothra crawls away and towards Battra and Rodan. I widen my eyes in horror and immediately covers Anguirus' eyes. He was confused and try to peak but immediately regrets it and covers his eyes with my claws.

"Now that's over, where's the baby?" Mothra crawls back and ask me sweetly. I shakily points at where Baragon is sleeping and she happily crawls towards that direction.

I look back and winced at their current condition. They look like someone got beaten up in some sort of gag manga, with their limbs stretch and tied up like a rope into a ribbon, bruises and bloody wounds that should've killed them but didn't.

I am wondering how is she going to handle Baragon and it's baby attitudes. I turn back towards where Mothra and jaw dropped. I felt Anguirus poking and shaking me before he stops doing it.

Baragon, the baby that gives up shit tons of troubles to us boys, listen to Mothra obidiently like a good boy. Mothra giggles at Baragon's antics and even tickles him.

"Aww, who's a good hatchling? Who's a good hatchling? You are. You are." Mothra tickles Baragon and he starts giggling like a baby. I rubs my eyes and try to see it again, which shows the same results.

"Wow.....as expected as my sister." I yelped as Battra frees himself and crawl right next to me with broken body.

"H-how....? Are we that bad....?" Rodan whimpered. I simply pat his back in sympathy.

"Oh Gaia...." Anguirus mutters in disbelief. Then, an unthinkable happens. Baragon stares at us before sticking his tongue out on us. An unimaginable amount of rage build up from inside my body and from hwo shaking they all are, they felt the same.

".....We agree to made the baby experience misery?" I whisper at them.

"Yes...." They all said in unison. This is the start of us boys join forces out of spite.

To be continued